Midday Prayer – Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Greeting/Scripture Sentence(s)

Paul writes to the Romans:(Rom. 5:3-5)

“We rejoice in our afflictions.

We know that affliction produces perseverance,

proven in character;

and character, hope.

And such a hope does not disappoint,

because the love of God has been

poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit,

who has been given to us.

Opening Prayer p. 907 of Voices United (Sustaining God. . . )

Opening Hymn/Song: VU 379 “O Holy Spirit Root of Life”

Scripture reading:

read first in Spanish, then in English

A reading from the Letter of James.

From James, a servant of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ,

to the twelve tribes of the diaspora:


Think of it as pure joy, my sisters and brothers,

whenever you face trials of any sort.

You understand that your faith is put to the test

only to make your patient,

but patience too has its practical results—

it’s to make you fully mature and lacking in nothing.

If you lack wisdom, ask for it from God,

who gives generously and ungrudgingly to all,

and it will be give to you.

But you must ask in faith, never doubting,

for the doubter is like the surf tossed and driven by the wind.

People like this must not expect to receive anything from God,

for they are devious and erratic in all they do.

Let sisters and brothers who are in humble circumstances

take pride in their high position,

and let rich people take pride in the lowliness,

for they will disappear “like the flowers of the field.”

When the sun comes up with its scorching heat and parches the meadow,

the flowers with and the meadow’s loveliness disappears.

Just so will the rich people wither away amid their many concerns.

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.

Thanks be to God.

Sung response: VU 951 “Santo, Santo, Santo” Spanish, then English


Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

by Andrew

Hymn/Song:suggestions: VU 581 When We Are Living


p. 915 of Voices United


The peace of Christ be with you all. [And also with you.]

share the peace of Christ