Body Balancing Nutrition

April - June 2015 Newsletter

So we’re well and truly into 2015, Christmas and summer celebrations are over and it’s time to knuckle down and get our bodies ready for the change of temperature and to fit into those skinny jeans for the winter months! Are you feeling more motivated than ever?! We are! 


So many clients these days are experiencing digestive symptoms, most commonly constipation. If we’re constantly putting food in but nothing is coming out, then this is seriously going to slow weight loss, so we need to get those bowels moving!

There’s a few key things we can do to improve bowel functioning:

  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar in water ½ an hour before meals – this increases stomach acid production and helps digestion and break down of meals.
  • Increase water intake – if you’re dehydrated stools become sticky and cannot pass through the intestines, so make sure you’re getting at least 2-3L of water a day.
  • Fiber – as we’re eating protein with every meal, it’s important that we’re also getting enough fiber to move that protein through the bowels, so up the vegetables and salads that are high in fiber.
  • Dandelion tea – dandelion stimulates the liver to produce bile that aids in digestion and is a great tool for getting the bowels moving.
  • Colon cleanse – if you’ve suffered from constipation for a while, then speak to your practitioner about doing a colon cleanse to clear out the bowels and give you a fresh slate.
  • Get moving – exercise is one of the best ways to get the blood flowing and increase circulation to the intestines and improve the movement of faecal matter through the colon. Aim for 20 mins exercise a day, yoga and walking are great.
  • Sit down and chew – so often these days you see people eating on the go and neglecting to chew their food properly, this puts extra stress on the gut and can lead to undigested foods passing into the intestines. So sit down for you meals and make sure you take the time to chew properly.

Positive Affirmations

“ You must master a new way to think before you can master a new way to be”

Marrianne Williamson

There is a huge mental and emotional connection with food and eating habits. In weight loss we can often neglect to nurture this other dimension to food choices. We need to break the cycle of emotional eating by identifying common triggers and coming up with alternative ways of managing these triggers.

I believe in the power of positive visualisation. Spend a couple of minutes every morning thinking about how you will feel when you get to your goal weight. What will you be wearing, what will you be doing, how will you be feeling? Hold this thought with you throughout the day as motivation.


With easter approaching, it’s important to stay on track and avoid any easter egg temptations. You have all come so far and nobody likes a step in the wrong direction. I encourage you to take a look at some of the muffins/cookies/snacks on the website and prepare some healthy alternatives that can satisfy those food cravings and allow you to skip on the calorie dense easter eggs!

Take care, and enjoy! Love The BBN Team