General Conditions of Lending
Preamble: When granting a credit, Commerzbank Zrt.’s General Terms and Conditions
shall be amended by or supplemented with the following special business conditions, from
which the Customer and/or the Bank may agree differently in a separate contract,
1. Grating of a Facility
Upon acceptance of the interest rate by the Customer,
the payment and remittance of each drawdown shall take
The Bank concludes a Credit Line Facility Agreement
place at the respective dates/times as requested by the
and/or an Individual Agreement with the Customer.
1.1. Facility Agreement
In the case of a drawdown of credit or at the time of
utilizing a short-term liquidity loan, the Customer shall
In a Facility Agreement, the Bank assumes the obligation
inform the Bank of the respective amounts and maturity of
to make available and open a specific credit line facility to
any planned drawdown at least two valuation days prior to
the Customer either against compensation or free of charge,
the given utilization. In other cases of HUF loans, the Bank
provided that the conditions agreed upon are met. The Bank
shall perform the instructions on the subject day if such
concludes individual contracts with Customers within the
drawdown request is received before 11.30 a.m. of that day.
credit line facility in consideration of payments of interest,
In the case of utilizing a foreign exchange loan or when
commission and bank charges, or allows for individual
applying for a conversion, the order must be submitted no
drawdown (even in tranches) of credit amounts. The Bank
later than 9 a.m. on the second valuation day prior to the
shall make available the credit line to the Customer on
planned utilization. The Customer shall receive a written
a credit account for the period defined in the Facility
statement of each drawdown with the details of the
Agreement. If the contracting parties did not agree upon any
transaction including the relevant interests.
condition believed to be significant by either of the Parties
when concluding the Facility Agreement, any such condition
2. Bank Fees
shall be stipulated, on the basis of the Facility Agreement, in
2.1. Consideration
individual contracts applying to each credit transaction.
The Bank shall be entitled to the interests, commissions
1.2. Utilization, Drawdown
and fees as stipulated by the contract and/or by the term
After prior consultation, the credit line facility may be
sheet in consideration for the provision of the credit.
utilized in varying amounts, and for credit operations, as
2.2. Interest Rates
stipulated by the Facility Agreement. The various types of
credit can be utilized at the Customer’s discretion, but only
The interest rate shall be adjusted to the current interest
up to the maximum limit amount of the credit line as set out
rates of foreign and/or domestic money and capital markets.
in the Facility Agreement. The detailed conditions of a col
The parties expressly agree that as and when the market
ateral or guarantee (together: avals) or utilization in the form
conditions or refinancing opportunities change, the Bank
of a Letter of Credit are regulated by specific business
is entitled to unilaterally modify the rate of interest
conditions as well as by the applicable guidelines and
standards of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC),
The Bank shall not be prevented from exercising this
respectively. By submitting the relevant order, the Customer
right either upon termination of the contract by any of the
shall acknowledge that these business conditions and
parties or upon termination of the contract for any other
guidelines shall apply to that operation.
reason (e.g. expiry) or if the Customer is in default. The Bank
The Bank shall facilititate any drawdown provided that
shall notify the Customer of such modification by sending a
the Bank is able to obtain the credit required by the
special notice.
Customer, in the requested currency, amount, maturity and
The modification of the interest rate does not provide
at the requested rate of interest, in the money and capital
cause for the Customer to terminate the credit line facility
markets. Should the drawdown not be possible with the
requested conditions, the Bank shall immediately notify the
In the case of loans and drawdown with a fixed interest,
Customer thereof.
the rate of interest agreed upon may not be changed within
the period for which the interest has been fixed.
1.3. Individual Contracts
2.3. Commitment Fee
The Bank can conclude individual contracts with such
Customers too who do not have a credit line with the Bank.
The Bank is entitled to charge a commitment fee for the
In this event the method of utilization the credit line and the
unutilized part of the credit line, as of the opening date
purpose of use shall be specified by the parties in those
thereof. The extent of this commitment fee is determined in
individual contracts.
the credit line facility agreement or by the Announcement
displayed at the bank.
1.4. Documentation
The commitment fee shall be due in arrears every month
The credit ledger of each utilization and drawdown,
or every quarter year as agreed upon by the parties.
including without limitation, any and all related fees and
2.4. Undrawing Indemnity
expenses, as construed by the Bank shall be considered
true and valid, until proven wrong.
If no credit evaluation fee has been charged and the
agreed loan amount has not been or not fully drawn down
1.5. Methods of Utilization
during the period by the Customer, provided that the
Unless the parties agree on a fixed rate, the interest rate
contract concluded for a definite term, upon the expiry of
determined by the Bank until 11 a.m. on the subject day, or
the Term the Bank is entitled to charge a credit evaluation
the interest rate specified by the Bank to the Customer until
fee computed at the rate equal to 1 % (one per cent) of the
further notice, shall be applicable to each drawdown.
undrawn amounts.
2.5. Overdraft Fee
the credit line. All present or future expenses incurred by the
Bank from the fulfilment of the Facility Agreement or from
If the Customer, pursuant to prior agreement with the
the enforcement of the claims thereof, shall be exclusively
Bank and/or with the Bank’s (even silent) consent, utilizes
born by the Customer. Handling charges become due upon
amounts which in total exceed the agreed credit line,
the execution of the facility agreement. Other expenses
the Bank shall be entitled to charge an overdraft fee
shall become due at the time when the given expense has
stipulated by the Individual Agreement or by the relevant
arisen. The Bank debits these expenses to an account of the
Announcement of the Bank. This overdraft fee shall be
Customer’s which has the required coverage. In the
calculated on the basis of the amount of the overdraft.
absence of such an account, the Customer shall reimburse
The overdraft fee shall be due in arrears monthly or
these expenses upon receipt of the subject written notice of
quarterly, as agreed upon by the parties.
the Bank.
2.6. Defaukt Interest
5. Rescission
In the event that the Customer does not pay or repay the
The Bank may rescind the agreement and may refuse
amount due on any due date, the Bank shall be entitled t to
the payment of any loan amount or any tranche of the loan
charge default interest in addition to the interest rate
specified in the contract. The default interest shall be
calculated on the outstanding amount of the principal. The
• in the Bank’s opinion the preliminary conditions of the
rate of the default interest shall be defined as the current
utilization are not met at all, or are not met within the
market interest rate plus the default rate as per the relevant
deadline stipulated by the contract,
regulations and as defined in the Announcement of the
• a provisional payment ban enters into force,
Bank. (see Section 2.2.) In the case of a late payment of any
• the Customer dies or a voluntary/involuntary liquidation,
interest, the Customer shall pay default interest defined as
or winding-up proceedings are commenced against him,
the interest rate as specified in the contract in respect of the
• after the execution of the agreement, the Customer fails
principal, plus the default interest rate, the total of which is
to submit the documents and/or information specified in the
calculated on the basis of the outsanding interest, from the
agreement despite having been requested by the Bank to do
first day of the delay.
so; or fails or delays to fulfil any of its contractual obligation
towards the Bank or any third party,
2.7. Calculation of Interest
• after the execution of the agreement, the circumstances
In order to determine any interest, overdraft interest,
of any of the parties change in such an extent, that the
default interest and any other fee or expense related to time,
fulfilment of the agreement can no longer be expected to
the Bank shall calculate with the so-called international
that party,
formula (ie. principal x percentage of interest rate x number
• after the execution of the agreement, circumstances
of elapsed days / 36 000).
arise which would provide grounds for termination by cause
If under an individual agreement any maturity date shall
(see Section 10.2.).
fall on a public holiday, the Bank shall credit the received
If the Bank rescind the agreement for any cause
amount on the next banking day. In such cases any interest
attributable to the Customer, then, in addition to the
and fees shall be calculated by the Bank up to the first
commitment fee, interests, fees and comissions stipulated
banking day following such a public holiday.
in the agreement, calculated up to the date of the
Banking day is defined as a working day when the Bank,
rescission, the Bank shall also be entitled to General
the National Bank of Hungary and, in case of credit in any
Demages in the amount of 1% (one per cent) of the
foreign exchange, the banks of the country of that currency
principal of the Credit Agreement. In lieu of claiming General
are all open.
Damages the Bank may claim its actual damages in excess
of the General Damages. The Customer is eligible to prove
2.8. Due Date
that no damage has occurred or its extent is lower than the
The Bank shall charge any interest and Term related fees
general damages lump sum charged.
(commissions) as of the date of drawdown (e.g. the date of
rendering of the loan or issuance of the bank guarantee).
6. Repayment/Payment
The Commitment fee shall be calculated as of the date
The Customer shall repay the loan/credit or its
when the credit is made available. Such interests and fees
instalments including the related interests, fees, expenses,
shall be paid by the Customer monthly or qurterly in arrears
on each maturity date If the Customer desires to prepay the
when the account is balanced. In case of avals or letters of
loan/credit or desires to pay an instalment in excess of the
credit granted in foreign exhange, the fees shall be paid
amount than that stipulated in the agreement, the Customer
quarterly in advance.
shall notify the Bank accordingly in writing no later than 15
(fifteen) banking days prior to the prepayment or the
3. Discount
payment of such a higher instalment amount. When the
Where the parties agree on a discount, such discount
Customer fails to meet this obligation the Bank may refuse
shall apply to the specified fixed interest period. The discount
to accept the prepayment without being in default and may
shall be due at the time of the execution of the agreement
continue to charge the interest and other time-related fees
with no respect to the payment method. The discount shall
and comissions. In case of prepayment the Customer shall
be debited to the Customer’s account or shall be deducted
reimburse the proportiote part of the Bank’s costs arising
from the first pricipal amount rendered to the Customer, at
from the refinancing of the loan/credit. Regarding the
the sole discretion of the Bank. In case of any partial or full
refinancing costs the Bank’s ledger shall be applicable. In
prepayment before maturity, the Customer shall be entitled
the event that any interest is overdue, the Bank shall use any
to claim the full or partial repayment of the discount.
received repayment in the first instance to cover the unpaid
interest, and the remaining amount will be credited as
4. Expenses
repayment. The Bank debits the repayments due to a bank
All expenses incurred by the Bank in connection with
account or sub-account of the Customer, regardless of their
rendering the credit (ie. handling charges, costs, third party
respective balances and any possible conversion. The debit
costs, legal and public notary fees, taxes, contributions,
is considered to be a due performance if it is carried out
expenditures etc.) may be charged by the Bank to the
from the unallocated balance of the credit line or from
Customer as fees. The Bank shall charge these expenses in
available funds.
full even if the Customer has not, or only partially utilised
Unless mandatory law stipulates otherwise, the
effect. The notice period for the termination of such
repayment of the instalments shall have priority over other
unutilised parts is at least 15 banking days.
payment orders given by the Customer.
The Bank’s claim for the repayment of the loan including
The repayment is considered to be fulfilled when it is
the related interests and fees becomes due upon the expiry
credited at the Bank’s account or it is paid at the Bank’s
of the notice period. If the Facility Agreement is cancelled by
counter. If any conversion is necessary for the repayment,
ordinary notice, such termination shall not affect the
the repayment is regarded as performed when the
individual agreements within the scope of the Facility
conversion has been carried out.
Agreement. These agreements shall be performed
according their terms contained therein.
7. Extension of the Facility Agreement
10.2. Extraordinary Termination
When the Facility Agreement is extended, the parties
shall renegotiate the terms and conditions thereof at the
The Bank shall have a right to terminate the agreement
time of the extension. The maturity of a loan granted within
in writing whether it is concluded for a definite or for an
the credit line, or that of other credit operations performed,
indefinite period of time, if
may also be extended verbally. In this case the fact of the
• in the Bank’s opinion the credit may not be used for the
extension and the terms and conditions thereof shall be
purpose defined in the agreement;
confirmed by the Bank in writing. If there is any discrepancy
• the Customer uses the loan amount for a purpose other
between the verbal agreement and the Bank’s confirmation,
than that defined in the agreement, or fails to provide proof
the Customer is obliged to raise an objection without any
for the use for the due purpose despite having been sent
delay. The parties hereby agree that in the absence of such
such notification or request by the Bank;
objection, the terms and conditions detailed in the
• the value of the collaterals considerally decrease and, in
confirmation shall prevail.
spite of the subject notice of the Bank, the Customer fails to
increase the collateral to the required level by the deadline
8. Assigning and Pledging of a Payment Demand
specified in the notice;
The Customer may only assign and pledge its payment
• the Customer breaches the collateral agrements
demand with the prior written consent of the Bank.
connected to the Facility Agreement;
• the deterioration of the financial position of the
9. Information Covenants
Customer or the Guarantor or the Surety, or the Customer’s
Until all his contractual obligations are fulfilled, the
behaviour aiming to reduce the coverage jeopardize the
repayment of the loan;
• after preparation and approval, shall deliver to the Bank
• in the Bank’s opinion the Customer has become
its duly signed yearly closures (balance sheet, calculation
profit and loss) and its auxiliary report and corporate tax
• the Customer has deceived the Bank by communicating
return without delay. Moreover, the Customer shall provide
false facts, by withholding or concealing information, or
any additional data relating to its financial situation if the
otherwise at the time of signing the agreement, provided
Bank lawfully requires these data. If the Customer is a
that this has impacted on the determination of the credit
member of a group, the consolidated balance sheet shall
also be attached. If the preparing and approval of the
• the Customer hinders the Bank in reviewing whether the
annual closures have not been completed by the deadline as
conditions of rendering the credit are met, despite Bank’s
per the provisions of the Accounting Act and other laws, the
prior notice. This applies also if the Customer does nor meet
Customer shall submit provisional balance sheet figures
its legal or contractual information covenants (see Section
within 5 (five) months of the end of the given business year.
If the figures of such a provisional balance sheet are
• the Customer is in default regarding more than one
subsequently corrected, the Customer shall provide the new
instalment or interest payment, and fails to pay any of them
figures to the Bank immediately. The Customer shall also
in spite of the subject reminder of the Bank,
provide such closure and corporate tax return of his
• in the Bank’s opinion the Customer committed a