

Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 6th August 2014 in Hermon Cottage

Cllr. John Overall (Chair) Cllr. Jan Auer Mrs Carol Hodgson (Clerk/RFO)
Cllr. Beryl Bodey (Vice-Chair) Cllr. Rachel Tottman Penny Laurenson (Lightsource)
Cllr. Chris Thomas Cllr. Kathryn Field Harry Vickers (Lightsource)
Cllr. David Scott Cllr. Angharad Davies 4 Members of the Public / Apologies:
Cllr. Julian Goodliffe
PCSO Daryl Holter
The Chairman invited members of the public present to ask any appropriate questions or make comment.
There were no comments received.
The Chairman called for a minutes silence in respect of Mrs. Debbie Josling – wife of former Councillor Peter Josling who sadly passed away the previous Sunday.
Cllr. Field advised she would need to leave at 21:00.
Item / Agenda Item
1. / Apologies and reasons for absence.
Cllr. Goodliffe was on leave.
2. / Members to agree the minutes of the Parish Council meeting on 2nd July 2014.
The minutes were agreed and signed
3. / To receive declarations of interest on agenda items.
Cllr. Bodey declared a personal interest in :-
*  Matter relating to History Centre as a member of the group and as Parish Council’s representative.
Cllr. Scott declared a personal interest in :-
*  Item 5b. To receive a report from the Neighbourhood Plan working party on developing a framework to qualify producing a Neighbourhood Plan as a Member of the Working Party.
Cllr. Thomas declared a personal interest in :-
*  Item 6.1b. b. RR/2014/1664/P - Catsfield Road - Land to the East of, Catsfield. Installation of solar farm and associated infrastructure (with a potential capacity of 12 mega watts of electricity at its peak). Applicant: lota Solar Ltd Attn: Mr Robert Smith Grenville Court Britwell Road, Burnham, Buckinghamshire SL1 8DF as a Neighbour to the land concerned.
4. / To receive any external reports.
*  Cllr. Field reported that County Council was starting to look at budgets for next year. An OFSTED inspection of Children’s Services reported that support ESCC was giving to schools was ineffective and required urgent improvement.
*  Cllr. Davies reported on the changes to the ‘Voter Registration Scheme’. All new registrations would now need to provide their National Insurance numbers and date of birth.
Cllr. Thomas asked what arrangements were in place to deal with the backlog in waste collection? Cllr. Davies advised reporting the issues online and to continue leaving the rubbish out as further collections were being arranged.
X / Items 8 to 19 have been brought forward from the previous meeting which had been adjourned on 2nd July 2014 due to the time and volume of the remaining business to be transacted.
8. / Newsletter
a.  To receive any updates.
The latest Newsletter had now been sent out.
9. / Emergency Plan
a.  To receive the procedures manual for Parish Council’s Emergency Plan.
Cllr. Goodliffe was not available to report.
10. / Highway Matters
a.  To receive an update on the pothole repairs and road drainage maintenance.
Cllr. Scott reported that Highways were undertaking general repairs where necessary.
b.  To receive an update on speeding problems in Marlpits Lane, Skinners Lane and Freckley Hollow
There had been no reports received by Ninfield PC on speeding problems in Marlpits Lane. Members agreed to remove this item from the agenda.
c.  To receive any reports.
There were no reports received.
11. / Community Speed Watch
a.  To discuss the report of speeding problems along Catsfield Stream.
Pneumatic road tubes had been placed across the road near Christmas Tree Farm to record the speed of passing traffic. PCSO Holter had advised that a Speed Check would be arranged shortly.
b.  To receive any reports.
There were no reports received.
12. / Playing Field and Pavilion
a.  To receive an update on dog fouling at the playing field
Deterrent dog fouling signs had been given to Cllr. Goodliffe to install at the Playing Field.
b.  To receive any updates on the remedial works required at the entrance area.
Members agreed the solution was to tarmac the whole area. Cllr. Scott would investigate further. The Clerk would look into Community Match Funding through ESCC.
c.  To receive any updates on improving the parking area outside the Playing Field.
Members agreed the grass verge currently used for parking should be asphalted to create a permanent parking area with a kerb at the end. Cllr. Scott would investigate further. The Clerk would look into Community Match Funding through ESCC. Members agreed to merge items 12b and 12c.
d.  To receive any other reports.
There were no reports received.
13. / Playground Sub-Committee
a.  To receive an update on the new fencing around the Children’s play area.
The fencing had been completed as instructed however this had left a gap at the back of the Play Area of approximately two bays. Members approved the additional work at a cost of £150 to be completed.
Members agreed for Cllr. Tottman to look into the cost of supplying and installing a ‘Splash Pad’ in the children’s Play Area.
b.  To receive an update on Parish Council applying for the Lloyds Bank Community Fund.
Lloyds Bank had advised that Parish Council did not meet the criteria for funding.
c.  To receive an update on Catsfield CEP School’s gardening club grass seeding the Play Area.
Cllr. Goodliffe was not available for comment but it was noted that the grass seeding had not taken place.
14. / Hedgerows and verges
a.  To receive an update on tackling overgrown hedges and verges.
Cllrs. Thomas and Tottman continued to review and identify properties with hedges and verges overhanging the footpaths. Members agreed for 'standard' letters to be sent to these property/land owners which should be signed from 'Parish Council' and not by individual Members. (List to the Clerk). Cllr. Tottman would also send a letter of thanks from Parish Council to those who had cutback their vegetation.
Cllr. Tottman left the meeting at 22:12
15. / Open Spaces
a.  To receive any reports.
There were no reports received.
b.  To receive a quote from John O’Conner for interim ground maintenance work in the Village to include the Millennium seat at The Stream and the Diamond Jubilee Garden.
Members agreed to ask if a nearby neighbour would be prepared to cut the grass around the Millennium Seat at the Stream.
16. / History Centre
To receive any updates.
Cllr. Bodey reported that History Group’s WWI Exhibition had been on display at the Catsfield Flower Show and Fete and would next be going to the WI meeting in September.
Cllr. Auer left the meeting at 22:40
17. / Village Hall Car Park
a.  To confirm the handover date of the Village Hall Car Park from RDC to Catsfield PC.
Rother DC had handed over the Village Hall Car Park on 1st July 2014. Arrangements were being made to register the lease with Land Registry.
b.  To receive an update on the following items :
i.  Signage.
Cllr. Goodliffe was arranging.
ii. Rules and regulations
Cllr. Goodliffe was arranging.
iii.  Grit bin
Members agreed to order a replacement Grit bin.
iv.  Risk Assessment
Cllr. Goodliffe was arranging.
18. / Village Hall
a.  To receive any updates.
Cllr. Goodliffe had sent the following report.
The Village Hall Committee had met on 21st July where Cllr. Goodliffe issued a car park report and updated them on internal matters. The main issue was a roof leak above the female toilets. The primary reason for this was resolved and a report was issued to the Chairman - Mike Cooper. Subsequently a secondary leak had been located following that morning’s rain. Tunbridge Wells Roofing had attended site to carry out temporary repairs. Permanent repairs will be carried out shortly and internal finishes could now be repaired. Members agreed for the Village Hall Committee to borrow Parish Council’s dehumidifier.
b.  To receive an update on the external lighting requirements in the Village Hall Car Park.
Cllr. Goodliffe was not available to report.
c.  To receive an update on replacing the projector in the Village Hall
Cllr. Overall had a meeting arranged with Kave Theatre Services. The Village Hall Committee had asked who was paying for the new projector. Members confirmed that Parish Council would be funding.
19. / Catsfield C of E School
a.  To receive a report
Mr. Elms – Deputy Head had sent through a report which would be forwarded to Members.
b.  To receive an update on the parking problems outside Catsfield School
Cllr. Scott reported that the School had borrowed Parish Council’s SID and carried out a Speed Check with Sussex Police, children and parents outside the School. Issues in relation to parking were still ongoing.
5. / Matters arising
a.  To receive an update on Local Planning and Site Allocations project with Rother DC.
Rother DC had now received the outcome of The Inspector's decision on their modified Core Strategy. In conclusion the Inspector reported that the Core Strategy was 'sound' subject to the inclusion of the main modifications set out in the Appendix to her report. Members were due to meet with Roger Comerford on 18th August to discuss the Village Study which would form part two of the Core Strategy.
b.  To receive a report from the Neighbourhood Plan working party on developing a framework to qualify producing a Neighbourhood Plan.
The meeting was adjourned at 21:35 to allow Mr. Holgate – a Member of the NP Working Party to give an update on their findings. Mr. Holgate reported that Parish Council had to lead on the Plan and make an application to Rother DC to start the process. Rother DC would receive a grant of £25k to help with the Plan and Parish Council would also be entitled to funding. The benefit of a NHP would be to help combat planning decisions. The plan had to comply with Rother DC’s Core Strategy but it would be tailored by Catsfield and has to be taken into account when making planning decisions. For these reasons the Working Party felt the Plan should be taken forward. Miss. Parker had drafted a letter of complaint to the Inspector – Laura Graham in relation to scale of housing growth proposed for Catsfield. The meeting recovened at 21:50. Members agreed to review Miss Parker’s letter and discuss at the next meeting. Cllr. Auer proposed Parish Council should produce a Neighbourhood Plan for Catsfield. Cllr. Thomas seconded. All vote unanimously in favour. Rother DC would be notified that Catsfield PC are proposing to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan.
c.  To any updates on the ESCC Public Transport Consultation (No. 95 Bus Service in Catsfield).
No further updates were expected until after the Consultation period which was open until 28th September.
d.  To receive an update on a WWI Commemorative Plaque at St Laurence Church.
Cllr. Bodey reported that no decision had been reached. Cllr. Overall would approach St. Laurence PCC and propose a brass plaque is placed on the actual Memorial.
e.  To discuss the Community Benefit Offer from Lightsource Renewable Energy Ltd re: St Francis Farm – Solar Farm Development.
This item was brought forward after item 4 for discussion to accommodate the representatives from Lightsource. The meeting was adjourned at 19:45 to allow representatives from Lightsource Penny Laurenson (Planning Manager) and Harry Vickers (Development Manager) to speak. Penny explained the reason for drawing-up and signing a Community Benefit Deed and Bribery Act 2010 compliance form was a formality to ensure whoever signs the form does not benefit from the fund. Normally the money would go towards providing solar panels on community buildings, but it can be used for other Community benefit projects. In the event that planning permission is refused the offer automatically ends. Lightsource had held two consultations in Ninfield and apologised that Catsfield had been slightly overlooked in this process. The meeting reconvened at 19:55. Cllr. Scott proposed accepting the Community Benefit Offer. Cllr. Bodey seconded. 5 Members voted in favour of accepting. 1 Member opposed. Penny Laurenson would ask Joshua Mellor to draw-up the paperwork and forward to Parish Council.
f.  To discuss limiting Parish Council Meetings to 2.5 hours maximum.
Time did not allow this matter to be discussed.
6.3 / Planning
To a consider response to planning application:-
a.  RR/2014/1659/P - Pond Cottage, Watermill Lane, Catsfield
(1) Erection of 2m high timber boarded fencing and double gates fronting Watermill Lane (retrospective). (2) Formation of new driveway access from Spratts Lane (Retrospective) with closure of existing access gates except for emergency use. (3) Erection of further 2m high timber boarded fence set back from Spratts Lane.
Applicant : Coleby Investments Ltd
Member comments remained as per the previous application RR/2013/875/P. Parish Council did not object to this planning proposal but had concerns regarding the visibility splay to and from Spratts Lane - which is a very narrow lane. It was noted that the kerb had now been raised outside the original access on Watermill Lane and asked that this was permanently closed with the gates being replaced with fencing and hedging all round.
b.  RR/2014/1664/P - Catsfield Road - Land to the East of, Catsfield