College Learning Council

Meeting Minutes

May 23, 2011

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Co-Chairs: Ann Beheler, Susan Lala, Tiffany Haynes



Ann Beheler, Donna Berry,Craig Britton, Michael Carley, Rosa Carlson, Chris Craig, Antonia Ecung, Stewart Hathaway, Andrew Messchaert, Steve Schultz.


Lorie Barker,Kim Behrens, David Bezayiff, Terry Crewse, Bret Davis, Jason Duncan, Phillip Duncan, Baldomero Garcia, Richard Goode, Virginia Gurrola, Michelle Hart, Tiffany Haynes, Bill Henry, Resa Hess, Susan Lala-Bell, Eric Mendoza, Darryl Nelson, Susan Regier, Maria Roman, Cynthia Smith, Leif Syrdahl, Miles Vega, Ann Marie Wagstaff, John Word


  1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order Ann Beheler byat 3:09PM.

  1. Adoption of Agenda

Motion was made to approve the agenda.

Motioned:Craig Britton

Seconded: Donna Berry

Ayes:11 / Nays:0 / Abstentions:0

Motion: Carried

  1. Approval of Minutes

Minutes deferred to next scheduled meeting.

  1. Information Items
  1. Discussion
  1. Tentative Budget – Donna Berry

Mrs. Berry handed out a projected carry-over spreadsheet. The spreadsheet shows the new monies allocated and where the monies went. Mrs. Berry stated that the spreadsheet projects where the college will end up at the end of this year after revenue and expenses.

Question:Does that mean no money is going to the college’s carry over from this current year?

  • Yes; the carry over balance is going down, but the college will be still be using carry over this year.

The second spreadsheet is the allocation that Mrs. Berry received from Tom Burke. Mrs. Berry went on to talk about the dates the college received allocations (March was the first 2011-2012 allocation, a second on May 8th and another on May 10th), last years adopted budget, carry-over, anticipated revenue, local revenues excluding contracts and district charge backs; the total revenue including carry-over (reserves) is $16million. With looking at health care cost increases, new hires, retirees, temporary workers; the college’s labor and benefits exceeds our allocation. The college is looking at, worst case scenario, 15% reduction.

The Budget Committee scrutinized all the budgets comparing budget request with program reviews, year to date expenditures and asking questions to make decisions on what is needed to keep the college at sustainable levels.

Tentatively for 2011-2012 the college will approximately spend $1millon from the reserves and by 2013 the college will have to ask the District for money.

Mrs. Berry stated that the budget committee will continue to meet over the summer working on the budget looking at areas to reduce. One of the areas that will continue to be under review will be the 4000 and 5000 accounts.

  1. Grant Oversight Subcommittee Charge – Michael Carley

Due to the lack of grant applications submitted The Grant Oversight committee has decided to only meet when there is a grant to write.

The Foundation was paying for a grant writer; however after John Nash left he wasn’t replaced. Hopefully after the Foundation concludes previous comments they will hire a new grant writer.

The Grant Oversight Committee will need two faculty representatives to serve this year; Mr. Osborne is no longer interested and Mrs. Trueblood retired.

Basically: Grant Oversight needs two Faculty representatives and a Grant Writer.

Will bring this back in the fall.

  1. Action Items
  1. Tentative Budget – Donna Berry

Motion: “To approve the tentative budget as presented today with the caveat that between the tentative budget and the adopted budget put forward at the October meeting, which will be finalized in September, the budget committee continues to look at areas to reduce the budget before submitting the finalized budget.”

Motioned: Donna Berry

Seconded: Steve Schultz

Ayes: / Nays:0 / Abstentions:

Motion: Carried

  1. Subcommittee Reports
  1. Enrollment Management Committee
  1. Grant Oversight Committee/Grant Progress Reports
  1. Budget Committee
  1. Strategic Planning Committee
  1. Other Reports
  1. President
  2. Accreditation
  3. Academic Senate
  4. Curriculum Committee
  5. Basic Skills Committee
  6. Student Learning Outcomes Committee
  7. Facility Planning Advisory Committee
  8. Marketing and Outreach Committee
  9. Information Technology Committee
  10. CCA
  11. CSEA
  12. ASPC
  13. Other
  1. Future Agenda Items
  1. Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned at 4:03p.m. by Ann Beheler.