Animal. Animals live in various forms and sizes in all parts of the world. Of which walking or crawling on the ground, some of which fly in the air or swim in the water. Valkhil and canaries and toads, fish, gold, butterflies and worms, all animals, as well as oysters, beetles, elephants, lobsters, sponges, seals and snakes. Many of the animals is too small to Erie only through the microscope, The largest animal is the size of the sperm whale blue and a length of more than one row consisting of five elephants.
No one knows exactly how many species of animals in the world. Scientists have been able so far to classify more than a million species of animals, but finds a few each year hundreds of new species.
We have world class Robert Hoetekr in 1969 births in the five kingdoms (main groups) are: Kingdom of the priorities of the nucleus (Almonnera), Kingdom of Alfrticiat (Albrootista), Kingdom of fungi, the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom.


Differs from all kind of animals from other species; every type of special way of life which are adapted to the place where he lives with food to eat. However, similar to many of the animals in certain things. Some are raised as pets in homes, others are raised for meat production, and some wild animals (wild). Some animals live on land and some in the water. Can be classified in many other ways animals depend on the similarity between them, such as the number of legs that each of them. The classification of animals according to similarities among them of the best ways used in the division of the animal kingdom to a few large groups. But the scientific study of animals require more attention, as zoologists classify animals into groups depending on the specific physical characteristics.
Cat and cats, including relatives of many wild animals with similar physical characteristics. It has several common habits; they are smart animals Siadp monitor prey in silence and without making any sound that help them to their feet with pillows, which absorbs fatty voice movement. And pounce on its prey in a timely manner with their claws and teeth, torn by sharp. And some use claws to climb trees in search of prey or to escape from enemies.
Pets and wild animals (wild). Has been classified as animals to pets and brutality by dealing with human beings. The dog does not bite or run away if you try one of the people Mlatefth pet, as well as the horse does not kick, and the cat who does not scratch, and the bird sitting on the finger by human hands. The wild animals are afraid to approach humans. The vast majority of wild animals can be domesticated members of them, but often come back and brutality again. We have been domesticated a few types of wild animals in large numbers. The majority of these animals are well-known household pets and farm animals.

The importance of animals
Animals and plants are integrated into the pattern of nature is often called a network of life. Can be seen that style in the garden or in the backyard of a house where a number of plants and animals. There are many animals fed some of the plants at the same time The majority of the plants need food of animal waste. This pattern is keeping the balance of the total number of survivors as well.
Each type of animal is an important part of the natural system unique. Animals help to build a life where food for humans and plants. At the same time destroy life as well, because they hunt and kill other animals also feed on plants. As a result, they maintain the numerical balance of plants and animals. This balance is important in nature, often called the web of life. And the natural order, which connects all living beings is explained in an article in this free environment.

Animal senses
Animal senses
Most of the animals in parts of the body respond to the changes that occur in the middle where you live. It may be a source of moving (change) the smell or sight or sound or taste or to the name. In animals and there was no simple installation of special sections of their bodies respond to external stimuli, but do so in all body cells. The complex structure of animals, especially vertebrates, it has a high composition of the members respond to external stimuli.
The senses. Some animals interact, such as simple installation Alheidra the comb jellyfish, with external influences mediated by special cells scattered among the cells Aloatrip the animal's body. The response of most other types of animals to external stimuli, depends to a large extent on one or more of the basic senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. But some of these senses may be more important for a particular type of animal without another type. Most of the birds, for example, can not get the food if you were not you see. The hearing is particularly important to bats. If my ears were covered bat he can not fly at all, but collides with all the face of things. The precise sense of smell that enables dogs to find food and tracing and to identify the risks they may face. The sense of taste are very important to many insects where you specify the butterfly food Ptdhugaha sweet nectar of flowers brokered legs. The sense of touch is very important for cats, as the drinkers are only members of the cat being able to feel the touch the way the grass short so that it can avoid collision with objects that may exist in a way.

Classified the animal kingdom
Category phylum
Scientists classify animals in the taxonomic groups according to similarities and differences among them, and the logical way to arrange information on the animals and to highlight the links between them. The following tables highlight some taxonomic groups, and some major animal characteristics task. Tables are arranged from animals with a single cell to more complex animals in the installation. The taxonomy of the most difficult subjects too, as there are very large differences between the different taxonomic schools. The most agreed upon by zoologists is a division of the animal kingdom into several Mmilcat are: Mmelcp priorities and Mmelcp Albarrazoa and Mmelcp Many real cells. This system, as the kingdoms of the five proposed by the American scientist Robert Hoetekr since 1969 for the classification of living has not yet found full acceptance among biologists, although it has many great advantages solve many of the problems of the existing classification system of the old kingdoms, where the class scientists in the old system births to only two kingdoms: the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom. In a system of five kingdoms, we find that the priorities are within the Kingdom of Mmelcp Algrticiat (Albrootista), but in the system of the two kingdoms is one of the priorities Almmilcat in the animal kingdom.

Finally, as you know that animals are very useful, but for the animals to the deceitfulness of the environment, life did not exist.
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