Econ 522 – Lecture 15 (March 24 2009)

  • Welcome back
  • Reminder: homework on contract law due next Tuesday
  • Who would like to move second midterm from Tues April 7 to Thurs April 9?

Let’s begin with a little review.

  • We started this class by defining the notion of efficiency
  • Basically: the idea of maximizing the total surplus realized by everyone in society
  • Efficiency requires that scarce resources be owned by whoever values them the most
  • And that any actionshould be if its total social benefit exceeds its total social cost
  • We made the claim that we’re interested in designing a legal system that leads to efficient outcomes
  • What makes this hard?
  • Once we set up the rules, we don’t expect individuals to act based on what’s efficient
  • We expect individuals to do whatever is in their own best interest
  • So the goal is to set up the rules in such a way that people acting in their own best interest will naturally lead to efficiency
  • Coase gives us one way to do this
  • Efficiency requires things to be owned by whoever values them the most
  • Suppose we set up a legal system where things can be bought and sold
  • If I value something more than you, I can buy it from you
  • As long as property rights are clearly defined and tradeable, and there are no transaction costs, people have an incentive to trade until each resource is owned by whoever values it most
  • This argument doesn’t depend on who starts with what – so Coase tells us that the initial allocation of rights doesn’t matter for efficiency, only for distribution
  • On the other hand, when there are transaction costs – impediments to private bargaining – we may not get to efficiency this way
  • This led us to two different normative views of the legal system:
  • One, that the legal system should aim to minimize transaction costs (“lubricate” private exchange, the normative Coase), since if we make transaction costs low enough, efficiency will follow
  • Or two, that the legal system should aim to allocate rights efficiently (the normative Hobbes), so that less is lost when private exchange fails

We then looked in more detail at four questions a property system needs to address:

1. What things can be privately owned?

  • One of the motivations for property rights was that without them, common resources would be overused
  • We distinguished between public and private goods
  • General principle: private goods should be privately owned
  • While public goods should be publicly owned/provided/regulated
  • We pointed out that society has an incentive to privatize a resource when the costs of boundary maintenance are smaller than losses due to overuse of common resources
  • Demsetz: fur trade made furs more valuable and caused overhunting
  • Loss due to overuse went up, leading Native Americans to develop private land rights
  • Another neat theory is mentioned in the Friedman book: “we owe civilization to the dogs”
  • When dogs were domesticated, they could be trained to recognize their owner’s land and guard it, and so private ownership of farmland became feasible because the cost of boundary maintenance went down
  • Property rights over information – patents (to create incentive to innovate), copyrights (to encourage the supply of a public good)
  • Different types of public ownership (common access vs regulation vs unanimous consent)

2. What can (or can’t) an owner do with their property?

  • General principle: maximum liberty
  • You can do whatever you want with your property, as long as it doesn’t infringe on anyone else’s rights or property
  • Nuisances, public and private nuisances
  • Other limitations on property rights, and economic rationale for each
  • Rules against perpetuities – an owner can’t restrict heirs indefinitely (but can for one generation)
  • Emergency exception to rules against trespass
  • Inalienability –some entitlements can’t be sold (or even given away)
  • Unbundling – can’t always unbundle property rights
  • But in some instances, you can – for example, with land in Pennsylvania, and with conservation easements in some locations

3. How are property rights established?

  • Fugitive property – paradigms of first possession and tied ownership
  • first possession tends to be simpler to implement
  • but causes resources to be wasted in trying to gain possession
  • example of this: Friedman on Homestead Act, saying that the resources wasted in starting to farm before it was efficient basically wasted much of the value of the land (p. 120 in Law’s Order)
  • First possession versus tied ownership is one example of the general tradeoff between simple, “bright line” rules versus more complex rules that might be more costly to implement but create better incentives
  • Pierson v Post
  • Fast Fish/Loose Fish versus Iron Holds The Whale
  • Verifying legal ownership (property deeds and car titles), acquiring title
  • Losing property rights – adverse possession, estray rules
  • Government’s rights to claim private property – eminent domain/takings, limitations (public use, just compensation); regulatory takings, abuse of takings

4. What remedies are available when property rights are violated?

  • injunctions vs damages
  • injunctions simpler (cheaper) to implement, create bright-line property rights to encourage bargaining
  • damages more efficient when transaction costs are high (bargaining unlikely to succeed)
  • temporary versus permanent damages
  • temporary damages more efficient when damages are easy to calculate and technology is changing
  • permanent damages are more efficient when damages are hard to calculate and technology is stable

and we called all that “property law”

Part of what makes property law straightforward is that trade tends to be simultaneous

  • I give you an apple, you give me $1
  • However, in some situations, efficient trade can’t be done simultaneously
  • It might be efficient for me to build you an airplane
  • But it would be very complicated/costly for you to pay me each day for that day’s work
  • Contract law gives us a way to transact when one of us has to depend on a promise by the other
  • We motivated contract law by looking at the agency game
  • if you can’t trust me to return your money, we miss out on a valuable investment opportunity
  • Contracts give a way for a promise to be legally binding, allowing us to cooperate in instances where we could not have otherwise
  • The first purpose of contract law: to enable cooperation
  • We introduced the Bargain Theory of contracts
  • A promise is binding if it was given as part of a bargain
  • This requires three elements, offer, acceptance, and consideration
  • Unlike the Bargain Theory, efficiency requiresenforcing a promise if both the promisor and the promisee wanted it to be enforceable when it was made
  • We gave an example of how private or asymmetric information can disrupt trade and cause inefficiency
  • Second purpose of contract law is to encourage efficient disclosure of information
  • We introduced the idea of efficient breach
  • Even when a promise is made in good faith, it sometimes becomes efficient to break the promise
  • Breach is efficient when the promisor’s cost of performing is higher than the promisee’s benefitfrom performance
  • Third purpose of contract law is to secure optimal commitment to performing
  • Expectation damages lead to efficient breach
  • We introduced idea of reliance investment
  • Investments by the promisee which make performance more valuable
  • Fourth purpose of contract law is to secure optimal reliance
  • When expected gains from reliance are included in expectation damages, we get efficient breach but overreliance
  • When expected gains from reliance are excluded from expectation damages, we’ll get efficient reliance but excessive breach
  • (This is the paradox of compensation – neither rule leads to efficient actions on both margins)
  • Cooter and Ulen propose modifying expectation damages to cover gains from only efficient reliance – nice theoretically, hard practically
  • Courts tend to reward only foreseeable reliance
  • We discussed the notion of default rules – rules that cover gaps in contracts
  • We saw two different approaches to default rules
  • Cooter and Ulen: set default rule to rule that is efficient in most cases, so most parties can save transaction costs
  • Ayres and Gertner: in some cases, use penalty defaults, to encourage information disclosure by better-informed party
  • Famous case of Hadley v Baxendale as an example
  • Baxendale (shipper) is likely the efficient bearer of the risk of delay, since he can take steps to avoid it
  • But the ruling penalized Hadley (the miller) for not disclosing how urgent the shipment was – to give an incentive to provide that information
  • Also discussed a few immutable rules, or regulations

  • Next, we looked at a number of situations where a contract would be invalidated/not enforced, and economic reasons for why
  • Contracts which derogate public policy
  • Incompetence (but not drunkenness)
  • Dire constraints – duress and necessity
  • Contracts extracted under threat of refusing to create value are enforceable; contracts extracted under threat of destroying value are not
  • Contracts renegotiated under duress are not enforceable; contracts renegotiated under changed circumstances are
  • Impossibility
  • When performance becomes impossible, assign liability to the party that can bear the risk at the least cost
  • (either by mitigating it, or by spreading it out over many transactions)
  • Several doctrines having to do with information: fraud, failure to disclose, frustration of purpose, mutual mistake
  • When performance becomes pointless, assign liability to the party that can bear the risk at the least cost
  • Under common law, there is not a general duty to disclose information about an object for sale
  • But there is a duty to disclose information that makes a product unsafe; and some states have imposed other duties
  • While mutual mistake is grounds for voiding a contract, unilateral mistake is generally not
  • Efficiency often requires enforcing contracts which unite knowledge and control, not those which separate knowledge and control
  • To give an incentive for discovery, efficiency generally requires enforcing contracts based on one party’s knowledge of productive information, especially if that knowledge was the result of active investment; but efficiency need not reward purely redistributive information
  • Vagueness
  • In general, this can be seen as a penalty default – by refusing to enforce vague contracts, the courts force parties to be more clear
  • Adhesion and unconscionability (lesion)
  • We examined a number of remedies for breach of contract, among them:
  • Expectation damages
  • Opportunity cost damages
  • Reliance damages
  • Restitution, disgorgement
  • Specific performance
  • General unenforceability of penalty clauses in contracts
  • We looked at the effects of different remedies on decisions to breach, to invest in reliance, and to invest in performance
  • Just like with injunctions versus damages in nuisance cases: with low transaction costs, any remedy can lead to efficient breach through renegotiation
  • But with high transaction costs, only expectation damages lead to efficient breach
  • When damages < benefit from performance – for instance, when they exclude the gains from reliance – we get inefficient breach, or underinvestment in performance
  • When damages include any expected gains from reliance, we get overreliance by the promisee
  • (“Paradox of compensation” – no damage rule that achieves efficient levels of everything
  • Anti-insurance – one cute attempt to solve the problem
  • Rewarding only efficient reliance – another.)
  • And we wrapped up contract law by discussing repeated games
  • In the agency game we started with, repeated interactions can lead to trust
  • Promisor gets more future value by keeping his promise
  • This gives promisee a reason to trust him
  • The sixth purpose of contract law is to foster enduring relationships, which solve the problem of cooperation with less reliance on courts for enforcement
  • But we also saw that trust based on repeated interactions can break down when the relationship is expected to end on a certain date

and that brings us up to date

Today, we begin tort law

  • The word tort is from French, and means injury
  • With contract law, we studied situations where someone injured you by breaking a promise they had made
  • With tort law, we will look at situations where someone harmed you without having made any promises.

A line I like from the Friedman book:

“If someone shoots you, you call a cop. If he runs his car into yours, you call a lawyer.”

  • The line between the two isn’t always that clear
  • Some torts are crimes as well – if someone assaults you, they may go to jail, and you may also sue them for damages
  • (Plus, there’s the OJ Simpson case.)
  • We’ll get to criminal law in a few weeks; for now we’ll focus on the tort side.

Before we get to the material, though, I’d like to do a quick experiment.

As with nuisance law and contract law, our focus in torts will not be on fairness or equity, but on efficiency

That is, our goal is to structure the law in a way that provides incentives for people to behave in a way that leads to efficiency

  • For deliberate harms, this will usually be fairly simple
  • If we don’t want people to get in bar fights and break each others’ noses, we can just make the penalty for being in a bar fight very severe
  • This is roughly the intent of criminal law
  • For accidental harms, though, setting the correct incentive to avoid harm is tricky
  • We could prevent all traffic accidents by outlawing cars
  • We could prevent all construction injuries by outlawing construction
  • But this would clearly be inefficient
  • What we want, instead, is the “efficient number of accidents”

Unlike in nuisance law, when it comes to torts, injunctive relief is usually not an option

  • Much as we’d like to imagine that nobody could run into your car without negotiating for permission, it doesn’t work that way

Unlike with contract law, there is no promise or agreement made ahead of time; something happens, and then we deal with it.

  • Tort cases may involve parties who are complete strangers
  • We can think of tort law as covering the situations where transaction costs were too high to allow for bargaining
  • it’s impossible to negotiate with every driver for the right to hit you
  • it’s not always possible to bargain with an angry drunk about whether or not he breaks your nose.
  • Thus, Cooter and Ulen define the economic essence of tort law this way:
  • the attempt to make injurers internalize the externalities they cause, in situations where transaction costs are too high to do this through property or contract rights
  • With contract law, we started out by discussing a “classic” legal theory of contracts (the bargain theory), and then moved on to an economic analysis
  • With torts, we’ll do the same
  • The traditional theory of tort liability was developed about 100 years ago
  • It specified three key elements of a tort, which must be present for he plaintiff to recover damages:
  • harm
  • causation
  • breach of duty


  • First, and simplest, the plaintiff needs to have been harmed.
  • Without harm, there is no tort
  • An example from the textbook:
  • A gas company sold gas with a defective additive
  • It had no effect on cars with normal carburetors, but was dangerous in cars with turbocharged carbs
  • The owner of a car with a normal carburetor might be outraged by the situation
  • But since the gas did no damage to his car, he cannot sue
  • Similarly, traditional tort theory does not compensate for exposure to risk.
  • Suppose a manufacturer accidentally exposed a bunch of workers to some chemical
  • Doctors agree the exposure will cause 15% of them to develop liver cancer later in life
  • Under traditional tort doctrine, the victims must wait and see who gets cancer before suing
  • Similarly, if I do something negligent that causes you a 50% chance of dying, but you get lucky and escape the situation, I’m generally not liable for any damages.
  • (So far, U.S. courts have been reluctant to allow tort actions on the basis of exposure to harm, although some believe they should
  • Thus, safety regulation, administered by a government agency, is typically used instead of tort law to deal with exposure to low-probability harms.)

  • In theory, harm has a simple economic interpretation: a downward shift in the victim’s utility
  • Like in the hairy hand case, we can imagine a victim has some utility function over health and money, with some sort of indifference curves:
  • A car accident might lower my wealth
  • because my car is worth less
  • And also lower my health
  • because I got whiplash
  • So now I’m on a lower indifference curve
  • Perfect compensation should theoretically restore me to my original level of utility.
  • Money damages are typically how this is done.
  • Obviously, some amount of money can get me back to my original level of wealth
  • By repairing whatever broke on my car, or allowing me to buy a new car
  • If there is medical care available that would restore me to my original level of health, then the cost of this treatment would get me back to my original level of health as well, so I’d be back where I started.
  • Of course, there are some harms that can’t be undone
  • the amputated leg in the experiment, or other permanent injury
  • But there may be some amount of money that would compensate for it, by getting me back to the same indifference curve I started out on
  • Just like in the hairy hand case, we can work out perfect damages in this way.

So that’s the theory – the notion of “perfect compensation”

  • In reality, courts have traditionally been very willing to compensate victims for tangible losses
  • medical costs
  • lost income
  • damaged property
  • Historically, courts have been less willing to compensate for intangible losses or losses that are difficult to measure
  • emotional harm
  • pain and suffering
  • loss of companionship
  • Over the years, however, American courts in particular have expanded the list of compensable harms to include many of these intangibles
  • One area where there is a huge disparity between tangible harm and actual harm is in the death of a child
  • If a drunk driver kills a child, there is no loss of income to the child’s family; if anything, they avoid the expense of raising the child.
  • This used to be a difficult problem for courts, as they could not find a tangible, measurable harm on which to base compensation.
  • Allowing compensation for emotional distress and loss of companionship solves this problem

There are pros and cons to trying to compensate for intangible harms