industriAllAd-hoc Working

Survey on the current situationof companiesand of the railway industryin European countries
Deadline:1stSeptember 2014

Companyandcontact person

Company name:

Contact person:
Committee member


A. General company information

  1. Key figures

2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013
  1. The companyis...

independentpart of a group of companies

If part of a group of companies,please name which:

  1. The company is.. (you may select more than one answer)

Manufacturer of complete railway systems(eg. completelocomotives, carriages, trams)

Manufacturer of technical rail components/subsystems

Manufacturer of track and signalling technology

Mostly active in the maintenance, upkeep and repairs sector

Service provider ( services, steering or testing systems)

  1. What is the proportion of domestic and international business in the company?

Foreign business: %Domestic business: %

What are the main countries you sell to?

  1. What proportion of the overall production is done in-house (i.e. excludingintermediate products or services which arepurchased from suppliers)?


  1. How will the proportion of in-house production evolve over the next two years?

It will increaseIt will stay the sameIt will decreaseNo information available

  1. According to current estimates, what is the capacity utilisation in the company, both presently and in the forthcoming years (in %)?

2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018
  1. How do you estimate the order situation will evolve over the next two years?

It will improveIt will stay the sameIt will get worse No information avail.

B. Employment situation

  1. How many employees were there(temporary and permanent)as at31st January 2014?

Overall Total / Men / Women
Total no. of employees
No. covered by collective agreement
No. not covered by collective agreement
No. covered by collective agreement
No. not covered by collective agreement
Total no. of trainees
  1. How many temporary workers were there as at 31st January 2014?

Overall Total / Men / Women
  1. How is the employment situation expected to evolve during2014/15?

expected reduction of posts

will stay the same

industriAllAd-hoc Working

expected increase of posts

  1. Are there any instruments designed to safeguard employment within the company? (for exampleshort-time working (“Kurzarbeit”), employment protection agreements etc.)

Yes No Not known

If so, please specify the content and duration using keywords:

  1. How many new hires were there between January 2013 and January 2014?

Total no. of new hires / Men / Women

In which areas were new hires made?

  1. How many redundancies were made between January 2013 and January 2014?

Total no. of redundancies:Of these, no. of redundancies on

economic grounds:

In which areas were the redundancies made?

C. Training,age structure, rates of sickness absence

  1. How many trainees

completed their training in 2013?

were recruited in 2013?

industriAllAd-hoc Working

  1. Were there any difficulties in filling vacancieslast year?

YesNoNot known

If so, in whichareas/for which skills/activities and/orjobs?

... and for what reasons?

  1. Regarding the age structure: what is the spread of employees across the different age groups?

Under 30 years / 30 to 39years / 40 to 49years / 50 to 59 years / 60years or more
  1. What was/is the percentage of sickness absence and the number of work-related accidents in 2012 andin Q12013?

Sicknessabsence 2013(in %) / Sicknessabsence Q1/2014 (in %) / Work-related accidents 2013
(no.) / Work-related accidentsQ1/2014 (no.)
Permanent employees
Temporary workers

D.Short-time work (“Kurzarbeit”)and flextime accounts

  1. Has there been any short-time work sinceApril 2013?

YesNoNot known

If so, in which areas,departments?

If so, please send in attachment a copy of the corresponding agreement.

  1. How long will/did theshort-time work last for?

Start date:End date:

What was the proportion of loss in working time (in %):

  1. During this period, was any training held for the workers affected by the short-time work?

YesNoNot known

  1. Is there any short-time work planned for the near future?

YesNoNot known

If so,how many employees will be affected:

If so,what is the predicted loss in working hours (in %):

industriAllAd-hoc Working

E.Temporary agency work

N.B.:Temporary agency workers are those employed directly by temporary agencies. Employees from external companies (subcontracters) who are working within the company will not be counted.

  1. How many temporary agency workers were there as at 31st January 2014?

Total no. of temporary agency workers

Of which, how many:


sales & marketing staff:

manual workers:

  1. How many of the temporary agency workers were offered a permanent contract by the company in 2013?
  1. Within the works council, is there a colleague who is responsible for dealing with issues relating to temporary agency workers?

YesNo Not known

  1. How does the works council address the temporary agency workers and what means are used by the trade unionsto try to unionise them?

F.Other types of external employment

  1. How many people are employed by external companies?
  1. For what services, previously provided by the company, are external staff being employed?

industriAllAd-hoc Working

industriAllAd-hoc Working

  1. Is there any legal provision, collective agreement or other agreement on the regulation of external employment contracts?

YesNoNot known

industriAllAd-hoc Working

If so, please send in attachment a copy of the corresponding agreement.

industriAllAd-hoc Working

  1. Are the interests of external employees represented within the company?

G.Skilled labour

  1. Are there any special measures to ensure skilled labour in the future?

industriAllAd-hoc Working

Company training programmes:YesNoNot known

If so, which:

  1. How are further education programmes for employees being supported in the company?

Through provisions relating to the right to time off for training

Financial support

Other, namely:

industriAllAd-hoc Working

Please give an overall verdict on the situation,the main problemsand the prospects for companies as far as works councils are concerned.

If there are other important aspects which you feel were not addressed in this survey, please specify here:

H. Supplementary question on the sector at national level

  1. Which companies are present in the railway industry of the country where you work? What is the product portfolio of these companies? (e.g track systems [tracks, switches, signalling systems], vehicles, components [electrical equipment, brakes, air conditioning etc.])

Please list these by activity in the areas of research and development, as well as indicating the number of sites and employees.

  1. How has the railway industry evolved since 2005?

Please indicate developments in terms of turnover and order book (this information can be obtained through the national railway industry organisations or national statistics)

  1. Given that the railway industry is dependent on political decisions regarding the country’s infrastructure, it is important for us to know what the government‘s strategic transport plans in the country where you have workedare, particularly with regard to public transport and even more specifically, rail transport?

a)Is the railway industry taken account of in these political reflections? Are there any deviations from the EU Commission’s decisions? If so, which?

b)What are the current plans with regard to this strategy? (eg. Development of railway transport)