Slinfold Parish Council

PO Box 315, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 9XX

Tel: 01403 785864 Email:

Planning Report – October 2013

New planning applications:

The Planning and Development Committee has reviewed the following applications. HDC has been or will be advised of the Parish Council’s recommendations where applicable as follows:

HDC Application number / Date validated by HDC / Address & Post Code of application / Nature of application / Name Applicant or Agent / Comment
DC/13/2029 / 23-Oct-13 / The Cottage, Park Street, Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RU / Erection of 3-bed cottage style dwelling with detached garage and widening of existing vehicular crossover and improvements to visibility splays (Outline Permission) / Mr and Mrs Nordgreen / Outstanding. No details on website at 29th October
DC/13/1946 / 11-Oct-13 / Railway Cottages Spring Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RT / Rear conservatory extension / Mrs & Mrs Joels / 31/10/2013 - NO OBJECTION
DC/13/1933 / 8-Oct-13 / Townhouse Farm Guildford Road Clemsfold Horsham West Sussex RH12 3PW / Loft conversion to form bedrooms with 3 x dormer windows (Certificate of Proposed Lawful Use) / Mrs F Dreesman / 31/10/2013 - NO OBJECTION
DC/13/1886 / 2-Oct-13 / Rapkyns Care Centre Guildford Road BBH West Sussex RH12 3PQ / Demolition of existing equestrian buildings with a school to provide education for children with special education needs / Sussex Educare / 31/10/2013 - NO OBJECTION
DC/13/1881 / 1-Oct-13 / 1 Six Acres, Slinfold RH13 0TH / Surgery to 3 x Oak trees / Mr N Jefferys / 31/10/2013 - NO OBJECTION
DC/13/1880 / 2-Oct-13 / Old House Farm, The Street Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RS / Installation of lift and lighten up internal beams (Listed Building Consent) / Mrs Molly Finch Hatton / 31/10/2013 - NO OBJECTION
DC/13/1868 / 3-Oct-13 / Lower Lodge House, The Haven Billingshurst West Sussex RH14 9BE / Proposed dormer / Mr and Mrs B R Coren / 31/10/2013 - NO OBJECTION
DC/13/1806 / 2-Oct-13 / Rapkyns Care Centre Guildford Road BBH West Sussex RH12 3PQ / Proposed gym and stable block to provide educational and recreational facilities to the school building / Sussex Educare / 31/10/2013 - NO OBJECTION
DC/13/1716 / 24-Sep-13 / 2 The Bungalow, Lyons Road Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0QT / Proposed single storey extension to rear of property linking to existing annex / Miss G Strugnell / Outstanding
DC/13/1712 / N/A / Land Rear of 1 To 25 Hayes Lane Slinfold West Sussex / Redevelopment of site to provide 23 dwellings, vehicular and pedestrian access and a range of community measures including a replacement football pitch with improved drainage and levelling, new car parking and upgraded access to serve the existing recreation ground, a new Scout hut and storage compound and siting for new tennis pavilion with associated works and landscaping / Slinfold LLP / Pending resubmission

Applications permitted, refused and withdrawn:

The following applications have been processed by HDC and the results follow:

HDC Application number / Date received by HDC / Address & Post Code of application / Nature of application / Status / Feedback to HDC Planning Committee (Date)
DC/13/1657 / 29-Aug-13 / Five Oaks Farml, Haven Road, Five Oaks, West Sussex / Erection of agricultural storage barn / Application Permitted / HDC 27/9, No Objection
DC/13/1651 / 3-Sep-13 / The Old Bakery, The Street Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RP / To remove existing tiles and refelt, batten and replace with new hand made clay tiles (Listed Building Consent) / Application Permitted / HDC 27/9, No Objection
DC/13/1671 / 30-Aug-13 / Windalls, The Street Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RP / Surgery to 2 x Leylandii trees (Works to Trees in a Conservation Area) / Application Permitted / HDC 27/9, No Objection
DC/13/1640 / 2-Sep-13 / Builders Yard, Mead Farm, Stane Street Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RE / Non-material amendment to previously approved DC/12/0784 (re-development of existing builders yard and erection of 1 detached dwelling) to include the re-siting of the proposed dwelling away from the northern boundary by up to 3 metres / Application Permitted / HDC 27/9, No Objection
DC/13/1627 / 28-Aug-13 / Toat Hill Farm Bungalow, Five Oaks Road Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RL / Removal of Condition 6 (Agricultural occupancy) of planning permission SF/7/72 (Erection of one dwelling for agricultural occupancy) / Application Permitted / HDC 27/9, No Objection
DC/13/1512 / 21-Aug-13 / Rowarts Farm North, Five Oaks Road Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RL / Demolition of existing single storey 2-bed dwelling and replacement with 2-storey, 4-bed dwelling / Application Refused / HDC 27/9, No Objection
DC/13/1559 / 16-Aug-13 / The Limes, Lyons Road Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RX / Refurbishment of an existing annexe including new dormer window and replacement swimming pool / Application Permitted / No Objection 29/08/2013
DC/13/1502 / 8-Aug-13 / Maydwell Avenue Slinfold West Sussex / Erection of 1 freestanding non-illuminated business park sign (at junction with Maydwell Avenue) / Application Permitted / No Objection 29/08/2013
DC/13/1431 / 26-Jul-13 / Units 1 -5, Spring Copse / Two-storey pitched roof extension/addition onto existing two-storey pitched roof headquarters office building / Application Permitted / 29/08/2013 Objection to the two skylights - upwards light pollution. If these were removed, no objection
DC/13/1345 / 18-Jul-13 / Builders Yard, Mead Farm, Stane Street Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RE / Non-material amendment to DC/13/0784 (Redevelopment of existing builders yard and erection of one detached 4-bed dwelling) to include alternative access arrangements / Application Permitted / No Objection 29/08/2013
DC/13/1278 / 10-Jul-13 / The School, The Street / Fell Hawthorne and Ivy hedge (Works to Trees in a Conservation Area) / Application Withdrawn / 12/8 HDC advised objection. The hedge should be retained and not destroyed
DC/12/1928 / 30-Oct-12 / Rapkyns Care Centre Guildford Road BBH West Sussex RH12 3PQ / Demolition of existing barn and replacement with a school to provide education for children with special education needs / Application Withdrawn / No Objection - HDC advised 7/12

Planning applications pending consideration or decision by HDC (For information - 2013 and Slinfold only)

HDC Application number / Date received by HDC / Address & Post Code of application / Nature of application / Name Applicant or Agent / Feedback to HDC Planning Committee (Date)
DC/13/1703&4 / 6-Sep-13 / Doomsday Cottage Pinkhurst Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex / Replace existing single bay timber garage with a single storey 2-bay garage with integral store (Full Planning) / N Hearsum / HDC 27/9, No Objection
DC/13/1685 / 3-Sep-13 / Rapkyns Care Centre Guildford Road BBH West Sussex RH12 3PQ / Variation of Condition 22 (The development hereby approved shall be used for nursing care of adult patients with mental and/or physical impairment and for no other purpose (including any other purpose in any class of the schedule to the Town and Country (Use Classes) Order 1987) of planning permission DC/10/1889 (Additional special care facilities) / Sussex Health Care / HDC 27/9, No Objection
DC/13/1653&4 / 6-Sep-13 / Wild Harrys Hayes Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0SL / Installation of a 12 panel solar photovoltaic system on the south facing roof of inner courtyard / J Whybrow / HDC 27/9, No Objection
DC/13/0573 / 2-Apr-13 / Waterland Chalet Guildford Road, Slinfold West Sussex RH13 0QZ / Full application for proposed additional access to Guildford Road (to west of existing access) and proposed track from new access / Mr Mark De La Pole / PC Meeting 25/4 OBJECTION Enforcement Notices and Access

Appeals: None

Enforcement issues: None

Prepared by Mary Burroughs (Clerk) 29th October 2013