Business Meeting of the General J. P. Holland Chapter of the MOWW

September 21st, 2017

The Chapter staff met at the IHOPin Rancho Bernardo at 0900. A quorum was present at 0935 when Nick Herbka arrived

Attendees: Nick Herbka, Earl Wentworth, Tom Lettington, and Don Hershberger

Treasurers Report: No report since our Treasurer was not present

Guest Speakers:

Tom Lettington will speak at the October meeting. His topic is “The Battle Off Samar – The Taffy 3 Engagement”. Don Hershberger has a prospect for the November meeting. Tom Lettington volunteered to speak at the November meeting if no other speaker can be recruited before then. Tom’s topic would be “National Security Implications of Climate Change”

San Diego Youth Leadership Conference (SDYLC) 2018:

Discussion was held about alternate venues for the SDLC. San Diego State costs continue to rise. Having the SDYLC at a military base in San Diego was discussed. Don and Nick will make some contacts to see if this is feasible.

Membership Drive:

A brief discussion was held regarding encouraging companions to contact friends and neighbors and attempt to recruit active duty personnel to join the Chapter to bring a younger crowd to the table.

December Christmas Party:

Our Chapter will participate with the San Diego Chapter and the Camp Pendelton Chapter. The Pendleton Chapter will be in charge. Debbie Kash is a member of the Pendleton Chapter and will take the lead. Nick and Dianne Herbka have finalized the arrangements to have the event at the Bernardo Heights Country Club again. The price of the buffet will be $25 per person. Since the SPEBSQSA vocal group that sang last year charged $400 forthe appearance, no entertainment will be included this year. The Club has the ability to play music from an iPhone or iPod and pipe it into the party room. Tom Lettington volunteered to provide an iPod with “Holliday Music”.

Status of the Memorial Fund invested with ”Rich Uncles”: There remains uncertainty regarding the process to be followed to withdraw funds from our investment. Nick will again attempt to gain clarity in the regard by consulting our custodian, David Olivet. The fund continues to enjoy a favorable return rate. Nick will also attempt to gain on-line access to our account so the status of the investment can be assessed on demand.

1130: The meeting was adjourned