Derek Ramsey

Stanford University Student - Biological Sciences Major

This program offers an excellent opportunity to explore my passion for healthcare. I appreciate the challenge of this position to creatively tackle obstacles that prevent the delivery of quality health services.

Olivia Ishibashi

Stanford University Student - Human Biology Major

Being a Public Health Aide for Global Healthcare Project is a tremendously valuable opportunity to receive medical experience, public health experience, and experience with people of other cultures.

Nathan Kim

Stanford University Student - Human Biology Major

I am very interested in healthcare and health education and I believe it is truly important to give aid to people and in places where such care is not readily available. As a pre-med student, I feel I can learn a great deal about healthcare in Guatemala and try to help as best I can.

Crystal Kyaw

Stanford University Student - Human Biology, Pre-Med Track

I hope to work with a group like Doctors Without Borders, traveling the world and providing medical care to individuals and families that would not have been able to afford and/or gain access to such medical treatment. Participating as an aide for GHP lends me more experience in the medical and public health fields, which will allow me to make more informed decisions in the future concerning a medical career.

Kevin Padrez

Stanford University Student - Human Biology Major concentration in Exercise Science

I have a strong interest in international health. I have a true passion for medicine and public health, with aspirations to attend medical school in the near future. In addition, I have an affinity for the health disparities occurring in Latin America. The only way to truly understand the struggles of a particular community, and help make change, is to experience the daily lifestyle of the people. GHP is unlike any other volunteer program I have encountered, offering volunteers the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in a culture and have a true impact on the lives people in Pueblo Nuevo.

Heather Alva

Stanford University Student - Human Biology Pre-Med Track

My decision to become a doctor is strongly influenced by my own doctors (Heather is living with Diabetes, Celiac, and Microalbuminuria). I feel that growing up with such excellent healthcare has given me an advantage in knowing what a positive relationship between a doctor and patient entails. It also affords me the opportunity to contribute to the global community what I was so blessed to receive and what I so firmly believe should be available to all world citizens: access to healthcare.

Nadeen Kharputly

Stanford University Student - Human Biology & Comparative Literature Major

What if I couldn't afford medical treatment? And what if I lived in a place where there are not doctors? I am grateful to be so fortunate, and so I want to give others what I've been blessed with.

Lia Bonamassa

Stanford University Student

I have a passion for helping those who truly need it. I believe that healthcare is a human right and should be available to all people, regardless of their situation in life. Healthcare, something that we take fro granted here in the United States, is a precious commodity in many South American countries like Guatemala. GHP strives to take both of these things and integrate them. The communities that we work with are in places where the economic strain on the country is severely felt, and poverty is the rule, not the exception. These people are the ones that the world should be focusing on, and in going I play a part in the lives and health of those people.

Jessie Liu

Stanford University Student - Human Biology & Anthropological Sciences Majors

I believe that it is every individual's duty to leave the world a better place than how he or she found it. My primary concern lies with human health and sustainability, regarding income-producing projects, medical resources, educational infrastructure, and resource use. I feel that health and sustainability are linked by a common thread that is overlooked in resource-poor areas and exacerbated by poverty. The best feeling in the world is to know that you helped make somebody's life better, and I know I would be doing everything I can in the short period of time in Guatemala to improve health and living conditions there.

Asha Morrow

Stanford University Student - Human Biology Major

I have always wanted to help in a setting that does not have access to medical care like we have in America. Volunteer groups like GHP are the main source of healthcare rather than the world's richest countries. I commend GHP for this and I want to join the team in promoting healthier lives to people who have no other resources. If I can make a difference in just one person's life, I am convinced this will be the highlight of my summers.

Stephanie Hwang

Stanford University Student, Tutor & Quest Bridge Intern - Human Biology Major

I have been looking for an international opportunity on health related service and have always been interested in helping disadvantaged populations. I realize that I'm very lucky to have a skills that I possess ad be fortunate enough to have an opportunity to attend Stanford. I hope to make a difference in people's lives - even if it's one single life. In my mind, one life would make all the difference.

Sarah Mummah

Stanford University Student - Human Biology Major

I believe under-served populations deserve every opportunity for quality healthcare, and I want very much to be a part of that process. The Global Healthcare Project is very dedicated to making a difference in the lives of other and for that reason, I am very excited to take part in the program. I have a strong interest in public health and hope to eventually become a doctor, so this program is a great opportunity for e to gain some truly valuable experience working with patients. I hope to make a lasting impact on the overall health of the community and on the individual lives of those I work with.

Amy Kaing

Stanford University Student

I feel that I have been extremely privileged in my life and I want to give back. I wish to spend my time aiding people in any way possible- whether through educating them about health or creating projects to better their living situations. I hope to be able to truly make a difference in the lives of those in Guatemala.

Amanda Romero

Stanford University Student

Public service has been a passion of mine ever since I can remember. I feel we are all on this earth to help one another, and make our time here as enjoyable as possible. I am extremely enthusiastic about volunteering because I always learn fro the people I meet and I love communicating with people, even if it is in an uncomfortable situation. I plan on joining the Peace Corps HIV/AIDS outreach program after Stanford, and I feel GHP will prepare me for more long-term social work in foreign countries.

Rosemary Reidy

Stanford University Student - Psychology Major and Biological Sciences Minor

Working as a Public Health Aide gives me the opportunity to explore the field of medicine in a meaningful, real world setting and would give me the chance to make a difference for people in need. The chance to travel in Guatemalan highlands and interact with Mayan communities would expand my world concept and make me a more open and well-formed physician.