AIDS 2016: Interfaith Chaplains Programme

Application Form

Application Form1

AIDS 2016: Interfaith Chaplains Programme

The 21st International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016) will be held in Durban, South Africa, from 18-22 July 2016. These conferences, held every two years, draw tens of thousands of people working in the field of HIV, as well as people living with HIV, policy makers and others committed to ending the epidemic. They provide extensive opportunities for sharing and networking across all levels of care and response to the epidemic.

Since the 15th International AIDS Conference in Bangkok, Thailand (AIDS 2004), the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance has led the facilitation of an Interfaith Chaplains Programme. In partnership with the International AIDS Society (IAS), a room at the conference venue has been designated as Interfaith Prayer Room and is open and accessible to all conference participants. Subsequently, interfaith chaplains have been retained to lead faith-based prayer and worship sessions during the conference, and to be available for informal counseling and spiritual support to conference participants.

The Interfaith Chaplains Programme and Interfaith Prayer Room will once again be offered at the 21st International AIDS Conference. Ten religious leaders from around the world will be selected to participate in the chaplains programme.It is anticipated that they will be eligible for a significantly reduced registration fee. Chaplains will be responsible for arranging their own transportation to and accommodation in Durban, and visa and conference registration fees,

Interfaith chaplains can expect to volunteer 8-10 hours during the week of 18-22 July 2016. The remainder of the time is free to attend conference sessions and participate in affiliated events. A programme for the Interfaith Prayer Room and schedule for Interfaith Chaplains will be further developed prior to the conference.

If you would like to be considered for the 2016 Interfaith Chaplains Programme, please complete this application form and return it to: by 31 January 2016. You may also attach your C.V. along with your application.

Applicants will be informed of WCC-EAA’s decision by February 7. Successful applicants should then register for the conference (not before) following the instructions from the EAA.

1. Family name

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2. Given name

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3. Title

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4. Position and institutional affiliation(s) (list all that are relevant)

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5. Faith Affiliation

Buddhist: Click here to enter text Christian: Click here to enter text Hindu: Click here to enter text Jewish: Click here to enter text Muslim: Click here to enter text Other: Click here to enter text

6. Gender

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7. Are you 30 years old or younger?

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8. Are you openly living with HIV?

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9. Languages spoken fluently:

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10. What is your previous engagement in the HIV response? What is your counseling experience?

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11. Have you previously attended an International AIDS Conference? If so, when and where?
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12. Mailing Address:

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13. Email address

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14. Phone number(s)

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15. Do you have funding in place to provide your transportation to Durban, your accommodation, and your visa and conference registration fees?

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Application Form1

AIDS 2016: Interfaith Chaplains Programme