試験日 / / クラス 番号 氏名
【1】<F000E15> 2005 大学入試センター 1/15,本試験 英語
(配点 32)
Elementary school students are taking a Saturday morning tour of a TV station.
Mr. Wright: Welcome, boys and girls, to WXRP Channel 19. I’m Dan Wright. Today you’ll tour the station to find out how we broadcast the programs you watch on TV.
Bobby: Mr. Wright, it’s ten o’clock, and I’m usually watching the Mailman Jack Show right now. Is Mailman Jack here? Can we see him?
Mr. Wright: ( 1 ), Bobby, our studio is too small for us to do the show here. Instead, Mailman Jack makes a videotape of the show at a bigger studio in Peyton City and sends it to us. We’re playing the tape right now, and that’s how people can watch it at home. But while that tape is playing, we’re getting ready for a live local weather report. Let’s go into the studio to watch how we do it.
The students go into the studio and see a woman in front of a blue screen.
Mr. Wright: In 30 minutes, Ms. Cole here will be pointing to different parts of the blue screen behind her and talking about the weather. All you see now is that empty blue screen, but if you look at the TV screen over here, you see something else. Take a look.
Carla: Wow, it’s a weather map, and Ms. Cole’s standing in front of it!
Ms. Cole: ( 2 ), Carla. This is what people actually see on their TV at home. The map you see now is of our part of the state at eight this morning. Here we are in Jonestown. Here’s Lake Axelrod south of us and the Blue Hills to the northwest. Peyton City is northeast.
Carla: What is that letter in the circle next to Peyton City, and that line with black triangles between Jonestown and Peyton City?
Ms. Cole: The line is called a “cold front,” and the “R” in the circle stands for rain. It was raining in Peyton City this morning.
Carla: I see. Then a “C” in the circle would mean cloudy, right?
Ms. Cole: That’s a good guess, Carla, but no. I’ll get to that later.
Bobby: Is it going to rain here?
Ms. Cole: ( 3 ), because the wind is from the northeast, and it’s likely that the cold front will move past Lake Axelrod by this evening. Even if it doesn’t rain, it’s going to get cooler in Jonestown.
Bobby: What about that circle above Jonestown?
Ms. Cole: That’s a symbol for a sunny sky. When you came in this morning, the sky was clear, right? If it had been cloudy, Carla, the symbol would have been filled in and look like a big black ball. Now, that cold front is still moving toward us, and we can expect a cloudy sky ― maybe even rain ― in a few hours.
A 空欄( 1 )~( 3 )に入れる三つの表現が,順不同で次のA~Cに示されている。意味の通る会話にするのに最も適当な配列のものを,以下の①~⑥のうちから一つ選べ。 38
A.Maybe B.That’s right
① A ― B ― C ② A ― C ― B
③ B ― A ― C ④ B ― C ― A
⑤ C ― A ― B ⑥ C ― B ― A
B WXRPの天気予報番組で使われている「曇り」を表す記号はどれか。正しいものを,次の①~⑥のうちから一つ選べ。 39
C Ms. Coleが説明している天気図はどれか。正しいものを,次の①~⑥のうちから一つ選べ。 40
D 会話の内容と合っているものを,次の①~⑥のうちから二つ選べ。ただし,解答の順序は問わない。 41 ・ 42
① When the students entered the station, they talked to Ms. Cole.
② Ms. Cole reports the local weather using the blue screen in the TV studio.
③ Channel 19 videotapes the local weather report in Peyton City.
④ Ms. Cole said that it would begin to rain in Jonestown in a few hours.
⑤ The weather in Jonestown was sunny at ten o’clock in the morning.
⑥ Bobby and Carla were shown into the studio to watch the Mailman Jack Show.
【2】<F238E11> 2005 拓殖大学 1/31,全国試験,A日程,本学・地方 商学部,政経学部,外国語学部,国際開発学部
Most personal interaction is (1)initiated by a short period during which two people look directly at one another. Direct eye contact is a signal that each has the other’s attention, and that some further form of interaction can follow. In Western cultures, to look directly into another person’s eyes is equivalent to saying, “I’m open to you ― let the action begin.” Everyone knows how much lovers can (2)communicate by their eyes, but aggressive eye contact can also be extremely (3)informative.
In large cities, where people are crowded in together with others they neither know nor care about, many people develop (4)a deliberate strategy of avoiding eye contacts. They want to mind their own (5)business, they don’t have time to interact with everyone they pass, and they communicate this fact by refusing to look at other people’s faces. It is one of the things that make newcomers to the city feel that (6)it is a hostile and unfriendly place.
Eye contact also has an important (7)role in regulating conversational interactions. In America, a typical pattern is for the listener to (8)signal that he is paying attention by looking at the talker’s mouth or eyes. Since direct eye contact is often too intimate, the talker may let his eyes wander elsewhere. As the moment arrives for the talker to become a listener, and for his partner to begin talking, there will often be a preliminary eye signal. The talker will often look toward the listener, and the listener will signal that he is ready to talk by glancing away.
Such eye signals will vary, of course, depending on what the people are talking about and what the personal relation is between them. But whatever the pattern of eye signals that two people are using, they use them unconsciously. If you try to become aware of your own eye movements while you are talking to someone, you will find it extremely frustrating. As soon as you try to think self-consciously about your own eye movements, you do not know where you should be looking. If you want to study how the eyes communicate, therefore, (9)you should do it by observing other people, not yourself. But if you watch other people too intently, of course, you may disturb them or make them angry. So be careful!
(Source: George A. Miller, “Nonverbal Communication.” V. P. Clark, et al. ed. Language: Introductory Readings. St. Martin’s Press: New York, 1985)
① directed ② gone ③ started ④ applied
① Jan-u-ar-y ② a-pol-o-gize
③ ex-pec-ta-tion ④ in-dis-tinc-tive
① producing the result that was wanted or intended
② happening or doing something often
③ relaxed and friendly without being restricted by rules of correct behavior
④ providing many useful facts or ideas
① They hope to begin the action.
② They want to make the acquaintance of the others.
③ They would like to hold a conversation with people.
④ They are too busy and indifferent toward other people.
① Closed for business ② Business is business.
③ It is none of your business. ④ What a business it is!
① this fact ② one of the things
③ the city ④ place
① function ② wrap ③ position ④ character
① closed ② ship ③ sink ④ bears
① How eye contact controls conversational interactions
② Typical Americans paying attention to people’s mouths
③ How to avoid direct eye contact
④ Talkers’ mouths and eyes
① Eye signals vary depending on what the people are talking about and what the personal relation is between them.
② Whatever the pattern of eye signals that two people are using, they use them unconsciously.
③ As soon as you try to think self-consciously about your own eye movements, you do not know where you should be looking.
④ If you watch other people too intently, you may disturb them or make them angry.
【3】<F207E13> 2005 成蹊大学 2/11,A方式,本学 理工学部
英単語 / 動作図 / 説明文(例) camera / n / l
basketball / (カ) / 2
banana / (キ) / 3
table / (ク) / 4
mirror / (ケ) / 5
child / (コ) / 6
wedding / (サ) / 7
learn / (シ) / 8
1.Hold both hands with the thumbs and bent index fingers in front of the face. Keep the other fingers closed. Raise and lower the right index finger.
Memory aid: The position and action for operating a camera.
2.Hold both curved open hands at head level and move them forward and upward.
Memory aid: The natural position and action for (ア) a basketball.
3.Hold the left index finger up with the palm facing in; then make a few grasping downward movements around it with the fingers and thumb of the right hand.
Memory aid: Suggests (イ) a banana.
4.Place both arms to the front in a similar position to that of folding them, but put the right forearm over the left. The right flat hand can pat the top of the left forearm a few times.
Memory aid: Can suggest resting the arms on a table (ウ).
5.Hold up the slightly curved right hand at eye level, and look at the palm while pivoting the hand slightly from the wrist.
Memory aid: Suggests looking at one’s reflection in a mirror.
6.Place the right flat downturned hand before the body and motion (エ) patting the head of a child. When referring to more than one child, move the hand to another position and repeat the sign.
Memory aid: Children are shorter than adults.
7.Point the fingers of both flat hands down from the wrists in the front. Swing the hands toward each other until the left fingers and thumb grasp the right fingers.
Memory aid: Suggests a bride and groom joining hands.
8.Place the fingers of the right open hand on the upturned left palm. Close the right fingers as the hand is moved to the forehead. The fingertips are then placed on the forehead.
Memory aid: The right hand seems to be taking (オ) from the left hand and putting it into the mind. The left hand can represent a book.
(ア) a.dropping b.hitting c.receiving d.throwing
(イ) a.a shape of b.eating c.peeling d.picking
(ウ) a.above b.front c.over d.surface
(エ) a.as if b.as well as c.so that d.while
(オ) a.care b.comfort
c.consideration d.information
問2.表の空所(カ)~(シ)に入れるのに最も適当な動作図をa~m (nはcameraの動作図) の中からそれぞれ1つずつ選び,マークせよ。
【解答1】<F000E15> 2005 大学入試センター 1/15,本試験 英語
(38) ⑥
(39) ④
(40) ⑤
(41)(42) ②-⑤
【解答2】<F238E11> 2005 拓殖大学 1/31,全国試験,A日程,本学・地方 商学部,政経学部,外国語学部,国際開発学部
1.③ 2.② 3.④ 4.④
5.③ 6.③ 7.① 8.③
9.① 10.③
【解答3】<F207E13> 2005 成蹊大学 2/11,A方式,本学 理工学部
問1. (ア) d (イ) c (ウ) d (エ) a (オ) d
問2. (カ) a (キ) i (ク) m (ケ) c
(コ) l (サ) h (シ) f
文書 1 1/12