Renaissance Lesson Plan

February 22, 2008 / Subject:
World History / Grade Level :
Seventh Grade – Special Education
OhioSocial Studies Academic Content Standard:
Students use materials drawn from the diversity of human experience to analyze and interpret significant events, patterns and themes in the history of Ohio, the United States and the world.
Ohio Academic Content Benchmark:
C. Describe the characteristics of feudal societies and the transition to the Renaissance and Reformation in Europe.
Ohio Academic Content Indicators:
5. Describe the impact of new ideas and institutions on European life including:
b. Major achievements in art, architecture and literature during the Renaissance;
Lesson’s Goal/Purpose:
Learn what the Renaissance period was, identify an important figure head of the era and how his artistic abilities impacted the era, and lay the foundation for Renaissance artistry.
Lesson’s Objectives:
Utilizing a KWL chart, students will individually identify prior knowledge, identify questions, and then with a partner write information regarding the Renaissance and/or Leonardo da Vinci’s impact on the Renaissance period. Mastery will be indicated by a student’s ability to identify 3 works of art, abilities, and/or truths about the Renaissance or Leonardo da Vinci. Additionally, each student will pencil sketch an item or work of art created by Leonardo da Vinci during the Renaissance and then share their sketches utilizing the document camera.
Planned Assessment:
Preassessment – Identify prior knowledge by filling in the Knowledge square of the KWL & Sketch chart
Formative Assessment – Observation and Q&A
Summative AssessmentAbility to accurately identify 3 truths and sketch on the KWL & Sketch chart
  • Avervision CP300 Document Camera
  • TV & VCR/DVD
  • Movie – Hudson Hawk
  • KWL & Sketch forms
  • Pencils / Colored Pencils
  • Venezia, Mike. Leonardo Da Vinci (Getting to Know the World's Greatest Artists). UK: Franklin Watts Ltd, 1990.
  • Cumming, Robert. Great Artists: The Lives of 50 Painters Explored Through Their Work. New York: DK ADULT, 1998. – Page 24 - 25

Activities and Procedures:
Introductory Activities (12 minutes)
  • Prior knowledge activity –show a painting I created (poor/sloppy illustration) on the document camera and ask how good the students are at creating art.
  • Introduce the topic – Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance period
  • Introduce KWL and specifically elaborate on the K square – use the document camera to show the students the KWL & Sketch chart and demonstrate how to fill the K square out.
  • Watch movie clip – 5.28 minutes
Developmental Activities (18 minutes)
  • Complete W square of KWL – go back to the document camera and draw attention to the W square of the KWL chart.
  • Read book - Leonardo Da Vinci (Getting to Know the World's Greatest Artists)- use the document camera as I read so the special education students can follow along and so everyone can see the multiple paintings, sculptures, writing examples, and artistry of Leonardo de Vinci.
  • Sight book - Great Artists: The Lives of 50 Painters Explored Through Their Work – Pg 24-25 – circulate this book amongst the students and also place the timetable on the document camera to identify Leonardo da Vinci’s life span.
  • Pair students to complete L square of KWL– place the KWL chart back on the document camera to show the students which square they are to complete next with a partner.
Concluding Activities (10 minutes)
  • Sketch item or work of Art created by Da Vinci – each student will pick something that they saw in the books to sketch.
  • Students share sketches – students will utilize the document camera to share their works of art.
  • Collect KWL & Sketches

Differentiation/Intervention/Enrichment Ideas:
  • Multiple Intelligences: verbal, visual and spatial, interpersonal
  • Grouping: Whole class and then partnered to work & brainstorm

Assignments: (In-class)
Students will complete a KWL & Sketch chart during class.
Students will reflect on the lesson by completing the L square of the KWL and by also sketching an item or work of art. Grades will be based upon their ability to identify at least 3 truths about today’s lesson. Students will use the completed KWL & Sketch charts to prepare for an open-notes test over the Renaissance period.

KWL & Sketch

Leonardo da Vinci

What I Know / What I Want to Know
What I Learned / Sketch

Thank you for this opportunity! Enclosed please find a history lesson plan that could be greatly enhanced with a document camera. I do not currently have a document camera, nor does any other classroom in my building. I am an Intervention Specialist. I provide special education to sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students. My students are classified as having a specific learning disability (SLD), emotional disturbance (ED), and/or other health impairments (OHI). A document camera would enhance learning for these students:

  • Students with SLD typically struggle with reading, writing, and math. These middle school students require a lot of visual enhancements so they can see the words and associate vocabulary with pictures and diagrams. The students usually can’t decode words phonetically at this age. In other words they can’t sound words out so visual enhancements and real life connections are an essential part of learning how to read and write.
  • Students with ED consist of students diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, Depression, severe anxiety disorders and other similar disorders. I need to be very colorful, use lots of interesting pictures and diagrams, and provide a myriad of examples in my lesson plans for these students. Providing many examples reduces anxiety by giving students starting points with their assignments. It also helps students day-in and day-out in continuing with their assignments. I must reduce their anxiety to allow them to learn. If I didn’t than their anxiety triggers panic attacks and other complications of their disorders which hinders their learning.
  • Students with OHI consist of students that suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and other similar disorders. These students require learning techniques that will maintain their focus and appeal to all five senses especially their sense of sight. (Adding color is an awesome asset.) Additionally, providing a tool such as a document camera allows these students to get out of their chairs and share. This increases their attention spans, builds creativity, and improves learning in many ways.

I cannot write enough about how important a document camera could be in my daily lessons. My day varies rapidly between sixth, seventh, and eighth grade classes that include four different content areas. A document camera would definitely increase my ability to provide efficient lessons, enhance each lesson greatly, and improve my students learning and achievement. A document camera would improve my ability to provide instruction in all four content areas (math, history, science, and language arts). I could fill up three more pages of examples in how I could use this device for all four content areas. The most important strength of having a document camera would be that it will assist me in restructuring my students learning environment in a way that will appeal to all their senses. My goal is to provide an educational setting that is conducive and successful with students that have special needs.