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School Name / Olive Grove Charter (OGC)
Address / 4500 Highway 166
New Cuyama, CA 93254-9720
Web Site Link /
County District School Code / 42 76950 0132894
Charter Number / 1768
Charter Term / 2015–2020
School Description / OGC serves pupils throughout Santa Barbara County and the contiguous counties by providing an educational choice for families of pupils in kindergarten through grade twelve who choose to educate their pupils in a home or blended learning environment with the parents as the primary deliverers of the educational program. OGC was approved by the State Board of Educationon July 9, 2015. OGC is a newly operational charter school in 2015–16.
Grade Levels Served / Kindergarten through Grade Twelve
2015–16 First 20 Days of Instruction Enrollment / 126
2015–16 First 20 Days of Instruction Average Daily Attendance / 117.75
Site Based or Non-Site Based / Non-Site Based

* Prepared by the California State Board of Education, April 2016


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Olive Grove Local Control and Accountability Plan Executive Summary

Olive Grove Charter School is a brand new charter school authorized July 9 under the California State Board of Education. As Olive Grove Charter School is within its first year of operation, we are beginning our Local Control and Accountability Plan development this school year. Olive Grove Stakeholder Groups include teachers, staff, students (including English learners, low income, foster youth, students with disabilities, GATE, and dual college enrolled), parents (including English learner parents, foster parents, low income parents, parents of students with disabilities, GATE parents, dual college enrolled parents), OGCS Advisory Council, local community college dual enrollment coordinators, school partners, community service providers and local employers. Key stakeholders have been notified that the Local Control and Accountability Plan will be developed over the next six months with their input, recommendations and involvement.

By February 4, 2016, the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) development team will present a draft to the stakeholders for consultation and additional recommendations. My March 24, 2016, the LCAP development team will evaluate the additional stakeholder group recommendations and develop a revised draft LCAP with the goals and actions/services based on the stakeholder-identified needs and data and linked to the approved charter petition along with the allocation of expenditures for all activities/actions/services identified. By April 21, 2016, Olive Grove Charter School will identify the percentage by which services for unduplicated pupils must be increased or improved as compared to the services provided to all pupils (will additionally occur annually for each year of the LCAP) including a description of the proportionality percentage will be met using a quantitative and qualitative description of the increased and/or improved services for unduplicated pupils as compared to the services provided to all pupils. This will be additionally reflected in how the unduplicated count supplemental and concentration funds will be allocated to achieve the goals as presented in the LCAP.

By May 2016, attendees and the general public will be notified of the date for the public hearing for the Olive Grove Charter School LCAP and all stakeholders will have an additional opportunity to make public comment and that Olive Grove Charter School will commit to incorporating public comments into the LCAP. By June 2016, Olive Grove Charter School will hold a board meeting to approval the LCAP and by June 30, 2016, Olive Grove Charter School will submit the Local Control and Accountability Plan to the CDE.