U.S. History First Semester Final Exam STUDY GUIDE-2013

1. What was the main goal of President Lincoln and President Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan?

2. Why did the Radical Republicans oppose Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan?

3. What were the Black codes and why were they passed?

4. What did whites hope to achieve through literacy tests?

5. What were the 14th and 15th amendments? How did whites try to undermine these amendments?

6. What is meant by “manifest destiny”? Give one example of how manifest destiny was achieved.

7. What was the Dawes Act?

8. What did the U.S. government do to force Native Americans off their lands?


9. What is the Populist Party and what was their goal?

10. Why was industrialization in America possible in the late 1800’s?

11. What is a monopoly? Give one example of a monopoly that we discussed.

12. What is a “trust”? Why were they viewed as dangerous by the federal government?

13. Describe the working conditions during the Second Industrial Revolution.

14. What is a muckraker? List some famous muckrakers and what they wrote about.

15. What is a labor union? What were the goals for most of the labor unions during the second industrial revolution?

16. What is meant by laissez-faire capitalism?

17. What is a corporation? Why did many companies move to this type of organization?

18. What is collective bargaining? What was its goal?

19. What is vertical integration? Who came up with this business model?

20. What is horizontal integration? Who came up with this business model?

21. What is Social Darwinism?

22. How did immigration to the United States change between 1854 and 1907?

23. What is a new immigrant? What is an old immigrant?

24. What is a tenement? Where were most of the tenements located?

25. How did the government attempt to regulate immigration in American?

26. What is a nativist? What was their belief? Give one example of nativism.

27. What is child labor? Why was child labor common?

28. What is the Gilded Age? What are the origins of this term?

29. What is a robber baron? Why were some business leaders called robber barons?

30. What is philanthropy? Who were some of the famous philanthropists?

31. Who would most likely support open immigration laws into the U.S.?

32. What is a political machine? Describe political machines including political bosses in your description.

33. What are initiative, referendum and recall? What was the goal of passing these laws?

34. What was the progressive movement? What were progressives hoping to accomplish?

35. Who was Upton Sinclair? What did he write? What was he hoping to expose?

36. Because of Upton Sinclair’s writing of the Jungle, what did the federal government do as a remedy?

37. What is woman’s suffrage? Why were some states reluctant to pass woman’s suffrage laws?

38. What was the Pendleton Civil Service Act? What was this act trying to stop?

39. Who was Booker T. Washington and what were his thoughts for African Americans?

40. Why did W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington disagree about improving the social standard of African Americans in the U.S.?

41. What is the Monroe Doctrine?

42. What was the Open Door Policy? What were American politicians hoping to gain by creating this policy?

43. What is imperialism? Give three countries that the U.S. gained control of through imperialism.

44. Why did the U.S.follow a policy of imperialism?

45. What is yellow journalism? Why was it used? Name two historical figures that used yellow journalism.

46. How does media affect warfare?

47. Are imperialism and manifest destiny the same thing? WHY or WHY NOT?

48. What is the “Big Stick Policy”?

49. What was the League of Nations? Did the U.S. join the League? WHY or WHY NOT?

50. What is neutrality? How was neutrality practiced by the U.S. during World War I?

51. What are the Espionage Act and the Sedition Act? What did they outlaw?

52. What were the Fourteen Points? Who created them? Why were they created?

53. What was the Harlem Renaissance? Why was this Renaissance important to African Americans?

54. Who was Langston Hughes?

55. What is prohibition? What was a major effect of Prohibition in cities?