HQ Start up Grant Application form

For Office use only
Date received
Ref. No.
Grant amount approved

(September 2012 Version)


Full Scout Group/Unit Name
ID Number
(from Registration Form or Census where section is recorded e.g. this might be District ID number for an Explorer Unit)
Scout District
Scout County/Area or Region (Scotland)
Name of Contact Person
Address for correspondence
(including postcode)
Phone Number(s) / Day / Evening
Email address

2. Eligibility for a HQ Grant

In order to be eligible for a Start up grant, applicants must satisfy certain standard conditions. All questions must be answered ‘Yes’, to be eligiblewhere applicable.

Eligibility criteria / Yes / No
We are registered to receive Gift Aid /or making application.
We have an appropriate, functioning Executive Committee.
(e.g. At least Chair, Secretary and Treasurer +1)
The new Section(s):
a) opened within the last 6 months from application date, or
b) will open within the next 3 months from application date
Our Scout Group/Unit is Co-educational
If ‘No’ due to ‘special circumstances’, please give reason(s). (e.g. sponsored by a girls only school)

3. Grants are normally paid to the Group/District/ County (Region in Scotland). Please give details of the bank or building society into which we would pay the grant. A BAC’s Remittance will be sent to the applicant once payment has been made.

Name of bank or building
Name of the Account
Sort Code / Account or Roll Number

4. Which new Sections are being/have opened (maybe more than one Section at the sametime)?

Beavers ___ Cubs ___ Scouts ___ Explorers ___ Scout Network ___

5. How many members are in/will be joining, the new Sections?

Section / Number of young people / Number of adults
Beaver Scouts
Cub Scouts
Explorer Scouts
Network Scouts

7. What do you plan to purchase with the grant?

8. Declarations: I believe that the above information is true and accurate.

Signature of Applicant / Date

9. As the District/County/Regional (Scotland) Commissioner to the above, I fully support this application for a HQ Grant and, with my Executive Committee we have sought to provide some additional financial support for this new Section from our own resources/reserves, where available.

Name of DC/CC/RC
(Please PRINT):
Signature of DC/CC/RC / Date
Email Address

Please send your completed application form to:

DGB GrantsTeam, The Scout Association, Gilwell Park, Bury Road, Chingford, London, E4 7QW

Amount of Grant approved / Date
Approved by

September 2012