Statement of Competency


This is to verify that Insert Name of INSERT COMPANY NAME

has been assessed and certified in the following competencies required by -

Signalling Safeworking & Qualifications

Working in Live Signals Locations / Y/NYN
Rail Signal Engineer Accreditation / Y/NYN
Electrical...Electronics Eng Degree / Y/NYN
Post Grad ...Dip Railway Signalling Dip Maint MgtDip Systems EngMBA Eng MgtMBA / Y/NYN
IRSE License (insert type) / Y/NYN
Electrical Lic. () / Y/NYN
Authorise / Perform...PerformAuthorise temporary bridging / Y/NYN

Design Documentation Update

Documentation Update, Check, Certify / 0123
Circuit Correlation Field Check / 0123

Project Management

Project Scope and Equipment / 0123
Project Works Program / 0123
Project Resources / 0123
Manage Site Construction / 0123

LEVEL 0 – No certified knowledge on the subject

LEVEL 1 – Training Exposure. Basic skill level attained but requires coaching Has knowledge & Understanding of the Standards. Person when performing the competency must be under supervision.

LEVEL 2 – Certified as being able to perform the identified competency independently and without supervision in routine activities. Also competent to perform complex activities under supervision of a level 3 person.

LEVEL 3 – Certified as being able to perform the identified competency independently and without supervision in all activities.


The Assessor hereby Certifies that details on this Certificate of Competency have been assessed in accordance with the ARTC Standards, Procedures and Instructions for Assessment; that the applicant has demonstrated that he/she is able to perform the tasks covered by the Competency; and that the supporting documentation has been received and recorded. ARTC relies on this certification as demonstrating competency


Commissioning Manager / Engineer / 0123
Tester in Charge / 0123
Test/Certify Assist Testnew/altered signalling / 0123
Assist. Disconnect signalling infrastructure / 0123
Inspect signalling infrastructure / 0123
Points, Correspondence / 0123
Track Circuit, Correspond / 0123
Signal aspect sequence / 0123
Phoenix Control System - TelemetryTelemetryPhoenix Control System... / 0123

Function Test to Design (Circuit book)

Mechanical Interlocking - 4>4 levers / 0123
Relay Interlocking / 0123
Route Set Interlocking ...OCSNXOCS & NX / 0123
Processor Interlocking ...Microlok, VHLC, WestraceMicrolokWestraceMicrolok, WestraceVHLCWestrace, VHLCMicrolok, VHLC / 0123
Level Crossing-Relay, GCP, HXP, CBI....GCPHXPGCP, HXPRelayRelay, GCPRelay, HXPCBIRelay, GCP, HXP / 0123
Auto signals, Relay, Microlok, VHLC....RelayRelay, MicrolokRelay, EC5 - VHLC / 0123
LX Monitor – (...CerberusBrodersonSearsCerberus, Broderson, Sears, ) / 0123
Phoenix Control System / 0123
Telemetry System (...CerberusBrodersonSearsCerberus, Broderson, Sears ) / 0123

Signalling Equipment Test & Set to Work

Track Circuits DC, H Voltage Impulse....DCHigh Voltage Impulse / 0123
Track Circuits Audio Freq, Overlay, PSO....Relay, GCP, HXPPSOAudio Freq, OverlayAudio FreqAudio Freq, Audio Freq, PSO / 0123
Coded Track Circuits () / 0123
Axle Counter () / 0123
Point Motor Setup/Adjust (insert type) / 0123


ETS, OTS, Master Staff & Keys, Locks / 0123
Telemetry () / 0123
Control Systems / 0123

Assessed by: Applicant’s Acceptance: ARTC Endorsed by:

Assessor’s Signature: Signature: Manager’s Signature:

Assessor’s Name: Name: Manager’s Name:

Date: Date: Date: Valid Until:

Design Signalling

LX Monitor Cerberus, Broderson, Sears...CerberusBrodersonSears / 0123
Apply Standard Circuit templates / 0123
insert details / 0123

Circuit Testing

Relay/ Equipment / Wire analysis / 0123
Wire / Null Count/ Bell continuity / 0123
Strap & Function / Through Testing / 0123
Insulation / Megger Testing / 0123
Power Supply Earth leakage / 0123
Site Inspections
Signal, L X’ing Sighting/ Focusing / 0123
USE WMS Defect System / 0123
Track Insulation & Bonding / 0123
Signal Condition/Assessment Inspections / 0123
Detailed Site surveys / 0123

Signalling Standards & Documentation

Audit Maint/Const Documentation / 0123
Review Signal Standards / 0123
Draft/Review/Risk AssessDraftReview Waivers / 0123
Commissioning Work Package / 0123
Signals Standards Induction / Y/NYN

This certificate is only valid while working for the nominated Organisation and contracted to or employed by ARTC or Alliance Partner. Conditions apply for transferring the Competency to work with a different Organisation

This Certificate is issued under the respective Rail Safety Legislation requirements for the relevant jurisdiction.

Statement of Competency

for Insert Name of INSERT COMPANY NAME

as -- .


Applicant Details




Portrait photo

To be inserted here

Applicant Other details assessed under other processes/procedures. Included for information only.

·  National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Worker
Valid to:

·  OHS Induction
Ref #:

·  Rail Safety Induction
Valid to:

Applicant must carry the Track Safety Awareness/Rail Safety Induction card with photo identification when working on ARTC infrastructure.

Applicant’s Agreement: Witnessed by (Organisation Representative):

Signature: Representative’s Signature:

Name: Representative’s Name:

Date: Date: