Everything you need to know about the Ordination Process for Priests

First Year of Seminary

Enroll in Clinical Pastoral Education in the summer

Second Year of Seminary

Seminary Transcript & Recommendation for candidacy in by June 30

Third Year of Seminary

Application for Candidacy in by September 30

Vestry endorsement in by September 30

Attend October COM meeting

GOE’s in January

By March 30:

___ Background Check updated

___ Midwest Update

___ Physical Update

___ Child Abuse and Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training

___ Anti-Racism Training

___ Title IV Training

___ Constitution and Canons Training

___ Mandated Reporter Training

___ Ordination application in

___ Vestry Endorsement in

___ COM recommendation and Standing Committee Endorsement will happen at their April meeting

___ Ordination to the diaconate in June

First Year of Residency

___ Ordination application in by March 30

___ Vestry Endorsement in by March 30

___ Supervisor’s evaluation in by March 30

___ COM recommendation and Standing Committee recommendation will happen at their April Meeting

Ember Day Letters

Pre-Seminary___ First Sunday in Lent ___ Pentecost

Year One ___ Holy Cross ___ December 13 ___ First Sunday in Lent ___ Pentecost

Year Two ___ Holy Cross ___ December 13 ___ First Sunday in Lent ___ Pentecost

Year Three ___ Holy Cross ___ December 13 ___ First Sunday in Lent ___ Pentecost

Year One of Residency___ Holy Cross ___ December 13 ___ First Sunday in Lent ___ Pentecost

Information for New Postulants

•Bishop Breidenthal will consult with you regarding the choice of seminary. Enrollment at seminary is at the Bishop’s direction.

•All reports, forms etc should be sent to: Pat Haug at 412 Sycamore St., Cincinnati, OH45202

•Keep copies of any forms, reports etc. that you send to the Diocesan Office

•Follow-up any meeting with the Bishop with a letter that restates your understanding of the results and copy it to Pat Haug.

•If any part of your address changes, send updates to Pat Haug at

•Postulants, Candidates and Transitional Deacons are required to write a letter to the Bishop during each set ofEmber Days. There are four sets of Ember Days each year. They are the Wednesday, Friday and Saturday following the First Sunday in Lent, Pentecost, Holy Cross Day (September 14) and December 13. Bishop Breidenthal would like you do send your Ember Day letters in the following way.

  1. Write your letter in your word processing program (if you aren’t using MSWord, make sure you save it in a Word compatible format).
  2. Put your return address, your e-mail address and the date on the top of the letter.
  3. Attach your letter to an e-mail to the Bishop at and send it.
  • The following guidelines apply to all Ember Day letters:
  • Ember Day letters are confidential to the Bishop
  • Make sure that your letter reflects
  • How your studies are going
  • The high points and low points in your life in general
  • How the Bishop can be praying for you
  • Anything requiring a response should not be put in your Ember Day letter
  • Requests for scholarship recommendations should be sent to the bishop’s office. Questions about the ordination process or other general requests should be sent to Pat Haug or the Rev. Lynn Carter-Edmands.
  • At the beginning of every term send Bishop Breidenthal an e-mail with the classes you are currently taking and those you anticipate taking in the next term.
  • You will receive letters or e-mails informing you of the dates of Commission on Ministry meetings and what should be in your file for those meetings about six weeks prior to the meetings. It is your responsibility to ensure that your file is complete. The Commission on Ministry meets once every six months. Missing a meeting will result in a delay in your ordination.
  • If you are planning on making any changes in your education program, marital status or similar things be sure to let Bishop Breidenthal know before making the change.
  • Copies of evaluations and reports that are open will be sent to you. You will not be sent copies of confidential reports such as the background checks and clergy reports.
  • Save copies of papers that you write for seminary, as these may be required for evaluation purposes.
  • You will be required to complete Safe Church Training, Anti-Racism Training, Constitution and Canons Training, Training in the Title IV Canons and Mandated Report Training prior to ordination.

Checklist for Priesthood Process (used by diocesan office)



Sponsoring parish:



Pre-Postulancy___College Transcripts

___Discernment Committee report___Diocesan Release Form

___Proof of Baptism, Confirmation___Psychological exam report

___Application for Postulancy___Background check report

___Vestry Endorsement___Physical exam report

___Financial report

___Postulancy granted ______

First Year of Seminary

___ Clinical Pastoral Education evaluation

___ Seminary Transcript

Second Year of Seminary

___ Seminary Transcript and recommendation

Third Year of Seminary

___ Application for Candidacy ___COM recommendation

___ Vestry endorsement ___Standing Committee Endorsement

___ Seminary Transcript

___ Attended October COM meeting

___ Candidacy granted ______

___ GOE

___ Background Check updated

___ Psychological exam Update

___ Physical Update

___ Safe Church Training

___ Anti-Racism Training

___ Title IV Training

___ Constitution and Canons Training

___ Mandated Reporter Training

___ Ordination application

___ Vestry Endorsement

___ COM recommendation ___ Standing Committee Endorsement

___ Seminary Transcript & Recommendation to Diaconate

___ Ordained to Diaconate ______

First Year of Residency

___ Ordination application

___ Vestry Endorsement

___ COM recommendation ___ Standing Committee recommendation

___Ordination to Priesthood______

Application for Candidacy

To: The Bishop of Southern Ohio

Right Reverend Sir,

I ,______, having been made a postulant for Holy Orders by a

letter dated ______, respectfully apply for candidacy to Holy Orders.

I understand that, should I be ordained, I will be required to make the following promises and vows:

I will be loyal to the doctrine, discipline and worship of Christ as this Church has received them.

In accordance with the canons of this Church, I will obey my bishop and all other ministers who may have

authority of me and my work.

I will respect and be guided by the pastoral direction and authority of my bishop.

I will be diligent in the reading and study of Holy Scriptures and seeking the knowledge of such things as may

make me a stronger and more able minister of Christ.

I will endeavor so to minister the Word of God and the sacraments of the New Covenant, that the reconciling love of Christ may be known and received.

I will undertake to be a faithful pastor to all whom I am called to serve, laboring together with them and my

fellow ministers to build up the family of God.

I will do my best to pattern my life (and that of my family or household or community) in accordance with the

teachings of Christ, so that I may be a wholesome example to my people.

I will persevere in prayer, both in public and private asking God’s grace, both for myself and for others,

offering all my labors to God, through the mediation of Jesus Christ and the sanctification of the Holy


I further understand that, should I be ordained, I will be required to sign the following declaration:

I solemnly declare that I do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the Word of God and to contain all things necessary to salvation; and I do solemnly engage to conform to the doctrine, discipline and worship of the Episcopal Church



This application must be accompanied by a letter of support by the Postulant’s congregation, using the supplied form.

Endorsement of the Application for Candidacy by the Vestry or Mission Council

We, the undersigned, being at least two-thirds of the ______members of the Vestry or Mission

Council of ______Church, ______

Ohio, support and endorse the application of ______for candidacy.

Given at a meeting of the Vestry or Mission Council on ______day of

______in the year of Our Lord ______.


(member of Clergy in charge of the congregation)

Application for Ordination to the Diaconate

To: The Bishop of Southern Ohio

Right Reverend Sir,

I ______having been made a postulant for Holy Orders by a letter

dated ______, and a candidate by a letter dated ______

respectfully apply for ordination to the Diaconate.

I understand that, should I be ordained, I will be required to make the following promises and vows:

I will be loyal to the doctrine, discipline and worship of Christ as this Church has received them.

In accordance with the canons of this Church, I will obey my bishop and all other ministers who may have

authority of me and my work.

I will respect and be guided by the pastoral direction and authority of my bishop.

I will be diligent in the reading and study of Holy Scriptures and seeking the knowledge of such things as may

make me a stronger and more able minister of Christ.

I will endeavor so to minister the Word of God and the sacraments of the New Covenant, that the reconciling

love of Christ may be known and received.

I will undertake to be a faithful pastor to all whom I am called to serve, laboring together with them and my

fellow ministers to build up the family of God.

I will do my best to pattern my life (and that of my family or household or community) in accordance with the

teachings of Christ, so that I may be a wholesome example to my people.

I will persevere in prayer, both in public and private asking God’s grace, both for myself and for others,

offering all my labors to God, through the mediation of Jesus Christ and the sanctification of the Holy


I further understand that, should I be ordained, I will be required to sign the following declaration:

I solemnly declare that I do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the Word of God and to contain all things necessary to salvation; and I do solemnly engage to conform to the doctrine, discipline and worship of the Episcopal Church.



This application must be accompanied by a letter of support by the Candidate’s congregation, using the attached form.

Endorsement of the Application for Ordination to the Diaconate

by the Vestry or Mission Council

We, the undersigned, being at least two-thirds of the ______members of the Vestry or

Mission Council of ______Church, ______

Ohio, support and endorse the application of ______

for ordination to the Diaconate.

Given at a meeting of the Vestry or Mission Council on ______day of

______in the year of Our Lord ______.


(member of Clergy in charge of the congregation)

Application for Ordination to the Priesthood

To: The Bishop of Southern Ohio

Right Reverend Sir,

I ______having been made a postulant for Holy

Orders by a letter dated ______, and a candidate by a letter

dated ______, and having been ordained to the Sacred Order of

Deacons on ______respectfully apply for ordination to the




This application must be accompanied by a letter of support by the Candidate’s congregation, using the attached form.

Endorsement of the Application for Ordination to the Priesthood

by the Vestry or Mission Council

We, the undersigned, being at least two-thirds of the ______members of the Vestry or

Mission Council of ______Church, ______

Ohio, support and endorse the application of ______

for ordination to the Priesthood.

Given at a meeting of the Vestry or Mission Council on ______day of

______in the year of Our Lord ______.


(member of Clergy in charge of the congregation)