HUMAN RIGHTS OFFICER, P3, 23646, Deadline: 20/01/2013, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, GENEVA,

ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, P4, 23726, Deadline: 25/01/2013, United Nations Environment Programme, PARIS,

SECRETARY OF THE COMMISSION, P5, 24144, Deadline: 10/02/2013, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, BEIRUT,

Human Rights Officer, P3, 24888, Deadline: 26/02/2013, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, GENEVA,

Investment Officer Alternative Investments, P4, 24925, Deadline: 09/02/2013, United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, NEW YORK,

Security Coordination Officer (Crisis Management), P3, 24930, Deadline: 20/01/2013, Department of Safety and Security, NEW YORK,

FINANCE OFFICER, P3, 25031, Deadline: 19/01/2013, United Nations Environment Programme, NAIROBI,

STATISTICIAN, P4, 25066, Deadline: 28/01/2013, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, PORT OF SPAIN,

PROGRAMME OFFICER, (Cleaner and Safer Production), P3, 25157, Deadline: 20/01/2013, United Nations Environment Programme, PARIS,

Secretary of Governing Bodies & Chief, Conference Services, P4, 25172, Deadline: 17/02/2013, United Nations Environment Programme, MONTREAL,

PROGRAMME OFFICER, P4, 25220, Deadline: 20/01/2013, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, GENEVA,

SENIOR ECONOMIC AFFAIRS OFFICER, P5, 25222, Deadline: 20/01/2013, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, GENEVA,

Political Affairs Officer (Special Assistant), P3, 25241, Deadline: 22/01/2013, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, NEW YORK,

Information Systems Officer, P3, 25245, Deadline: 11/02/2013, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, NEW YORK,

Chief, Procurement Management Section, P5, 25248, Deadline: 01/03/2013, Department of Management, NEW YORK,

ECONOMIC AFFAIRS OFFICER, P4, 25272, Deadline: 20/01/2013, Economic Commission for Europe, GENEVA,

Senior Economic Affairs Officer, P5, 25284, Deadline: 20/01/2013, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, NEW YORK,

TRAINING OFFICER, P3, 25301, Deadline: 08/02/2013, United Nations Office at Nairobi, NAIROBI,

ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS OFFICER, P3, 25315, Deadline: 26/01/2013, Economic Commission for Europe, GENEVA,

INFORMATION SYSTEMS OFFICER, P4, 25334, Deadline: 20/01/2013, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, GENEVA,

Inter-regional Advisor on Population and Housing Censuses, P5, 25384, Deadline: 10/02/2013, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, NEW YORK,

Chief, Trade Analysis Branch, D1, 25414, Deadline: 27/01/2013, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, GENEVA,

LEGAL OFFICER, P4, 25435, Deadline: 22/01/2013, Department of Management, NEW YORK,

EDITOR, ARABIC, P3, 25450, Deadline: 05/02/2013, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, BEIRUT,

Senior Humanitarian Affairs Officer, P5, 25456, Deadline: 28/01/2013, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, NEW YORK,

SENIOR ECONOMIC AFFAIRS OFFICER, P5, 25458, Deadline: 22/01/2013, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, GENEVA,

Human Rights Officer, P4, 25474, Deadline: 27/01/2013, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, SANA'A,

Chief, Economic Analysis Section, P5, 25517, Deadline: 19/01/2013, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, BEIRUT,

POLITICAL AFFAIRS OFFICER, P3, 25555, Deadline: 10/02/2013, Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, NEW YORK,

SENIOR GOVERNANCE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OFFICER, P5, 25580, Deadline: 10/02/2013, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, SEOUL,

Property Management Officer, P3, 25600, Deadline: 04/02/2013, United Nations Office at Geneva, GENEVA,

BENEFITS OFFICER, P3, 25613, Deadline: 03/02/2013, United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, NEW YORK,

INFORMATION SYSTEMS OFFICER, P4, 25618, Deadline: 05/03/2013, United Nations Environment Programme, NAIROBI,

Chief, Trade and Poverty Branch, D1, 25620, Deadline: 12/02/2013, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, GENEVA,

Senior Programme Officer, P5, 25636, Deadline: 16/02/2013, Department of Field Support, NEW YORK,

PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER, P4, 25647, Deadline: 03/02/2013, Department of Public Information, NEW YORK,

Deputy Head, CCAC, P5, 25653, Deadline: 03/02/2013, United Nations Environment Programme, PARIS,

Administrative Officer, P4, 25672, Deadline: 03/03/2013, Department of Management, NEW YORK,

ELECTORAL/POLITICAL AFFAIRS OFFICER, P4, 25686, Deadline: 08/02/2013, Department of Political Affairs, NEW YORK,

STATISTICIAN (Chief of Section), P4, 25727, Deadline: 05/02/2013, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, NEW YORK,

Programme Officer, P3, 25729, Deadline: 20/01/2013, Department of Field Support, NEW YORK,

HUMAN SETTLEMENTS OFFICER (Capacity Building), P3, 25735, Deadline: 28/01/2013, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, NAIROBI,

SENIOR ECONOMIC AFFAIRS OFFICER, P5, 25742, Deadline: 02/02/2013, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, NEW YORK,

Senior Information Management Officer (ReliefWeb Coordinator), P5, 25744, Deadline: 22/01/2013, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, NEW YORK,

Information Management Officer (ReliefWeb Editor), P3, 25758, Deadline: 17/02/2013, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, NAIROBI,

Principal Political Affairs Officer, D1, 25766, Deadline: 22/01/2013, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, NEW YORK,

LEGAL OFFICER, P4, 25781, Deadline: 28/01/2013, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, GENEVA,

Senior Reviser (French), P5, 25823, Deadline: 27/01/2013, United Nations Office at Geneva, GENEVA,

REVISER (French), P4, 25824, Deadline: 28/01/2013, United Nations Office at Geneva, GENEVA,

Inter-regional Adviser (IRA) in Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), P5, 25825, Deadline: 20/01/2013, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, NEW YORK,

Finance & Budget Officer, P3, 25843, Deadline: 03/02/2013, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, NEW YORK,

SENIOR HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS OFFICER / ROAMING EMERGENCY SURGE OFFICER (SHAO/RESO), P5, 25864, Deadline: 25/01/2013, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, GENEVA,

Humanitarian Affairs Officer / Roaming Operational Stability Officer (HAO/ROSO), P4, 25865, Deadline: 25/01/2013, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, GENEVA,

SENIOR SOCIAL AFFAIRS OFFICER, P5, 25869, Deadline: 02/02/2013, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, NEW YORK,

Auditor, P4, 25874, Deadline: 19/01/2013, Office of Internal Oversight Services, NEW YORK,

Human Resources Officer, P3, 25888, Deadline: 22/01/2013, Department of Field Support, NEW YORK,

SENIOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT EXPERT, P5, 25891, Deadline: 19/01/2013, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, RIYADH,

Legal Officer (Programme Adviser), P4, 25898, Deadline: 02/02/2013, Office of Legal Affairs, NEW YORK,

HUMAN RIGHTS OFFICER, P3, 25899, Deadline: 26/02/2013, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, GENEVA,

Political Affairs Officer, P4, 25901, Deadline: 25/02/2013, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, NEW YORK,

ECONOMIC AFFAIRS OFFICER, P4, 25903, Deadline: 12/03/2013, Office of the Special Adviser on Africa, NEW YORK,

Economic Affairs Officer, P3, 25904, Deadline: 25/01/2013, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, NEW YORK,

Humanitarian Affairs Officer, P3, 25906, Deadline: 20/01/2013, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, NEW YORK,

Chief, Finance Section, P5, 25907, Deadline: 11/02/2013, United Nations Office at Geneva, GENEVA,

GOVERNANCE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OFFICER, P4, 25916, Deadline: 10/02/2013, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, NEW YORK,

Auditor, P4, 25920, Deadline: 19/01/2013, Office of Internal Oversight Services, NEW YORK,

Political Affairs Officer (Coordination Officer), P4, 25925, Deadline: 22/01/2013, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, NEW YORK,

CHIEF OF STAFF, D1, 25928, Deadline: 03/02/2013, Economic Commission for Africa, ADDIS ABABA,

SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION, P5, 25931, Deadline: 03/02/2013, Economic Commission for Africa, ADDIS ABABA,

Information Systems Officer (2 Posts), P3, 25939, Deadline: 03/02/2013, Office of Information and Communication Technology, NEW YORK,

Director, New York Office/Secretariat of the Environment Management Group, D2, 25953, Deadline: 08/02/2013, United Nations Environment Programme, NEW YORK,

Programme Officer, P3, 25962, Deadline: 04/02/2013, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, NEW YORK,

LEGAL OFFICER, P3, 25971, Deadline: 05/02/2013, United Nations Office at Geneva, GENEVA,

INFORMATION SYSTEMS OFFICER, P3, 25980, Deadline: 12/03/2013, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, NEW YORK,

Information Systems Officer, P4, 25981, Deadline: 08/02/2013, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, NEW YORK,

CHIEF, CLIENTS AND CONFERENCE SUPPORT SECTION, P4, 25990, Deadline: 03/02/2013, United Nations Office at Nairobi, NAIROBI,

CONFERENCE SERVICES OFFICER (Deputy Chief, Meetings Management Section), P4, 25995, Deadline: 08/02/2013, Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, NEW YORK,

Conference Services Officer (Chief, Meeting Servicing Unit), P3, 25999, Deadline: 09/02/2013, Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, NEW YORK,

HUMAN SETTLEMENTS OFFICER (Land Policy Specialist) - PROJECT POST, P4, 26007, Deadline: 20/01/2013, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, KINSHASA,

PROGRAMME OFFICER (HIV/AIDS PREVENTION AND CARE), P3, 26010, Deadline: 20/01/2013, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, MULTIPLE D/S,

Procurement Officer, P3, 26018, Deadline: 20/01/2013, Office of Central Support Services, NEW YORK,

External Relations Officer (Co-Financing and Partnership), P4, 26024, Deadline: 19/02/2013, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, VIENNA,

CHIEF OF UNIT (Innovation and ICTs), P5, 26028, Deadline: 21/01/2013, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, SANTIAGO,

Project Officer, P3, 26029, Deadline: 20/01/2013, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, VIENNA,

Information Systems Officer, P3, 26030, Deadline: 01/02/2013, Office of Central Support Services, NEW YORK,

Senior Political Affairs Officer, P5, 26053, Deadline: 29/01/2013, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, NEW YORK,

Auditor, P4, 26055, Deadline: 01/02/2013, Office of Internal Oversight Services, NEW YORK,

HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS OFFICER, P3, 26057, Deadline: 01/03/2013, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, GENEVA,

Economic Affairs Officer, P4, 26059, Deadline: 25/01/2013, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, BRASILIA,

Self-revising Translator/REVISER (Chinese), P4, 26065, Deadline: 25/02/2013, Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, NEW YORK,

Political Affairs Officer (Peacebuilding Officer - Commission Support), P3, 26075, Deadline: 10/02/2013, Peacebuilding Support Office, NEW YORK,

SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY (Two posts), P3, 26076, Deadline: 30/01/2013, Economic Commission for Africa, ADDIS ABABA,

2013 - LCE FRENCH INTERPRETERS, P-2/P-3, P3, 26085, Deadline: 25/01/2013, Department of Management, MULTIPLE D/S,

2013 - LCE SPANISH INTERPRETERS, P-2/P-3, P3, 26086, Deadline: 01/02/2013, Department of Management, MULTIPLE D/S,

Information Systems Officer, P3, 26098, Deadline: 09/02/2013, Department of Management, NEW YORK,

PROGRAMME OFFICER, P3, 26111, Deadline: 01/02/2013, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, SANTIAGO,

LEGAL OFFICER, P4, 26112, Deadline: 10/02/2013, United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, GENEVA,

HUMAN RIGHTS OFFICER, P3, 26113, Deadline: 12/03/2013, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, BEIRUT,

Senior Political Affairs Officer, P5, 26114, Deadline: 18/02/2013, Department of Political Affairs, NEW YORK,

Corrections Policy Officer, P4, 26130, Deadline: 12/03/2013, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, NEW YORK,

PROGRAMME OFFICER, P3, 26134, Deadline: 22/02/2013, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, BEIRUT,

Research Officer, P4, 26138, Deadline: 09/02/2013, Economic Commission for Africa, ADDIS ABABA,

TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS AFFAIRS OFFICER, P3, 26139, Deadline: 17/02/2013, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, GENEVA,

PROGRAMME OFFICER, P4, 26140, Deadline: 25/02/2013, United Nations Office at Vienna, VIENNA,

Procurement Officer (2 Posts), P3, 26142, Deadline: 10/02/2013, Office of Central Support Services, NEW YORK,

Management Analyst (Testing Coordination), P4, 26143, Deadline: 25/01/2013, Department of Management, NEW YORK,

Administrative Officer, P4, 26150, Deadline: 25/02/2013, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, NEW YORK,

Deputy Chief Executive Officer - United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, D2, 26160, Deadline: 08/02/2013, United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, NEW YORK,

Adviser (Anti-Corruption), P4, 26172, Deadline: 01/02/2013, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, CAIRO,

TERMINOLOGIST, RUSSIAN, P3, 26181, Deadline: 04/03/2013, Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, NEW YORK,

Programme Officer, P3, 26193, Deadline: 20/01/2013, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, VIENNA,

HUMANITARIAN AFFAIRS OFFICER, P3, 26219, Deadline: 16/02/2013, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, GENEVA,

Chief Of Partnerships Coordination Section, P5, 26221, Deadline: 03/02/2013, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, GENEVA,

PROGRAMME EXPERT, P3, 26230, Deadline: 09/02/2013, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, NAGOYA,

PROGRAMME COORDINATOR (Project Post), P4, 26235, Deadline: 09/02/2013, United Nations Environment Programme, MOSCOW,

Special Assistant, P4, 26240, Deadline: 12/03/2013, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, GENEVA,

Legal Officer, P3, 26242, Deadline: 05/03/2013, Office of Administration of Justice, NAIROBI,

Information Systems Officer, P4, 26254, Deadline: 18/02/2013, Department of Management, NEW YORK,

Administrative Officer, P4, 26262, Deadline: 09/03/2013, Department of Management, NEW YORK,

DRUG CONTROL AND CRIME PREVENTION OFFICER (BORDER LIAISON), P4, 26266, Deadline: 23/01/2013, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, KABUL,

HUMAN SETTLEMENTS OFFICER (3 Posts) - Project, P4, 26267, Deadline: 10/02/2013, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, KIGALI,

PROGRAMME COORDINATOR (COUNTRY MANAGER), P4, 26272, Deadline: 01/02/2013, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, JAKARTA,

Information Systems Officer, P3, 26274, Deadline: 06/02/2013, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, AMMAN,

HUMAN RIGHTS OFFICER, P3, 26277, Deadline: 26/02/2013, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, GENEVA,

CHIEF HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER, P5, 26287, Deadline: 02/02/2013, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, THE HAGUE,

Principal Public Information Officer (Chief, Communications Services Branch), D1, 26294, Deadline: 11/03/2013, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, NEW YORK,

Programme Officer, P3, 26295, Deadline: 05/03/2013, Department of Field Support, NEW YORK,

Political Affairs Officer, P3, 26300, Deadline: 05/03/2013, Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate, NEW YORK,

Adviser (Anti-Corruption) - 2 posts, P4, 26310, Deadline: 01/02/2013, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, MULTIPLE D/S,

Programme Officer (Anti-Money-Laundering Law Enforcement Adviser), P4, 26409, Deadline: 30/01/2013, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, VIENNA,

Deputy Director, P5, 26412, Deadline: 07/02/2013, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, INCHEON CITY,

Legal Officer, P3, 26424, Deadline: 09/03/2013, Department of Management, NEW YORK,

Chief of Service (3 posts), D1, 26430, Deadline: 12/03/2013, United Nations Office at Geneva, GENEVA,

SENIOR INTERPRETER - FRENCH, P5, 26434, Deadline: 09/03/2013, Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, NEW YORK,

SENIOR INTERPRETER (ARABIC), P5, 26435, Deadline: 12/03/2013, Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, NEW YORK,

Budget and Finance Officer, P4, 26442, Deadline: 26/02/2013, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, BANGKOK,

Programme Officer, P4, 26460, Deadline: 09/03/2013, United Nations Office at Vienna, VIENNA,

Chief, Chinese Language Unit, P4, 26462, Deadline: 25/02/2013, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, BANGKOK,

Humanitarian Affairs Officer, P3, 26470, Deadline: 08/03/2013, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, NEW YORK,

CHIEF CONFLICT OCCUPATION AND DEVELOPMENT SECTION, P5, 26477, Deadline: 03/03/2013, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, BEIRUT,

Humanitarian Affairs Officer, P4, 26478, Deadline: 22/01/2013, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, AMMAN,

Humanitarian Affairs Officer, P3, 26479, Deadline: 19/01/2013, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, BEIRUT,

Humanitarian Affairs Officer, P4, 26480, Deadline: 22/01/2013, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, ANKARA,

Senior Information Systems Officer, P5, 26490, Deadline: 09/03/2013, Department of Management, NEW YORK,

PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER, P3, 26491, Deadline: 10/03/2013, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, PORT OF SPAIN,

ECONOMIC AFFAIRS OFFICER, P3, 26494, Deadline: 26/02/2013, Economic Development Unit - Mexico, MEXICO CITY,

SENIOR LEGAL OFFICER, P5, 26504, Deadline: 09/02/2013, International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, THE HAGUE,

LEGAL ADVISOR, P3, 26509, Deadline: 08/02/2013, International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, THE HAGUE,

Translator (French), P3, 26510, Deadline: 09/03/2013, Economic Commission for Africa, ADDIS ABABA,

SENIOR INTERPRETER - RUSSIAN, P5, 26517, Deadline: 09/03/2013, Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, NEW YORK,

PROJECT MANAGER, P4, 25748, Deadline: 14/02/2013, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, KABUL,

Accountant, P3, 26270, Deadline: 16/03/2013, United Nations Office at Geneva, GENEVA,

CHIEF TECHNICAL ADVISER (Project Post), P5, 26431, Deadline: 14/02/2013, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, PRISTINA,

INTERPRETER (FRENCH) 2 POSTS, P4, 26436, Deadline: 15/03/2013, Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, NEW YORK,

Statistician, P4, 26454, Deadline: 15/03/2013, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, NEW YORK,

Legal Officer, P4, 26500, Deadline: 15/03/2013, Office of Legal Affairs, NEW YORK,

HUMAN SETTLEMENTS OFFICER (Project), P3, 26578, Deadline: 13/02/2013, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, NAIROBI,

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