Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council

Legislative & Public Policy Committee (L&PP)

Minutes January 19, 2016

Mission: The Legislative & Public Policy Committee guides the Council by actualizing the Council’s vision to establish and implement public policy which will further the independence, productivity and integration of people with developmental disabilities by effecting positive system change.

The Committee is guided by all goals and objectives of the Council’s Five-Year Plan for 2012-2016.

The Committee specifically addresses Goal 5, Objective One of the Plan.

Goal 5: Improve the quality of life, and increase real choices for people with disabilities to live in their communities by providing them the resources they need to live a quality inclusive life.

Objective 2: Engage in public policy and advocacy activities that encourage and result in the simplification and coordination of systems and resources for the support of people with developmental disabilities.

In attendance: Members: Ed George, Mike Hoover, Bob Lawhead (GTM), Sarah Metsch,

Shannon Secrest (GTM),

Guests: Senator Irene Aguilar, Jordan Choquette, Tim DaGiau, Donna Downing, Dana

Meeker, Yvette Plummer-Burkhalter (GTM)

Staff: Julie Farrar, Lionel Llewellyn, Marcia Tewell

Absent: Lisa Franklin, Tim Hudner, C. Meredith, B. Ramsay, Cynthia Shaffer, Anuska Ullal

Legislative/Policy Update:

SB16-038: Transparency of Community Centered Boards

Senate Sponsor: I. Aguilar and nine others; House Sponsor: D. Young and six others

Measures to promote the transparency of community centered boards, and, in connection therewith making certain community-centered boards subject to the "Colorado Open Records Act (CORA)" and to

performance audits undertaken by the state auditor and making all community-centered boards subject to the "Colorado Local Government Audit Law".

Marcia Tewell gave a brief overview of the Council to the guests present. Then she outlined the bill brought forward by Senator Aguilar. It targeted the 20 community-centered boards throughout the state to be more open and transparent in their delivery of services to the intellectual and disabled communities they serve. Presently no one can get information through CORA. Marcia will speak with Don Mares next week.

Senator Aguilar reiterated Marcia’s comments and stated she was concerned that her bill had been slated for discussion in the House State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee. It is assumed bills there get killed. She admitted she had not spoken with the Republican representatives. Senator Aguilar has scheduled meetings with Republican Senator Scott and Democratic Representative Young on her bill next week. The bill has not been calendared yet.

She advised the committee to contact their networks to email and write letters to all their legislators and inform them of this pending legislation. She recommended that as many outside agencies and Community Centered Boards should all be asked to support the bill.

Employment First (draft):

Senate Sponsor: J. Kefalas

Bob Lawhead discussed this draft legislation which asked different agencies to work together to arrive at solutions.

This was an opportunity, he said, to advance ‘real work for real pay’.

Employment First hopefully would address broader barriers to employment for people with disabilities, such as Medicaid Buy-In, and the $2,000 asset limit.

Segregated, sub-minimum wages and other I/DD “employment services” must be eliminated, he said, to allow people with developmental disabilities to receive the supported employment services they need to be successful in real jobs, with real wages, in the community.

The estimated fiscal note on this legislation would be too high for the bill to pass, if we do not make some changes, he said. To ensure passage of the bill he believed the size and scope would have to be reduced.

Federal Legislation introduced by Senator Schumer S.2427, the Community Integration Act, would force private insurance companies to provide LTSS services in the home. We will provide more information.

Suicide Prevention Through Zero Suicide Initiative (draft):

Senate Sponsor: L. Newell

Colorado owns the 10th highest suicide rate in the nation.

The legislation will be a collaborative effort with various agencies to help prevent suicide and discover the root causes of suicide.

Sarah Metsch offered the hope that as ambassadors of the Council that the bill will use ‘correct’ language.

Ed George mentioned four other bills that Mental Health America is following through the legislature and “Death with Dignity Legislation”.

Meeting Adjourned: 1:02 pm

Next meeting, Tuesday, February 16, 2016 at the Capitol

Actions: Senator Aguilar will send a re-cap of her discussions with legislators to Julie for dissemination

amongst the committee members.

Mike Hoover moved to support the Employment First legislation; Sarah seconded; the motion


Julie will send out final version of Employment First legislation to the committee.

I:// draft/Committees/L&PP/2016/Minutes/ 1-19-2016