LEPC Quarterly Meeting

Monday, January 25, 2016

7:00 p.m., Lincoln Emergency Services Building


Agenda / Notes / Follow up
Roll call / Present: David Dohe, Shawn Esterl, Ladonna Reinert, Kati Gardner, Jeff White, Al Joe Wallace
Absent: Jon Ahlquist, Jennifer O’Hare, Larry Meitler, Mike Weigel, Michel O’Hare, Steve Granzow
No Guests
Approval of last meeting’s minutes / Shawn moved and Al Joe seconded approval of October minutes. Motion carried
Communications / None
Reports of Subcommittees: / None
Individual Reports:
Environmental / Ladonna asked Shawn about school inspections and if he would like to discuss doing those in Lincoln County. / Ladonna and Shawn will meet to discuss this.
Business / None
Sheriff’s office / None
PIO / None
Regional Homeland Security / None
Co. Commissioners / Al Joe discussed KDHE’s report on the sewer lagoons in Barnard and what needs to be done for compliance. / Shawn will look at resources for this.
Emergency Mgmt. / David reported At&T was doing some tower work which may interfere with the radio signals. Please report to him if this becomes a problem. David shared training information that is on KS-Train.
Fire / Jeff reported on SCBA Training for Westfall, Beverly and Barnard to be held on Feb. 11th. He also reported on a fire school he attended in Wilson. After talking with a gentleman from the Fire Marshall’s office, he shared concerns about deaths of unhealthy firemen when over exertion happens during a fire. Jeff asked Ladonna if some program can be started for volunteer firemen in the county to do blood pressure checks, and some bloodwork and education. / Ladonna will follow up with the county and see if we can accommodate this need in the county.
EMS / No report. Currently looking for a director. / Send Brett Kingan information on future meetings.
Lincoln Co. Hospital / Katie reported on hospital projects.
Lincoln Co. Health Dept. / Ladonna reported on work plan for 2016. Reminded people of the tabletop exercise in April.
Regional EM / None
Community Groups / None
Old Business: / ESF 8 – Fatality Management - No meeting has been held yet.
Tier II – David and Shawn are going to go to the fire meetings in the next few months and discuss the Tier II reports and site visits. It was also suggested that the Rescue squad be made aware of the Tier II reporting guidelines and agencies that report in the county.
David will contact 181 Ag in Sylvan Grove to see if they need to file a Tier II report. / Ladonna will set up meeting in January for ESF 8
Westfall 2nd Mon.
Beverly 2nd Thurs.
Lincoln 3rd Mon.
Barnard 1st Mon.
Hunter ?
New Business: / HMEP Grant - David applied for an HMEP grant for LEPC’s to do a functional exercise. It will be an explosion at Crop Service in Beverly and include mass casualty for hospital and health department capabilities. This will be Spring 2017 and the grant money will hire a company to exercise planning, facilitating and reporting for/with us.
Also discussed the dike report from Army Core of Engineers. The county emergency plan on sandbagging in Barnard needs updated to meet standards for the Core of Engineers.
Re-appoint positions – Community Groups and Business and Industry are not attending meetings. Ladonna will call Larry Meitler and David will visit with Jon Ahlquist about their positions and if they want to continue. / Report on at next meeting.
David will look at the wording on the county plan and make changes.
Be thinking about who to appoint for these positions or any others we should add.
Public Comments: / None
Adjourn / Meeting adjourned by chair.
Announcements: / Next meeting April 25, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.

Submitted by Ladonna Reinert, Secretary