Date / Time / 22nd June 2016 - 18:00Location / Millview Heckington – Waiting Room
Name / Role
Millview Staff / Marcus Griffen
Dr Shrouder
Michelle Rushen / Practice Manager
Millview Patient Representatives / Alison Bourne
Mary Rudkin
Mrs Jennifer Charlesworth
Mrs Christine Robertson
Father Michael Bell
Mrs Mary Bones
Royston Garrett
Chris Harrington
Apologies / Dr Vijayan
Dr Malathy
Peter Ward
Maurice Rushbrook
Karen Turner
Joan Wyatt / Partner
Lead Nurse
Agenda Item / Actions
The Practice Manager welcomed everyone to the meeting and general introductions were made. Apologies for absences were made. MG welcomed Chris Harrington to the group and then informed all present of the sad passing of Mrs Sheila Bennett who was an active member of the Group. / MG
Health and Safety
The Practice Manager gave the mandatory Health & Safety brief.
Minutes of the Last Meeting
The previous minutes of the meeting were read and accepted as a true and accurate record.
Matters Arising
· Recruit a Patient in the ‘under 25’ Age Category. This remains on-going. Maurice has spoken to St George’s and it is now looking promising. It was suggested by those present that we looked into doing a screen message on both sites in the waiting room as well as possible SMS message to patients. We could also look into doing a personal letter of invite to a selection of under 25’s. Marcus will liaise with Maurice on his return regards this development. / Maurice Rushbrook
· Baby changing unit for Heckington. Marcus informed the group that a changing unit would be installed in the new extension. We are just working out exactly where to locate it at present.
Avoiding Unplanned Admission’s
· On 1st April 2014 a new Enhanced Service was introduced.
· It’s plan is to reduce any unplanned/unnecessary admissions to hospital.
· 2% of our patients we believe to be at risk of admissions are placed on a register and reviewed regularly.
· These 2% will have increased access to telephone consultations.
· If an ambulance crew or other services visit one of these 2% and need any extra advice then they have a dedicated number to contact the medical centre on.
Neighbourhood Team Meetings
· Dr Shrouder is now regularly attending these new meetings in the Sleaford area.
Patients Council
· Peter Ward and Alison Bourne are both now attending these meetings. Alison explained to those present what occurs at these meeting and expressed concern that out of 19 practices only 3 were represented. She felt that it was a waste of resources and would ask at the meeting next week why so many practices do not send anyone along. Marcus requested that Dr Shrouder opened up this discussion at the next CCG meeting. / MG
Dr Shrouder
Extended Hours
· The surgery now carries on with its extended hours each week.
· The plan this year is that 3 Clinician’s will cover 1830 to 1945 each Monday evening and it is being heavily utilised.
PPG and Proposed Improvement Suggestions/Action Plan
· PPG is now a contractual requirement. We need to decide on 3 clear priorities.
1. Extension of Heckington Surgery – nearing completion and hope to be in it in the next 2 weeks
2. Uniform for admin staff – all in hand. Looking at various styles at present
3. Redecorate Sleaford – Clinical room and reception floors been renewed and clinical areas redecorated.
· Latest newsletter is ready to go out. Marcus will email to everyone present. Father Bell and Rev Harrington agreed to put some into their respective churches and Alison will put some into Helpringham Memorial Hall also. / Marcus
· Nicola was unfortunately unavailable for this meeting however she is planning on attending Heckington on 5th July and Sleaford on 12th July to chat with patients in the waiting rooom
Care Quality Commission
· Our revisit for CQC is now planned for Tuesday 2nd August 2016. The question was asked if anyone would be available to attend to meet the team. The majority of the group appeared to be interested in attending so tentatively a time of 10am was arranged for the meeting. Marcus will confirm in the build-up to the meeting the exact time. All will be welcome. / Marcus
Failure to Attend Appointments
· The Practice Manager brought to the attention of all present that from 1st February to 31st May 2016, 924 patients failed to attend various appointments at our 2 surgeries. This equates to 186 hours of lost appointment time over four months.
· We are now sending out letters after 3 DNA’s and this appears to have worked with the repeat offenders
Complaints and Compliments
· The Practice Manager informed those present that there are a few complaints being looked into at present regards attitude of clinical staff. Marcus informed those present that this has now been looked into and the member of staff has had a meeting with the three Partners. We will now monitor the situation
Police Office
· The Police Office is now actively being utilised for Physio and Community Ultrasound and is getting great feedback from our patients
Any Other Business
· Rev Harrington informed those present that the Good Neighbour Scheme is progressing well. DBS checks and Safeguarding training is at present being processed and we hope to see everything start soon.
· Alison Bourne informed those present that appointments must be getting easier to get as whilst covering the Volunteer car service desk this week she a number of requests for short notice transport for blood and routine appointments at the surgery
· The group asked if there would be any chance of our patients for the annual Retinopathy van in Sleaford being done at Hockmeyers. MG has since spoken to the Retinopathy team and they will investigate the logistics and if it had an impact with SMG on DNA’s due to the move out of town.
· Mary Bones discussed the confusion that she had with booking a med review. Her main concern was the waiting time for the review. Marcus will liaise with dispensary to see if we can put an average waiting time for reviews onto either the right hand side of the prescription or the pink slip.
· Royston Garrett asked that is recorded that his thanks are passed onto everyone at the surgery.
· Dr Shrouder informed the meeting that 2 of our reception team are now trained up to do Phlebotomy clinics and this is helping our greatly.
· The Practice Manager and Dr Shrouder opened up discussion regards this year’s Patient Survey. The main areas that were discussed were as follows:
1. Waiting time for appointments – extra clinical breaks input – reviewed in May and improvement seen.
2. 89% of patients were happy with being involved by nurses in their care. See evidence in compliments folder. KT has complimented the nursing team on the result.
3. 88% able to get contact with clinician. This has increased more since more utilisation of Dr Marsden.
4. 58% reported that it was easy to get through on telephone. This is improved since our own survey in 2013 which was 42%. Self-check in service discussed, but delayed due to building work. To be discussed at a later date. KT is to add customer care training on bluestream for all reception staff.
5. 57% happy with surgery hours. This was felt that could be related to SMG Extended hours so advice has been sought from Tony Crowden at CCG Public Relations. In the mean time we have put in place utilising Nurses/HCA’s on our in house extended hours.
6. 43% usually get to see their preferred GP. Increased availability of Dr Marsden we hope will alleviate this problem. / MG
Discussed with PPG the possibility of having a health fair, to be discussed at another time.
Date of Next Meeting
· The Chairman thanked everyone for coming to what has been a useful meeting and giving up their time to support the group.
· The next meeting was planned for Wednesday 14th September at 1800. / Practice Manager
M C Griffen
Practice Manager