Cleburne B a s k e t b a l l C a m p M a i l i n g

A d d r e s s a n d C o n t a c t I n f o

Cleburne High School

1501 Harlin Dr.

Cleburne, TX 76033

Make Checks Payable to:

Cleburne Boys Basketball Camp

If you have any questions or need more information about the Cleburne Boys Basketball Camp you can contact …

Greg Funderburk (817)578-4895 or


2014 Cleburne
Yellow Jackets Boys Date: June 23rd - 26th
Basketball Camp Location: C.H.S. (Jeff Cody Gymnasium)
Time: 8:30am-12:30pm
Welcome to the 2014 Yellow Jackets
Boys Basketball camp. We are excited Cost: $75.00
that you have chosen to be a part of Registration Dates: May 12th-June what our camp has to offer. 13th (campers can register onsite for an Our camp is designed to teach and additional $5.00 late registration fee)
develop valu-
able fundamental Ages: 7-14(Camp is not intended for youth with
skills such as at least 1 year of high school completion)
shooting, passing,
Check-in is from 8:30-9:00.
ball handling and
defensive skills Campers should bring a sack lunch.
needed to excel on
the basketball
court. Campers will participate in
individual contests, station break-
Campers will receive a free camp t-shirt.
downs and games of 3 on 3 up to 5 on 5
contests. We implement these contests Campers should come dressed in athletic wear.
to develop in our campers good sports-
manship, teamwork and how to compete in Application along with payment can be mailed.
in. (Mailing info on back of brochure)
a manner that is positive and respect-
ful towards their peers. A confirmation will be sent on all payments received by mail.
We look forward to providing your
child with the ultimate experience of Cash, Personal Check or Money Orders will be what the Yellow Jackets Basketball accepted. (Payment info on back of brochure) Camp has to offer. NO REFUND will be made within 48 hours of
the start of camp. / CAMP APPLICATION
Camper’s Name
City State
Zip Phone
Age Grade/Fall2014
T-Shirt Size
Medical Release: We, as par- ents/guardians of the above named camper, grant permission for him to participate in the 2014 Cleburne H.S. boys basketball camp. We acknowledge that he is physi- cally able to participate in camp activities. We release the Cleburne basketball camp
and its counselors as well as Cleburne I.S.D. from all claims for injuries sustained during camp activities. We authorize the director or camp counselors to select facili- ties/physician and authorize treatment in the event of an emergency.
Emergency Contact Info:
Relationship to Camper