FLRC Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
November12th, 2016at 9:30 a.m.
Call to Order: FLRCmonthly board of Trusteesmeeting was called to order byMark MacDonald at 9:30 a.m.
Board Members Present: Mark MacDonald, Doug Barlow, Vic Dykstra, Randy Taylor, Sherry Ploor, Dave Stratford and Bill Robinson.
Board Members Absent: Sally Doherty,
Approval ofminutes from the 10/8/16 Regular Board Meeting were approved as distributed
Report acceptance – The board accepts the appended reports as submitted
Additions to the agenda
Employee Reports – Reports submitted, but not read in their entirety, were accepted and are appended to the minutes
Office Manager – Amanda Graham- See attached report
Operations – Travis Graham - See attached report
Board Reports – Reports submitted, but not read in their entirety, were accepted and are appended to the minutes
Vice President & Personnel – Mark MacDonald
Secretary – Bill Robinson
Treasurer – Randy Taylor
Director Reports –Reports submitted, but not read in their entirety, were accepted and are appended to the minutesBuildings & Grounds –Vic Dykstra
Discussion: Memberships glass recycling- currently employee’s responsibility. Is it too much?
Dredge pipe is breaking daily.
Still researching alternative drinking water source.
Legal - Mark Robben
Discussion: Mark Robbens resignation from the Board of Trustees, he has sold his property and is no longer a member.
Committee Reports– Reports submitted, but not read in their entirety, were accepted and are appended to the minutes.
Architectural – Lisa Dykstra
Discussion: Red exterior color.
Budget– Randy Taylor.
Communications – Randy Taylor
Discussion: Greg O’Shea is conducting a Communications audit. Establishing objectives and goals for Board and Membership communications including audience, tools and timetables. Greg can be reached via email
Carolyn or Randy Taylor to upload a clean copy of CC&R’s on website (October 9th 2004).
Fishhawk Patrol- Doug Barlow
Policies – Dave Stratford
Discussion: Developing a better control numbering system as well as date revisions.
Project Solutions Team- Vic Dykstra
Reserves & Long Range planning – Doug Barlow
Social –Carolyn Taylor
Unfinished Business
- Transfer banking to Wauna Credit Union motion – Randy Taylor
*Motion by Randy Taylor: “I move to authorize that all of FLRC’s banking be transferred to Wauna Federal Credit Union including, but not limited too, Checking, Savings and Visa accounts.” Seconded by Sherry Ploor. Motion passed unanimously.
*Motion: Dave? Moved to elect Randy Taylor to Secretary position. Seconded by Vic Dykstra. Motion passed unanimously. *
*Motion: Vic moved to elect Bill Robinson to the Treasurers position. Seconded by Sherry Ploor. Motion passed unanimously. *
- Complaint form, process and procedure – Doug Barlow
Discussion: Determining how to react and who correspondences should come from. Secretary, Legal, Architectural. Standard response to be forwarded to Secretary. Develop a form letter and procedure to ensure complaints are vetted. Greg O’Shea and Dave Stratford will be involved in reviewing with Doug.
- Neighborhood Patrol concerns – Doug Barlow
Discussion: Trash cans. Draft email to be sent to the Membership.
Discussion: Speed bumps.
New Business
- Board positions – Mark MacDonald
- FLRC utility research and bylaws – Bill & Randy- Tabled
- Alternative Water source – Randy Taylor- Tabled
Lake Members Open Forum:
Discussion: Scrap trailer- stop people from adding.
Discussion: Pocket Park
Good of the Order
Soup party 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Cabin Crawl 4:00 p.m on December 10th.
Adjournment at 11:03 a.m. by Mark MacDonald
November 12th, 2016 Board Meeting Reports
The submitted reports may not have been read in their entirety, therefore appended to the minutes below.
Office Manager – Amanda Graham –
Still very busy processing Members payments. If you wish to pay via debit or credit card, please contact Wauna Federal Credit Union’s processing center 503-29-8031 or visit one their branches.
Financial reports submitted upon request.
Accounts Receivables: $188,909.72
Total Income Year to Date: $307,020.08
2016-2017 Annual Dues: $304,432.67
2015-2017 Annual Dues: $1261.68
Other Fees: $106.25
Service Fee: $69.48
Title Transfer Fee: $1,000.00
Email Blasts: 3 Email Blasts sent to 204 email subscribers
Successful deliveries: 204
Open Rate: 58.8%-61.1%
Posted Minutes
Architectural: Scanning and sending applications to all Architectural Committee Members via email and mailing letters via USPS.
Operations – Travis Graham –
October was a wet month, we spent the majority of the month repairing dredge pipe. Its been a steady battle keeping the dredge pipe connected. On the bright side the island that appeared at the mouth of Bula creek has been removed and the cove has been dredged out to near normal depth. We have now moved the dredge to Yuppy creek and should have that area back to normal in the coming weeks.
The blower at the waste plant is finally up and running very well. The new blower runs excellent at 35 hertz. The old blower barely made it running at 50 hertz. This is going to be a large energy savings for the lake. We will need to get a second variable frequency drive motor in the future so we can have both blowers running efficiently.
Over a million gallons of water made this month and over 16 inches of rain this month.
Personnel and VP– Mark MacDonald
Personnel Committee
- Finalized current PTO accruals for our full-time employees with Portland Payroll
- Updated PTO and Sick Leave policies
- Currently engaged in employee review process
Secretary – Bill Robinson
No official correspondence transacted during the month. Secretary attended Architectural Committee, Solutions Committee and Personnel Committee meetings, provided data analysis support for Solutions and provided oversight for the office. As discussed in the Treasurer’s report, Randy Taylor and myself are recommending to the Board that we switch our official positions, he becoming Secretary and me becoming Treasurer.
Treasurer’– Randy Taylor
This will be my final report as Treasurer. When I initially took over the position it was defiantly not because finance is my forte! I set three goals that I wanted to see accomplished in our first year. First, I wanted our Reserves and our Operational Funds to be independent and easily followed. I wanted to do what I could to help people to understand where our monies went every month. And I wanted to help the board pass a budget. Mission accomplished.
However, there is much more that can be done with this position and we have someone on the board who has a depth of experience with finances that will allow us to take the next step. With that in mind I've asked Bill Robinson to take over the position of Treasurer effective after board consensus at the November Board Meeting. He has accepted this challenge and I am confident that we'll see increased accountability and oversight in our HOA finances. Thank you, Bill.
I would also like to thank my Budget Committee. When I joked about making decisions "in a vacuum" last Fall, Barb Smith came to me after the meeting and volunteered to be on my committee so I wouldn't have to do that any more. She has been an amazing help and has kept the rest of us on task! I would also like to extend my appreciation to Joe Cardona, Alex Nokovic, and Doug Barlow for all of their assistance. Bill will be setting up his committee for the upcoming year.
The agenda for this next meeting will speak about our switching our banking from Wells Fargo to Wauna Credit Union in Vernonia. We believe that supporting a small local credit union is a good move on our part. Plus, we will be getting a higher interest on our "Interest Bearing Checking Account" then we received on Savings at our previous bank. We are also looking at switching our Brokerage Account to Wauna but this is something that Bill will be doing over the next few months.
I would like to tell you exactly where our past year ended in regard to operational funds vs spending but that has yet to be determined. I feel very hopeful that we will be able to transfer some money over to our Reserve Account once all of the dust has settled. Last year, at this time, we had to borrow $20K from Reserves to pay year end bills. Over the next month or two Bill will give us the exact results for the year.
Here are the current balances in our various accounts:
Wells Fargo:
Checking - Operational Funds for 2015-2016 Fiscal Year: $17,046.20
Savings (These are all for the current fiscal year 16-17) $58973.04
Brokerage Account (Reserves) $644,706.57
Wauna Credit Union
Business Interest Bearing Checking (16-17 Fiscal Year) $235,279.68
Business Checking (15-16 Fiscal Year) $1857.06
What this means is that we currently are holding $18903.26 that will be used to pay any invoices generated prior to October 1st 2016. Whatever is left will be transferred to Reserves.
We also have $294,252.72 collected for Fiscal Year 2016-2017.
All of these monies will end up combined in the Wauna accounts. One of the invoices that will be paid from last fiscal year's accountis for Stage 1 of the Engineering for the Solutions Team. That invoice is approximately $13K. We have received the invoice but are withholding payment until Jeff Busch is satisfied with the result of the Stage 1 engineering. As soon as we get the OK to release this money it will be released.
These monies came from a loan out of reserves and we have been able to repay that loan prior to the end of the fiscal year. This means we won't have to carry any loans from Reserves from this past fiscal year.
This is my Treasurer's Report and I thank all of you for your amazing support this past year.
Buildings and Grounds – Vic Dykstra
- Dredging has been the issue of the month. Keeping the dredge line together has been a daily ritual. The area being dredged requires a large circle of pipe to run back to the connection leading to the spoils pond. When fully charged the pipe connections are not holding. One small area left and the dredge will move on. Hopefully the issue will be resolved by the move. Next year, longer pipe lengths may be required to settle back into smooth operation.
- The Waste Water Treatment Plant blower installation is finally complete. After months of operation on one blower it was determined the new blower was drawing too many amps, causing it to run hot. Rodgers the company they were purchased from responded quickly. A tech was sent. The problem assessed. Result, smaller blowers were sent. Problem solved. The smaller blowers are much quieter and should result in reduced utility costs.
- Rain and more rain has required many adjustments at the Water Treatment Plant. Fishhawk Lake quality water continues to flow due to the diligence of employees.
- Lots of rain requires adjustments to under drain and the fish ladder. Dry days between hard rain days require adjustments to keep fish ladder operation at necessary standards. The Salmon seem to appreciate that as they continue to arrive at the lake.
- Blowing off roads then watching the leaves fall makes it an ongoing task. There is hope we will eventually run out of leaves to fall.
- Surprisingly the grass continues to grow! November and some mowing is still required.
- Picking up fallen limbs remains a constant. The burn pile was reduced to ashes once fire season was over. It is slowly being piled up again.
- Speed bumps were ordered and arrived. These are needed to slow members in the fast lane. Most members are reacting well to the 10 MPH signs in the road. Others might see nothing more than yellow flashes in the road as they race by. Some speed bumps will go in this week. Wet weather prevented this from happening last week. More speed bumps will be installed as time and weather permits.
Legal Report –
Legal was quiet last month. We have nothing to report.
Architectural – Lisa Dykstra
Architectural meeting 11/5/2016. In attendance was Lisa Dykstra, Bill Robinson, Bev Mohnkern, Dave Stratford and Cathie Hanner. Not in attendance was Sherry Ploor. Lisa Dykstra was voted as the chairperson for this year.
- Darren Kirk was in attendance at the meeting. The Kirk’s submitted an Architectural Application form for a new wood shed. We discussed the outbuildings setbacks. The application was approved by the Architectural Committee and a letter will be sent to the home owner.
- The Architectural Committee review an Architectural Application form for a house on Lakeview where the homeowners had failed to submit an Application form prior to painting the trim on the house. The homeowners did not submit an approved paint color with the new application form. The application was denied and a letter will be sent to the homeowners asking that they submit an Architectural Application form with an approved paint color by the next Architectural meeting on December 3, 2016. If the homeowners fail to submit an Architectural Application form with an approved color by the next Architectural meeting, a $200.00 fine will be assessed and additional fines of $25.00 may also be assessed starting December 4, 2016.
- The Architectural Committee review a letter sent in by a home owner on North Shore Dr. The letter from the homeowner was in response to a letter that the Architectural Committee had sent last month. This homeowner did not submit an Architectural Application form prior to painting his trim and deck railing. The Architectural Committee voted to send the homeowner a letter explaining that the homeowner was in violation of not submitting an Architectural Application form and asking the homeowners to submit an Architectural Application form with an approved paint color by the next Architectural meeting on December 3, 2016. If the homeowners fail to submit an Architectural Application form with an approved color by the next Architectural meeting, a $200.00 fine will be assessed and additional fines of $25.00 will also be assessed starting December 4, 2016.
- The Architectural Committee sent out two approvals and one blue tarp letter to a member on Fieldcrest.
- The Architectural Committee inspected an outbuilding on Fishhawk Rd. The outbuilding is now in compliance. The Committee also approved an application for paint color for the outbuilding and the shutters. The Committee discussed the application for house plans at the same address on Fishhawk Rd. It was determined that the house plans were incomplete and a letter will be sent to the member.
- The Architectural Committee discussed the color red and the definition of earth tones. Dave Stratford agreed to draft a new policy addressing the definition of earth tones that will be available at the next Architectural Committee meeting.
Budget – Bill Robinson
Committee has not met yet
Communications – Randy Taylor
The Communications Committee has not met this past month. However, Greg O'Shea has begun a communications audit to help us determine our needs as a community. This is a special audit that he does in his professional career and it will go along way in helping us identify our needs. At that point we can begin working on the solutions. Greg can give us a quick update on what he's accomplished thus far at the meeting on the 12th.
Fishhawk Patrol – Doug Barlow
Incidents reported to or by the Patrol:
•161029-01 – Trash and Recycling cans left at curb – A lake resident made the following complaint:
The resident reported that trash and recycling cans belonging to the resident on Northshore Drive have been left by the street at the end of the bridge over Boxler Creek for some time.
Fishhawk By-Laws state “6.5 Trash Collection and Storage. No trash or unsightly material shall be dumped or stored upon any Lot or any of the Common Property. All trash and trash cans shall be concealed behind such structures as may properly be built pursuant to this Declaration, and may be left outdoors only for the period reasonably required for collection and removal.”
This issue will be brought up at the next Board Meeting as this is not the only case of this violation. A request will be made to send out an e-mail blast reminding residents of this requirement.
Status – This issue will be reviewed after the e-mail blast is sent.
•161025-01 – Garage Door Opened – A member reported the following:
On October 25 A Member Reported that he found his garage door open on Monday morning.
He had been away from the lake on Saturday and returned late Sunday night. He has asked around and no one has seen or heard anything.
Frankie reports that the garage door was closed on Saturday when she did an afternoon/evening patrol.
Lake residents should be warned .