In Touch - with the Bourne Valley Churches
Allington with Boscombe, Cholderton, Newton Tony, Idmiston with Porton and Gomeldon, Winterbourne Gunner, Winterbourne Earls with Dauntsey, Ford and Hurdcott
Team website:
Sunday 1st April 2018 – Easter Day- White or Gold - Year B
Readings Acts 10: 34 – 43, John 20: 1 – 18 (or Mark 16: 1 – 8) (or as chosen by the preacher)
Collect God of glory, by the raising of your Son
You have broken the chains of death and hell:
Fill your Church with faith and hope;
for a new day has dawned and the way to life stands open,
in our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen
Sunday 8th April 2018 - Easter 2 - White or Gold - Year B
Readings Acts 4: 32 – 35, John 20: 19 – end (or as chosen by the preacher)
Collect Risen Christ, for whom no door is locked, no entrance barred:
Open the door of our hearts, that we may seek the good of others
and walk the joyful road of sacrifice and peace, to praise of God the Father. Amen
St Nicholas Cholderton11.00am BCP Matins (SD)
St Andrew’s Newton Tony No Service
St Nicholas Porton 9.30am HC (PhO) followed by APCM
St Michael’s W Earls11.00am HC (POE) Home Produce Stall after the service
St Mary’s W Gunner 9.30am HC (POE)Patronal Festival, baptism 12.45pm
NB NoWednesday 9.30am Holy Communionon 4th April, next will beon Weds 11th April
We are also exploring alternative Prayer gatherings in the Team, so there will be no 5.00pm Prayers on Monday 2nd April
Sunday 15th April 2018 - Easter 3 - White or Gold - Year B
Readings Acts 3: 12 – 19, Luke 24: 36b – 48 (or as chosen by the preacher)
St Nicholas Cholderton11.00am HC (PhO)
St Andrew’s Newton Tony 9.30am FC (PhO) Baptism 3.00pm
St Nicholas Porton 9.30am HC (DC)
St Michael’s W Earls 11.00am P&P (DC) followed by APCM
St Mary’s W Gunner 9.30am HC (POE) followed by APCM
**Please keep praying for Christians being persecuted for their faith, throughout the world**
Trussell Trust Sue Hibdige, of St Michael’s W Earls, writes: I have this week made a visit to take our donations to the food bank, for which they are, as ever, very grateful. They are in special need of long life fruit juice at this time, so if you are shopping for them please would you remember this!As always please remember all those who give, volunteer,and those who receive, in your prayers, many thanks
Thank you to everyone for cleaning and decorating our Churches so beautifully for Easter !!
Forthcoming events:
7.00pm Thursday 5th April the 150th anniversary Celebration Service atSt Michael & All Angels Winterbourne Earls, with Bishop Edward and his wife Sarah ….followed by a Party in the church.
Saturday 7th April from 10.00am to 4.00pm ‘Open Day’ at St Michael & All Angels, come and be part of the 150th anniversary celebrations, as we seek to raise funds to restore the Bells and Clock.
The Bourne Valley Singersconcert in St Nicholas Church Porton on Friday 13th April at 7.30pm featuring Easter and springtime songs. Ticketsat £10 to include refreshmentsand raffle, from Anthea (as below) or Lorraine, email . Come and support your church, the choir and Project Uganda.…
Annual Parochial Church Meetings(APCMs) are happening near YOU…! It may not sound wonderfully exciting, but these meetings play an important part in the life of our Parishes so please attend yours – and support your church by standing for PCC, Deanery Synod, Team Council etc roles:
Cholderton’s is 7.30pm on Weds 4th April in the Village Hall; Porton’s is after the 9.30am service on Sunday 8th April; Newton Tony’s is 7.00pm on Tuesday 10th April in church; St Mary’s WG and St Michael’s WE both on Sunday 15th April, after their morning services
Compline in St Mary’s W Gunner starting at 8.30pm on Weds 24th Apriland then once a month, at the same time, on every fourth Wednesday evening until 28th August. Come and share in this tranquil yet enriching and prayerful service at the end of the day.
‘After Dinner Eight’ Concertat 7.30pm on Saturday 28th April in St Michael & All Angels, W Earls
More details to follow, but save the date now! Proceeds in aid of the Bells and Clock restoration fund.
Please remember, and pray for, all in our Valley who are being baptised, preparing for marriage,
or mourning the loss of loved ones,
and do make use of the:
Bourne Valley Prayer Tree
by contacting Ali Joyce on 01980 619195
or by email:
with a date when you would like the prayer
to begin. Please also let her know if
the need for prayer changes. Thank you
Team Prayer:
Be with us, Lord, in all we do and say,
Visit each home with your peace and love
Turn all hearts and minds to you, our loving God, in Jesus’ name, Amen
To receive In Touch by email each week, please send your email address to the Team Office and it will be added to the distribution list. Also, look for In Touch on our website (as below).
Contact Details
Rev’d Peter Ostli-East 01980 611350
The Vicarage, Winterbourne Earls SP4 6HA
Resident Associate Priest
Rev’d Phil Osler 01980 610305
The Rectory, Porton SP4 0LH
Team Associate Priest (non-resident)
Rev’d Dr. David Coates01722 325944
Assistant Priests (Retired/Permission to Officiate etc)
Rev’d Wendy Pugh 01722 501443
Ven Stephen Robbins 01980 611438
Rev’d Philip Seddon 01980 619104
Ven Martin Webster 07814 154572
Team Licensed Lay Ministers
Anthea Davies 01980 610539
Henry Head 01980 611668
Christopher Watts 01722 504351
Simon Dawson 07825 408804
Team Lay Pastoral Assistants: Anthea Davies, Jenny Head & Ali Joyce
Team Office Email: Website: