NOVEMBER 17, 2015 6:30 P.M.


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Present: Dale Eaton Mayor

Nell Looper Mayor Pro-tem

Susie Bagby Councilperson

Neita Brandon Councilperson

Mark Harris Councilperson

Ricky Deel Councilperson

Michael Woods Councilperson

Staff: Paula Wilson City Administrator

Tony Tallant Director of Public Works

David Brinkerhoff City Attorney

Nathan Barker Fireman

Guests: Paul Nix Quanah Housing Authority Director

Media: Carol Whitmire Quanah Tribune Chief

Guests: Becky Hodges Citizen

PUBLIC COMMENTS. (MUST REGISTER – 4 MINUTE LIMIT): Becky Hodges spoke concerning the increase in her water bill for the month of November.

APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 13, 2015: Motion was made by Susie Bagby, seconded by Michael Woods to approve the Minutes as read. The motion carrying with the following vote:

Ayes: All members present voted aye.

Noes: None.

APPROVE THE PAYMENT OF BILLS RECEIVED OCTOBER 10, 2015 THRU NOVEMBER 13, 2015: Motion was made by Ricky Deel, seconded by Mark Harris to pay the bills as presented. The motion carrying with the following vote:

Ayes: All members present voted aye.

Noes: None.

RECEIVE INFORMATION FROM QUANAH HOUSING AUTHORITY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PAUL NIX REGARDING LORD STREET APARTMENTS DEMOLITION AND TAKE NECESSARY ACTION: Upon explanation from Paul Nix, Quanah Housing Authority Executive Director, concerning their plans of the demolition of the Lord Street apartments, motion was made by Nell Looper, seconded by Mark Harris to endorse the demolition of these apartments. The motion carrying with the following vote:

Ayes: All members present voted aye.

Noes: None.

CONSIDER/APPROVE BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR AIRPORT CREDIT CARD FUEL SYSTEM: Motion was made by Mark Harris, seconded by Ricky Deel to approve the budget amendment for the airport credit card fuel system. The motion carrying with the following vote:

Ayes: All members present voted aye.

Noes: None.

DISCUSS CITY ANIMAL IMPOUND: A committee is assigned by Mayor Eaton to look into a solution for the animal impound: Paula Wilson, Michael Woods, Dillon Bivins, Tony Tallant, and Ricky Deel. No other action taken.


1.  Thank you notes were sent from participants in the Air Stream Rally occurring in October.
