Year 5 Overview 2017

This is the core curriculum. Provision is made for extension, remediation and EAL/D.

Stage 3 Supervisor: Mrs Rebecca Roche

Year 5 Teachers: Mrs Margaret Hately (6/5H), Miss Laila McKenzie (5L), Mrs Alice Momdjian (5M), Ms Natalie Taylor (5T), Mr Troy Wurth (6/5W), Mai Takamura Sensei (Japanese Bilingual teacher) and Mayumi Takei Sensei (Japanese Bilingual Teacher)


·  Where applicable, Reading, Writing, Talking and Listening will be linked to History, Geography and Science units. Reading resources will include school magazines, class novels and other texts at appropriate levels.

·  ‘Sound Waves 5’ will be used to supplement spelling, language and grammar activities.

·  The focus on handwriting will be on producing text in a fluent cursive and legible style. Students will write in cursive using the NSW Foundation Style using a blue or black biro.


The strands of Mathematics included in the Stage 3 curriculum are: Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. Working Mathematically strategies will be explicitly taught throughout the year using Mathletics, APSMO Maths Games and Maths Olympiad.

Maths Plus Mentals 5’ textbook will be used to consolidate concepts and to supplement teaching and learning programs.


The units of work to be studied in HSIE are:

Semester 1: Geography – A Diverse and Connected World

Semester 2: History – Australia as a Nation

The units of work to be studied in Science are:

Semester 1: Earth’s Place in Space and Desert Survivors

Semester 2: Light Shows and Change Detectives


Physical Education: This consists of weekly lessons in gymnastics and track and field, provided by Sportspro.


Summer – During Terms 1 and 4, sport will be in the form of a team games competition for the grade held on Friday mornings either at Murray Farm Oval or at school.

Winter – During Terms 2 and 3, Years 5 and 6 (Stage 3) will combine on Friday afternoons for a team games competition at school or at Murray Farm Oval, while school representative teams compete in district PSSA competitions. The winter competition will begin at the end of Term 1.

Personal Development and Health:

Students will study:

Ø  Anti-bullying (Term 1)

Ø  Drug Education (Term 2)

Ø  Child Protection (Term 3)

Ø  Safety (Term 4)


Stage 3 will participate in weekly creative activities including singing, percussion, music appreciation, dance, drama, and/or choir.


Assessment of student progress is ongoing and measured using various strategies including:

·  Observations of student’s work and approach to learning

·  Spelling/dictation tests

·  Grade testing

Student progress is communicated through:

·  Mid-year interviews

·  Semester 1 and 2 written reports

·  Parent/teacher meetings, if required


It is expected that students will complete homework on a weekly basis as per the guidelines from the DoE. The organisation of homework will vary according to class and/or individual needs.


Stage 3 Expectations: Students in Years 5 and 6 will be expected to follow the school expectations – RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY and PERSONAL BEST – both in and out of the classroom. The school Executive monitors student behaviour.

Absentee notes: It is a DoE requirement that parents/caregivers notify the school (written letter, email or phone call) if their child is absent from class, for any length of time. Application for extended leave must be made to the Principal prior to the absence. All leave will be included in your child’s DoE record of school attendance.

Late notes: If your child arrives late to school, it is necessary to report with him/her to the front office, where the parent or guardian is required to sign a late note which will be handed to the classroom teacher.


9th, 10th and 11th May

University of NSW Competitions (ICAS: International Competitions & Assessments for Schools)

An expression of interest note will be sent home regarding student participation in the UNSW competitions. This year, we will be holding these competitions before school hours. Children will need to be at school by 7:45am on the competition days.

Spelling Competition: Wednesday 14th June

English Competition: Tuesday 1st August

Mathematics Competition: Tuesday 15th August

Year 5 Camp: Students will be attending camp at Kincumber South (Central Coast) at The Great Aussie Bush Camp from Wednesday 29th March – Friday 31st March

Digi-Ed: Monday 7th August The Digital Animation Workshop allows students to story board, animate, edit and burn their movie onto a DVD. Students develop their narrative writing skills, explore ICT and utilise their creative sides.


If you would like to see me about any concerns you may have with your child, please feel free to send

a note to school with your child or contact me by email to make an appointment.

Mr Andrew Armitage, Deputy Principal, can be contacted through the school office – 9871 5952.

Things to remember on the class timetable:

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday

Mrs Rebecca Roche Mrs Rebecca Roche

Classroom teacher 6R Stage Supervisor