

1.  Towns and Cities

2.  Villages and Rural Communities

3.  Parishes

4.  Political Thought

5.  Other Source Collections


1.  General Surveys and Comparative Studies

2.  Towns and Cities

3.  Villages and Rural Communities

4.  Parishes and Ecclesiastical Communities

5.  Republicanism and Political Thought

6.  Other Studies


1.  Primary evidence

2.  Secondary works and online platforms


1.  Towns and Cities

1. Carlotto, N.; Varanini, G. M. (eds), Il “Regestum Possessionum Comunis Vincencie” del 1262 (Roma, 2006). An extensive list of the communal possessions of the Italian city of Vicenza during a period of autonomy.

2. Compagni, D., Cronica delle cose occorrenti ne’ tempi suoi, ed. Gabriella Mezzanotte (Milan, 1993). A chronicle of political events in thirteenth-century Florence.

3. Freising, O. of [with co-author Rahewin], The Deeds of Frederick Barbarossa, trans. Charles C. Mierow and R. Emery (New York, 1953). This chronicle by the twelfth-century Bishop of Freising contains a contemporary perspective on Italian city communes.

4. Godding, P.; Pycke, J. (eds), ‘La paix de Valenciennes de 1114: Commentaire et édition critique’, in: Bulletin de la Commission Royale pour la publication des anciennes lois et ordonnances de Belgique 29 (1979), 1-142. One of the oldest surviving town charters for the Netherlands and northern France.

5. Kowaleski, M. (ed.), Medieval Towns: A Reader (Peterborough/Ontario, 2006). With selected documents/commentary on Italian city communes.

6. Michielin, A. (ed.), Gli Acta Comunitatis Tarvisii del Sec. XIII (Rome, 1998). Highlights the wealth of documentation surviving for thirteenth-century Treviso.

7. Schilling, D., Die Luzerner Chronik des Diebold Schilling 1513: Eine wissenschaftlich bearbeitete Faksimile-Ausgabe (Lucerne, 1977). Facsimile of an illustrated city chronicle presented to the council of Lucerne in 1513.

2.  Villages and Rural Communities

8. Bailey, Mark (ed.), The English Manor, c. 1200-1500: Selected Sources (Manchester, 2002).

9. Bärtschi, A. (ed.), ‘Die Chronik Josts von Brechershäusern‘, in: Burgdorfer Jahrbuch 25 (1958), 79-132. A record of local, regional and global events compiled by a prosperous Swiss peasant in the seventeenth century.

10. Blickle, P.; Holenstein, A. (eds), Agrarverfassungsverträge: Eine Dokumentation zum Wandel in den Beziehungen zwischen Herrschaft und Bauer am Ende des Mittelalters (Stuttgart, 1996). A collection of quasi-constitutional staments on the duties and obligations of tenants in a range of south German manors.

11. Dobson, R. B. (ed.), The Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 (London, 1970 [1983 edn]). A collection of sources relating to origins, stages and consequences of the great rural rising led by Wat Tyler and John Ball.

12. Gersau (Canton of Schwyz/Switzerland), District Archive [Bezirksarchiv]:

-  Books [Bücher], GST: Book of the Burgher Families of the Commune of Gersau (1627-1870); LB 4: Landbook no. 4 (1762)

-  Charters [Urkunden], no. 3: Alliance with the Forest Cantons (1359); no. 6: Purchase of feudal rights (3 June 1390); no. 8: Confirmation of liberties by the Emperor Sigismund (1433); no. 9: Legal code (1436); no. 10. Marriage law (1436); no. 12: Purchase of advowson (1483); no. 43: Conveyance of parish benefice (1726).

13. Grimm, J. (ed.), Weisthümer (7 vols, Göttingen, 1840–1878; reprint Hildesheim, 2000). Important nineteenth-century edition of German customary law.

14. Österreichische Weistümer, ed. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Vienna, 1870-). Major series dedicated to editions of Austrian customary law.

15. Preis, C., Bauernleben im Zeitalter des Dreissigjährigen Krieges. Die Stausebacher Chronik des Caspar Preis 1636-67, ed. Wilhelm A. Eckhardt and Helmut Klingelhöfer (Marburg, 1998). Chronicle of the Hessian village of Strausebach during the Thirty Years War.

16. Scott, T.; Scribner, R. W. (eds), The German Peasants’ War: A History in Documents (Atlantic Highlands, 1991).

17. Turner, T., The Diary of Thomas Turner 1754-1765, ed. David Vaisey (Oxford, 1984). These excerpts from a rural diary illuminate the life of a small shopkeeper and parish official.

3.  Parishes

18. ‘Audit Book of the Parish of Great St Mary’s, Cambridge’: Cambridgeshire County Record Office, P30/4/2.

19. Barnwell, P.S.; Cross, C.; Rycraft, A. (eds), Mass and Parish in Late Medieval England: The Use of York (York, 2005). Text and translation of the medieval mass according to the use of York, with contextualizing essays and illustrations from a reconstruction.

20. Bishop Juxon’s Survey of Parish Government and Fees in the Diocese of London (1636): Lambeth Palace Library, Carte Miscellanee, vol. ii, nos. 18, 72.

21. Borromeo, Carlo, ‘Kardinal Borromeo, 30. September 1570’, in: W. Oechsli (ed.), Quellenbuch zur Schweizergeschichte (2nd edn, Zurich, 1901), 461-9. Report on a journey through Central Switzerland by Cardinal [St] Carlo Borromeo in 1570.

22. Burgess, C. (ed.), The Pre-Reformation Records of All Saints, Bristol (3 parts, Bristol, 1995-2004). Edition of the uniquely rich and diverse archive of a metropolitan community, including accounts, wills, inventories, chantry records etc.

23. ‘Churchwardens’ Accounts of St Botolph Aldersgate, London’: London, Guildhall Library/London Metropolitan Archives, MS 1454.

24. Dymond, D.; Paine, C. (eds), The Spoil of Melford Church: The Reformation in a Suffolk Parish (Ipswich, 1989). Documents the impact of sixteenth-century change through a range of parochial and other records.

25. Hanham, A. (ed.), The Churchwardens’ Accounts of Ashburton 1479-1580 (Torquay, 1970). One of the fullest and most revealing sets of parish accounts, running right through the transformations of the Tudor period.

26. Klausner, D. N. (ed.), Herefordshire and Worcestershire, Records of Early English Drama (Toronto, 1990). Edition of evidence for early dramatic and mimetic activities, with much material from parish records.

27. Lambert, Th. A.; Watt, I. M. (eds), Registres du Consistoire de Genève au temps de Calvin, vol. 1: 1542-44 (Geneva, 1996). Edition of consistory court records from Geneva during the time of the Reformation.

27a. Lietzmann, H. (ed.), Die Wittenberger und Leisniger Kastenordnung 1522/1523 (2nd edn, Berlin, 1935). Contains two early Lutheran parish ordinances.

28. Obermair, Hannes; Stamm,Volker (eds),Zur Ökonomie einer ländlichen Pfarrgemeinde im Spätmittelalter. Das Rechnungsbuch der Marienpfarrkirche Gries (Bozen) von 1422 bis 1440 (Bozen/Bolzano, 2011). Edition (with commentary) of a rural set of churchwardens’ accounts from South Tyrol.

29. Todd, Margo (ed.), The Perth Kirk Session Books 1577-1590 (Scottish History Society, 2012). Illustrates and contextualizes the business of a Reformed consistory court, including presentations and punishments for offences like absences from church, adultery, drunkenness, fornication and slander.

30. Wiget, J., ‘Die Turmkugel-Dokumente der Pfarrkirche Gersau’, in: Mitteilungen des Historischen Vereins des Kantons Schwyz 76 (1984), 161-175. Edition of a series of parish chronicles written at Gersau (in present-day Switzerland) on the occasion of major church repairs and stored in a capsule on top of the spire.

31. Wood-Legh, K. L. (ed.), Kentish Visitations of Archbishop Warham and his Deputies 1511-1512 (Kent Archaeological Society, 1984). Probably the most illuminating documentary survey of the issues and processes associated with ecclesiastical visitations.

4.  Political Thought

32. Althusius, J., Politica methodice digesta et exemplis sacris et profanis illustrata (Herborn, 1603). Outlines a multi-layered state organisation based on the voluntary consociatio of local corporations into provinces.

33. Aristotle, Politics, trans. Ernest Barker (new ed., Oxford, 2009). A classic analysis of different forms of government from Greek Antiquity.

34. Haller, W.; Davies, G. (eds), Talhe Leveller Tracts 1647-53 (Gloucester/MA, 1964). Sources illustrating the demands of the Leveller movement in the English revolution.

35. Rousseau, J.-J., Du contract social, ou, Principes du droit politique (Amsterdam, 1762). Devises a socio-political organisation emerging from the free expression of the ‘general will’.

5.  Other Source Collections

36. Leadam, I. S. (ed.), Select Cases in the Court of Requests 1497-1569 (London, 1898). Examples of proceedings before a Westminster equity court.

37. Sammlung Schweizerischer Rechtsquellen, ed. Schweizerischer Juristenverein (multiple vols, Aarau/Basel, 1898-). Canton-by-canton edition of legal records preserved in Swiss archives.


1.  General Surveys and Comparative Studies

38. Armstrong, R.; hAnnracháin, T. Ơ (eds), Community in Early Modern Ireland (Dublin, 2006).

39. Blickle, P., Communal Reformation: The Quest for Salvation in Sixteenth-Century Germany, trans. Thomas Dunlap (Boston, 1992).

40. Blickle, P., From the Communal Reformation to the Revolution of the Common Man, trans. B. Kümin (Leiden, 1998). A convenient English summary of many of Blickle’s seminal contributions to community studies.

41. Blickle, P. (ed.), Gemeinde und Staat im Alten Europa (Munich, 1998). Essay collection examining various channels through which local communities affected state building in pre-modern Europe.

42. Blickle, P., Kommunalismus: Skizzen einer gesellschaftlichen Organisationsform (2 vols, Munich, 2000). The most detailed development of the concept of communalism in European perspective.

43. Blickle, P., ‘Kommunalismus und Republikanismus revisited’, in: F. Hitz, C. Rathgeb and M. Risi (eds), Gemeinden und Verfassung: Bündner Politik und Gebietsstruktur gestern, heute, morgen (Chur, 2011), 13-34. A recent, concise summary of Blickle’s concepts.

44. Burke, P., Languages and Communities in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge, 2004).

45. Calhoun, C. J., ‘Community: Toward a variable conceptualization for comparative research’, Social History 5 (1980), 105-29.

46. Cohen, Anthony P., The Symbolic Construction of Community (London, 1985).

47. Crow, G., What are Community Studies? (London, 2011). A guide for research on present-day communities.

48. Epstein, S. R. (ed.), Town and Country in Europe 1300-1800 (Cambridge, 2001). A helpful, comparative essay collection.

49. Esposito, R., Communitas: The Origin and Destiny of Community, trans. T. Campbell (Stanford, 2010).

50. Gierke, O. von, Das deutsche Genossenschaftsrecht (4 vols, Berlin, 1868-1913) [selected passages in: Community in Historical Perspective, trans. M. Fischer, ed. A. Black (Cambridge, 1990)]. A classic text on the history of association.

51. Halvorson, M. J.; Spierling, K. E. (eds), Defining Community in Early Modern Europe (Aldershot, 2008).

52. Harrington, J. F.; Walser Smith, H., ‘Confessionalization, community and state building in Germany, 1555-1870’, in Journal of Modern History 69 (1997), 77-101.

53. Hillery, G. A. Jr, ‘Definitions of community: Areas of agreement’, Rural Sociology, 20 (2/1955), 111-23

54. Kümin, B., ‘The fear of intrusion: Communal resilience in early modern England’, in: W. Naphy and P. Roberts (eds), Fear in Early Modern Society (Manchester, 1997), 118-36.

55. Macfarlane, A., Reconstructing Historical Communities (Cambridge, 1977). Proposes a methodology to collect, relate and interpret different kinds of records relating to one locality.

56. Michaud-Quantin, P., Universitas: Expressions du mouvement communautaire dans le Moyen-Age latin (Paris, 1970). A legal study of corporations.

57. Molho, A.; Curto, D. R.; Koniordos, N. (eds), Finding Europe: Discourses on Margins, Communities, Images (New York, 2007).

58. Parker, C. H.; Bentley, J. H. (eds), Between the Middle Ages and Modernity: Individual and Community in the Early Modern World (Lanham/Md., 2007).

59. Reynolds, S., Kingdoms and Communities in Western Europe 900-1300 (Oxford, 1984). Surveys the high medieval evidence for various types of communities.

60. Rippmann, D., Bauern und Städter: Stadt-Land Beziehungen im 15. Jahrhundert. Das Beispiel Basel (Basel, 1990). Case study of late medieval city-country relations in the region around Basel.

61. Saulle Hippenmeyer, I., ‘Gemeindereformation – Gemeindekonfessionalisierung in Graubünden. Ein Beitrag zur Forschungsdiskussion’, in: H. R. Schmidt, A. Holenstein and A. Würgler (eds), Gemeinde, Reformation und Widerstand. Festschrift für Peter Blickle zum 60. Geburtstag (Tübingen, 1998), 261-80. Emphasizes the personal and contextual factors in local decisions for and against the Reformation.

62. Scott, T., Town, Country and Regions in Reformation Germany (Leiden, 2005). Reprints of important essays on peasant resistance, economic landscapes and town-country relations.

63. Scribner, R. W., ‘Communities and the nature of power’, in: idem (ed.), Germany: A New Social and Economic History (vol. 1, London, 1996), 291-325.

64. Shepard, A.; Withington, P. (eds), Communities in Early Modern England (Manchester, 2000).

65. Tönnies, F., Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft (Leipzig 1887) [Community and Society, trans. Charles P. Loomis (New York, 1957)]. A seminal text on the historical evolution from ‘community’ to ‘society’.

66. Weber, G.; Weber, R. (eds), Zugänge zur Gemeinde: Soziologische, historische und sprachwissenschaftliche Beiträge (Cologne, 2000). An interdisciplinary essay collection on approaches to local communities.

2.  Towns and Cities

67. Aaslestad, K., Place and Politics: Local Identity, Civic Culture, and German Nationalism in North Germany during the Revolutionary Era (Leiden: Brill, 2005). Focuses on transformations in the city of Hamburg around 1800.

68. Altorfer-Ong, S., Staatsbildung ohne Steuern: Politische Ökonomie und Staatsfinanzen im Bern des 18. Jahrhunderts (Baden, 2010). German version of ‘State-Building without Taxation: The Political Economy of State Finance in the Eighteenth-Century Republic of Bern’ (PhD London School of Economics, 2007).

68a. Amelang, J. S., ‘People of the Ribera: Popular politics and neighbourhood identity in early modern Barcelona’, in: B. B. Diefendorf and Carla Hesse (eds), Culture and Identity in Early Modern Europe 1500-1800 (Ann Arbor, 1993), 119-38.

69. Berengo, M., L’Europa delle città: Il volto della società urbana europeo tra medioevo e età moderna (Torino, 1999). A prominent survey work on European towns.

70. Bordone, Renato; Jarnut, Jörg (eds), L’evoluzione delle citta italiane nell’ XI secolo (Bologna, 1988). Collection of essays on the evolution of Italian cities in the eleventh century.

71. Boulton, J., Neighbourhood and Society: A London Suburb in the Seventeenth Century (Cambridge, 1987). A pioneering survey of a communal sub-unit, with much quantitiative analysis of demographic structures and migration patters.

72. Brady, T. Jr, Turning Swiss: Cities and Empire 1450-1550 (Cambridge, 1985). On the appeal of the Swiss Confederation for south German cities.

73. Calabi, D., The Market and the City. Square, Street and Architecture in Early Modern Europe (Aldershot, 2003). Traces the key role of merchants in shaping medieval urban space and the transformations brought about by increasing regulation in the early modern period.

73a. Caminiti, G., La vicinia di S. Pancrazio a Bergamo: Un microcosmo di vita politico-sociale (1283- 1318) (Bergamo, 1999). A case study of a medieval neighbourhood or ward in the Italian city of Bergamo.

74. Chittolini, G., ‘Gli stati cittadini italiani’, in: R. C. Schwinges et al. (eds), Europa im späten Mittelalter: Politik – Gesellschaft – Kultur (Munich, 2006), 153-65. Essay on Italian city states in the late medieval period.

75. Chojnacki, S., Women and Men in Renaissance Venice: Twelve Essays on Patrician Society (Baltimore, 2000).

76. Close, C. W., The Negotiated Reformation: Imperial Cities and the Politics of Urban Reform 1525-50 (Cambridge, 2009). Stresses the role of urban networks in the spread of religious reform.