GED and Adult Education Scholarships
The purpose of this scholarship is to assist members of the Florida School Nutrition Association (FSNA) from Miami Dade in completing their high school education. Two scholarships are available, each having different criteria. Please apply for the appropriate scholarship based on the requirements listed below. These scholarship funds are available through a donation made to the Florida School Food Service Foundation by the Richard H. Simons Charitable Trust.
$100 GED Test Scholarship
1. You must be a member of the Florida School Nutrition Association and the School Nutrition Association for at least one year; and you must currently work in school food service in Miami Dade County.
2. You must be a permanent employee in school foodservice in Florida for at least one year.
3. You must meet the basic requirements of the Florida Department of Education and be at least 18 years old, (16 or 17 with an age waiver from your local educational agency), and a resident of Florida at the time you take the GED Test.
4. You must submit a copy of your paid receipt, needed to take the test, and a copy of the Diploma/Certificate awarded at completion of testing (to be dated within one [1] year of application date).
5. The $100 scholarship may only be awarded once to an individual.
6. Upon completion, you will need to send the required information to the FSNA Office: 124 Salem Court, Tallahassee, FL 32301, Attention: Scholarships and Awards Chair. This will be reviewed by the Scholarships and Awards Committee and sent for Board approval at the next Board meeting.
$100 Adult Education Scholarship
1. You must be a member of the Florida School Nutrition Association and the School Nutrition Association for at least one year; and you must currently work in school food service in Miami Dade County.
2. You must be a permanent employee in school foodservice in Florida for at least one year.
3. You must be at least 16 years of age (check specific requirements on the local level) and a resident of Florida.
4. You must submit a copy of your paid receipt of entrance into an adult education program along with your application, as well as a copy of your diploma/certificate awarded at the completion of the program within one year of completion date.
5. The $100 scholarship may only be awarded once to an individual.
6. Upon completion, you will need to send the required information to the FSNA Office: 124 Salem Court, Tallahassee, FL 32301, Attention: Scholarships and Awards Chair. This will be reviewed by the Scholarships and Awards Committee and sent for Board approval at the next Board meeting.
GED and Adult Education Scholarships Application
Applications for the High School Diploma/GED Scholarship may be submitted when criteria is met. Applicants will be notified of scholarships granted within thirty (30) days following Executive Board approval.
I, ______, hereby apply for a scholarship for obtaining a GED/high school diploma, and agree to the criteria set up in the scholarship requirements.
Before me, the Undersigned authority, personally appeared
______(Notary’s Name), to me known to be the person described in the above application, which, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she has executed this application for the purpose above set forth.
Applicant’s Signature
Sworn to and subscribed before me this ______day of ______, ______
Notary Public
State of Florida at Large
I am a current member of the Florida School Nutrition Association in ______County.
I am currently employed at ______School or Administrative Office.
Home Address: ______
City: ______Zip Code: ______
Work Phone: ( ) ______Home Phone: ( ) ______
Email Address: ______
County: ______Region: ______
High School Attended ______Number of Years Attended ______
I attended ______School as a □ full-time □ part-time student.
GED and Adult Education Scholarships Application
Start with your present position and work back:
_____ to ______
Employer Position Held
Employer’s Address
Name of Immediate Supervisor Title
_____ to ______
Employer Position Held
Employer’s Address
Name of Immediate Supervisor Title
_____ to ______
Employer Position Held
Employer’s Address
Name of Immediate Supervisor Title
Application shall be accompanied by the following credentials:
_____ 1. An official transcript of the applicant’s high school record, if any.
_____ 2. A personal typewritten letter from the applicant stating:
A. plans for utilizing knowledge gained from your studies,
B. agreement to practice in the field of school foodservice in Florida, and
C. further contributions you feel you can give to the school foodservice field as a result of receiving the diploma.
Applicant’s Signature Date
District Director or District Supervisor Date
GED and Adult Education Scholarships
Checklist for Judging
FOR: Scholarships and Awards Committee Members
Use checklist to screen all entries prior to judging.
□ Verified: FSNA Member for at least one year
□ Verified: SNA Member for at least one year
□ School Food Service Employee in Miami Dade
□ Permanent SFS Employee for at least one year
□ Verify if received previously
□ Application
□ District Director or District Supervisor signature
□ Certificate/Diploma of completion