The Best Websites For Teaching & Learning About New Orleans.

Here are my choices for The Best Sites To Learn About Mardi Gras & Carnivals (and, of course, are accessible to English Language Learners):

Fact Monsterhas a relatively accessible explanations of the celebration.

The CBBC has ashort slideshowof Carnivals throughout the world.

The New Orleans Times Picayune newspaper hasseveral online slideshowsabout Mardis Gras.

You can seea Mardi Gras video at the History Channel.

The New York Times has aMardi Gras slideshowand a video showing the first Mardi Gras celebration that took place after the devastating Hurricane Katrina.

How Stuff Works has afair amount of text about Mardi Gras.

There’s a huge Carnival that takes place in Brazil, and the Washington Post has aslideshow on its preparations.

Breaking News Englishhas a lesson, with audio support for the text, on the Brazilian Carnival.

MSNBC has aslideshow about Rio de Janiero, the location of the Brazilian Carnival.

The New York Times has aslideshow about the celebration in Venice, Italy.

Let The Carnival Begin!is a slideshow from The Wall Street Journal.

Here are some online videos from CBS News on theCarnival in Venice, Italyand on theRio Carnivale.

Here are aphoto gallery about various Carnival celebrationsfrom National Geographic.

A Brief History of Mardi Grasis a new slideshow from TIME Magazine.

Carnivalis the simple title of a collection from The Boston Globe’s Big Picture blog. It contains images from around the world.

Here’s a goodInternet Scavenger Hunt on New Orleans.

ESL Pod has asimple explanation of Mardi Gras.

ESL Holiday Lessons has asimple Mardi Gras quiz.

EL Civics has aMardi Gras Lesson.

Here’s adownloadable PowerPoint on Mardi Gras.

The Wall Street Journal has aslideshow about 2009’s Mardi Gras Celebration, including violence that occurred.

Rio’s Carnivalis a series of photos from the Sacramento Bee.

The Bee also has a series of photos onMardi Gras.

The San Francisco Chronicle has a slideshow about theSlovenian Mardi Gras.

Germany Celebrates Carnivalis a short video clip from Reuters.

Carnival Around The Globecomes from The Wall Street Journal.

The Telegraph has aslideshow about the Venice Carnival.

UNESCO has avideo about the carnival in Croatia.

Carnival 2010comes from The Big Picture.

Rio de Janeiro carnival 2010: first nighthas pictures from The Telegraph.

Here’s aMardi Gras “Webquest.”
Read about Mardi Grasand answer some questions.

Here are azillion other Mardi Gras resources.

CNN has a lot ofMardi Gras videos.

Mardi Gras New Orleans Saints Styleis a slideshow from TIME Magazine.

Carnival in Rio de Janeirois a series of photos from the Sacramento Bee.

A Carnival Artist Without a Carnivalis a video from The New York Times about a Haitian artist.
Carnival celebrations around the worldis a slideshow from MSNBC.

Here’s aMardi Gras videofrom MSNBC.

Carnivals Come To A Closeis a slideshow from The Wall Street Journal.

Here are photos fromSan Francisco’s Carnaval parade.

Rio fire destroys thousands of Brazil carnival costumesis from the CBBC Newsround.

Carnival Around The Worldis a Wall Street Journal slideshow.

Carnival season kicks off in Venice, Nice and Viareggiois a slideshow from The Telegraph.