August 25, 2004

1.  Call Meeting to Order.

Chairman Holznecht welcomed everyone to the meeting.

CAC Members Present Municipalities Not Represented

City of Chilton: Todd Schwarz City of Appleton

City of Menasha: Jessica Boeckendorf City of Brillion

City of New Holstein: Ron Karrels City of Kaukauna

Village of Hilbert: Al Fochs City of Kiel

Village of Potter: Doug Lau Town of Rantoul

Village of Sherwood: Joe Hennlich Town of Woodville

Town of Brillion: Wayne Maile Village of Stockbridge

Town of Brothertown: John Hau

Town of Charlestown: Wayne Pagel Others Present

Town of Chilton: Mark Schneider Mark Gabriel, P & Z Memeber

Dan Stroobants Bernard Driessen, Woodville Chair

Town of Harrison: Dave LaShay Mary Kohrell, UW-Extension

Town of New Holstein: Gary Winkler Mike Ottery, Highway Commissioner

Marlene Thede Peter Dorn, P & Z Member

Town of Stockbridge: Lylas Tremble Gerald Lorenz, New Holstein Chair

Planning & Zoning: Paul Lauer Elizabeth Zeman, City of Menasha

Citizen Members: Ken Buelow Ray Mueller, Chilton Times Journal

George Holznecht, CAC Chairperson

Staff Present

John Williams, Consultant, Foth & Van Dyke

Julie Heuvelman, County Planner

Ken Pabich, Planning Director

2.  Pledge of Allegiance.

Holznecht led the Committee in the Pledge of Allegiance.

3.  Approval of Agenda.

Motion by Maile, seconded by Boeckendorf, to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.

4.  Approval of July 28, 2004 CAC Meeting Minutes.

Motion by Fochs, seconded by Schneider, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

5.  Review and act on protocol.

Fochs questioned why the protocol contained the statement, “Calumet County will consider integrating plans developed by the individual municipalities”. Williams explained the county may not agree with what appears in the town plans and therefore the county may opt not to integrate those plans into the county plan. Likewise, towns may not like the policies created by the county. The county does not want to be in the position of forcing the county, or the towns, to adopt things they may disagree on.

Boeckendorf suggested the “Ground Rules” section be amended to indicate members should be positive and respectful when in disagreement. Members agreed.

Fochs found a typing error on the word “dissent” in the “Decision Making” section. He also asked for clarification on who appoints new members to the committee. Heuvelman explained the municipal members are from their respective plan commissions, and those plan commissions would have to find the replacement from their commission. The County Board must then formally appoint that new member.

Lauer asked for clarification on why the public had to address the chairman to speak. Holznecht explained if the citizen were wishing to discuss things not pertinent to the dialogue, he would not be allowed to comment.

Motion by Boeckendorf, seconded by LaShay, to approve the protocol with the two changes discussed. Motion carried unanimously.

6.  Review Issues and Opportunities Element, Goal 1, Objective 4.

The objective was changed to read, “Ensure Calumet County has a well-informed citizenry concerning planning and development issues”.

7.  Review Associated Goals and Objectives for Remaining Elements.

The Committee made changes to the goals and objectives for the following elements: Transportation; Utilities and Community Facilities; Agriculture, Natural and Cultural Resources. More objectives have to be created and discussed for some of the elements. The group did not have enough time to review and alter Economic Development, Land Use, and Implementation. The latter elements will be discussed next month.

8.  Establishing Vision: Discussion and Exercise.

Williams indicated the Committee should start thinking about a county vision. To help the process, he drafted an example vision for the county. Members are to either make changes to the draft vision, or, be prepared to share ideas for a new draft vision statement at next month’s meeting.

9.  Next Steps.

Williams mentioned the project schedule indicates we are to have an Urban/Rural Issues meeting soon, and, a Public Informational Session. In that the group did not complete the goals and objectives, Williams suggested we postpone the Urban/Rural Issues meeting. All agreed. It was suggested that the Informational Session be held the same night as next month’s meeting, just prior to the meeting. The Committee concurred.

Heuvelman mentioned some towns have begun working on a town survey. If towns (and the Village of Potter) want to proceed with a survey, the County Planning Department is willing to help summarize those surveys, provided the completed surveys are submitted to the Department by March 1, 2005. Mary Kohrell from UW-Extension is available to help towns develop their surveys.

Foth and Van Dyke will work with the cities and villages (except Potter) on the creation of their surveys as those municipalities go through their individual planning processes.

10.  Announce Next Meeting.

Heuvelman will not be able to attend the next regular meeting. By consensus it was decided to hold the next meeting on September 29, 2004, so Heuvelman could be present.

11.  Public Comment.

Mark Gabriel questioned if the County Planning and Zoning Committee should be attending the CAC meetings. Staff indicated the Planning and Zoning Committee receives copies of the agenda to keep them current on the process. They are welcome to attend, but it is not mandatory.

Ray Mueller commented on the Committee’s deliberation over titles. He pointed out to the Committee that the titles seen in the draft documents from Foth & Van Dyke match the titles specified by the Smart Growth legislation.

12.  Adjourn.

Motion by Winkler, seconded by Hau, to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:53 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Julie Heuvelman

Calumet County Planner

Copies of these minutes have been posted on the county web site and sent to all CAC members and alternates, P&Z members, UW-Extension, interested parties present at the meeting, and, Foth & Van Dyke.