Critical Elements of a

Person-centered Treatment Plan


Values and Areas of Interest (Things that are important to me)

ü  Hopes: “I want to live on my own”

ü  Dreams: “I used to dream about getting married and having children”

ü  Interests: “I like to listen to music”

ü  Values: “Family”

Life Beyond Services: Discharge Criteria (How I will know that I don’t need services anymore)

ü  Stated in the plan

ü  Shared with individual, family members, relevant supports

ü  What would need to change so I can manage on my own?

ü  Expresses hope for life beyond services

ü  Transition process to other levels of support


ü  Skills: “operating cash register, expressing feelings, balancing checkbooks, bilingual”

ü  Qualities: “hard working”

ü  Experiences: “survived many hardships when homeless and in prison”

ü  Supports: “my neighbors”

Personal and Community Supports (That can help me achieve my goals)

ü  People: coffee shop owner, neighbor, therapist

ü  Places: coffee shop, museum

ü  Activities: volunteering at the museum, reading mythology

ü  Things: my music selection

Possible Barriers (Things that could prevent me from achieving these goals)

ü  Internal: “fear of people judging me”, “beliefs that people are trying to hurt me”

ü  External: “application process too confusing”

Goal Statements (What I want my life to be like)

ü  Expressed in person’s own words and primary language

ü  Provides a focus of engagement/life changes as a result of treatment

ü  Consistent with a desire for recovery, self-determination and self-management

ü  Reflective of a person’s values, lifestyle, culture, age, strengths and preferences

ü  Written in positive terms


ü  Milestones or way-posts towards goals

ü  Sometimes considered “short-term” goals

ü  Identifies the immediate focus of services

ü  Focuses on removal or overcoming of barriers

ü  Typically about action, not change in thinking, understanding or insight

ü  Focuses on behaviors resulting from changes in understanding or knowledge

Interventions (who, what, where, when, why, & how often or how much)

ü  Describes the modality or type of activity

ü  Identifies who is responsible for the activity

ü  Specifies the frequency, intensity and duration of the intervention

ü  Specifies the location, if necessary

ü  States the purpose, intent or impact of the intervention in support of objective

ü  Establishes medical necessity

Opportunities for Documentation of Updates

to Assessments, Plan or Crisis Plan

ü  When each service is provided

ü  Target dates specified in the objective

ü  Intervals specified by licensure, certification, accreditation, policy or payer

ü  Transition or discharge

Crisis Prevention Plan

ü  Wellness Recovery Action Plan

ü  Advance Directives

ü  Health Care Proxy

ü  Written instructions through Living Will

ü  Do Not Resuscitate Orders

ü  Organ Donation

Signature Page for Supports

ü  Use of natural supports

ü  Responsible parties for providing interventions/services listed in plan

ü  Approval of plan by person receiving services