Freedom Middle School

Chorus Handbook


Jennifer Boles

Director of Choral Activities

2850 W. Taft Vineland Rd.

Orlando, Florida 32837

407-858-6130 Ext. 5064230

Welcome to Chorus!!!

I would like to say how happy I am to start this new journey with you! It is exciting that you have joined the Freedom Middle School Chorus! You are already an important part of making this program great. Together, we can have a wonderful time creating amazing music. Please use this handbook throughout the year to help you and your family learn about our program, procedures and expectations. You will need to return the signature pages of this handbook signed and filled out by you and your parents/guardians by Friday, September 5th for a test grade of 100 points. If you need a hard copy of the handbook please indicate so on the return pages. The entire handbook can be found on my website Thank you and welcome to chorus!!

Team Effort

The Freedom Chorus is a collaborative effort between students, the teacher and parents. I would love to create a strong parental support for our choral family. This program will not be successful without the wonderful support and hard work of our parents. All parents will have the opportunity to volunteer. Please take a moment to fill out and return the parents volunteer form that is in the back of this handbook, and complete the online OCPS ADDitions application at:

I am truly looking forward to working with everyone this year. On a personal note, I feel honored to be teaching the students at Freedom Middle School. As a director, musician and teacher, I am excited to build excellence and start traditions to be carried throughout the years here at FMS.

Thank you,

Jennifer Boles

Course Description

In this course you will learn about music, music history, theory, sight- reading music, performance analysis and performance practices. Students will learn different vocal techniques to sing in a group and sing solos of all genres. Students are also expected to demonstrate responsibility, positive behavior and respect for all students, volunteers and Freedom Middle staff.

Beginning Chorus: Beginning Chorus is a class for any students, in any grade, that has never taken a full year of a chorus class before. They will learn the benefits of correct posture, correct tone, how to read music and how to work together as one unit to create music.

Men’s Chorus: Men’s Chorus is a class designed specifically for middle school boys. They will learn how to adjust their voices through vocal changes, the benefits of correct posture, correct tone, how to read music and how to work together as one unit to create music through the study of music written specifically for men.

Intermediate Chorus: Intermediate Chorus is for a course for girls who have had at least one full year of chorus. This class continues to build upon the skills and techniques learned in Beginning Chorus.

Advanced Women: Advanced Chorus is an audition only class for women. Students are required to have a full year of chorus and complete a singing and sight-reading audition. This class will perform difficult literature, sight read in multiple parts, perform at Music Performance Assessment and Solo & Ensemble Festival.

Zero Hour Chorus: Zero Hour is an audition only class for boys and girls. Students are required to have a full year of chorus and complete a singing and sight-reading audition. This class will perform difficult literature, sight read every day and is expected to perform at Music Performance Assessment and Solo & Ensemble Festival. This class meets every day before the normal school day from 8:30 – 9:15.


Our goal for the Freedom Chorus is for all students to have an understanding of musical content, genres, theory, history, and performance. For students to know how to find quality art experiences, be able to create and write music; and clearly express their feelings, thoughts, and ideas related to their musical experiences.

Supplies, Uniforms and Fees

All students need to have a folder with pockets and prongs filled with paper, staff paper, index cards, pencil (no pens) a workbook, “One Minute Theory” by Slabbinck. The workbook can be purchased from the chorus department. Staff paper can be found online and printed from If there is a financial concern about the supplies, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Boles. Students will not be turned away from chorus because they cannot afford supplies. Supplies that are needed for the classroom are hand sanitizer, tissues and blank recordable cd’s. The sanitizer and tissues are for keeping our students healthy. With so many students in one room germs can spread very quickly. The cd’s will be used to make practice cd’s for concerts, MPA, All County, All-State and Solo & Ensemble. Every student is supplied with a school copy of music. If a student fails to return their music, or the music is severely damaged, the student will be required to pay $3 per piece of music so it may be replaced.

Uniforms are required for each chorus member. It is important for everyone to look uniform so that the audience can focus on the music each student has worked so hard to create. Below are the uniform requirements the Freedom Middle School Choral ensembles.

Shirt: Everyone will need to purchase a blue chorus polo shirt through the chorus department if they do not already have one. They will cost $15 and be delivered in early October.

Pants: All students will need plain black dress pants. These cannot be any type of jeans, cargo pants, or shorts.

Shoes: Black closed-toe shoes of any kind, as long as they are completely black. If socks are needed to be worn then they should also be black.

Students will wear this uniform for the all concerts (Winter Concert, pre-MPA concert, MPA and Spring Concert.) Uniforms should be clean when worn for performances. Boys’ hair should be brushed and away from the face. Ladies’ hair needs to be tied back in a pony-tail. All jewelry needs to be removed unless it may not be taken off for religious reasons and there is a note from home. Only small stud earrings may be worn. Nail polish should be removed unless it is clear, French, American, a light natural shade of pink, or tan polish. If there is a financial concern about the uniform policy, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Boles. No students will be turned away from chorus because they cannot afford the uniform. There is a music fee of $5. These funds go towards supplying music, accompanists and buses for the students.

Beginning Chorus Student: $30

-  Chorus Polo

-  One Minute Theory Workbook

-  Music Fee

Returning Chorus Student: $5

-  Music Fee

Funds can be paid in a number of ways. You may send in cash or check with your student or you can pay online with a credit card. To pay online, go to, register if you haven’t already, find the name of the package you would like to purchase and once you have paid please notify Mrs. Boles. If you wish to pay by check, you must make the check out to Freedom Middle School, as well as have your students name and address on the check. If you need to be placed on a payment plan please notify Mrs. Boles by letter or e-mail as soon as possible.

Classroom Policies and Expectations

The Classroom Expectations are posted in the chorus classroom. They are:

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Be Prepared

Be Positive

No Gum

Things to remember and know…

1. Students need to have their folder and pencil with them every day for a good daily grade.

2. Students should be in their assigned seats with their materials and be ready to rehearse at the sound of the late bell. Otherwise, they will be marked tardy. All materials needed for the day will be written upon the white board.

3. All backpacks will be placed along the back wall of the room. Do not bring them up onto the risers as they are a safety hazard.

3. Candy, food, and drinks are not permitted in the chorus room. However, students are encouraged to bring water bottles.

4. Students will be allowed to use the restroom for emergency purposes only. Students should use the restroom and water fountains before they come to class.

5. All schools rules, including dress code, are in effect in the chorus room. The Orange County Code of Student Conduct will be enforced during the school day and on off-campus chorus field trips.

Gum, Candy, etc…

• The FMS policy is no gum on campus. Students should not chew or hold any items in their mouths (candy, mints, etc) for safety reasons. A student could choke if they have something in their mouths while trying to sing. Chewing gum is dangerous and not allowed in the classroom. Once a student has received a warning, any student caught with gum in the chorus room will automatically receive a detention. If a student must have a cough drop, please inform Mrs. Boles ASAP and the student cannot sing or perform breathing exercises until they have finished the cough drop for safety reasons


A student’s grade in chorus is determined by daily participation, class work, quizzes, tests, projects and performances.

Daily Participation: A student can earn up to 20 points a day for a total of 100 points a week. Students are not graded upon talent. If the student is prepared, trying and actively participating they will earn an “A” every week. Actively Participating means:

  • You are on time to class and at your assigned seat with materials before warm-ups begin.
  • All other belongings are in the back of the room.
  • From the beginning of warm-ups to the bell you are participating with 100% energy, effort and enthusiasm.
  • You are willing to take a chance when doing something new and challenging.
  • You maintain a positive attitude throughout the entire rehearsal.
  • You are trying to sing to the best of YOUR ability.
  • You are sitting or standing with proper singing posture when performing
  • You ask questions if you do not understand something; always raising your hand first or asking a student assistant.
  • You mark your music IN PENCIL every time a change is indicated by the director.
  • You show that commitment to this group is important by having good attendance in class and at all performances
  • You refrain from talking, disrupting, distracting or interacting with other students during rehearsal when inappropriate

Failure to maintain active participation on any of the above points will account for a lowered class participation grade.

If a student is ever absent it will be the responsibility of the student to do one of the following to make-up their 20 points:

•Get the bellwork question or workbook page from another student and complete.


• Listen to an instrumental piece of music and describe the piece with 10 sentences.

• Compose 16 measures of sing-able sight-reading.

Bellwork/Classwork: Every day a question will be written on the board for the student to answer or their will be an assignment to complete from their “One Minute Theory Workbook.” This is worth 5 points and needs to be made up when/if the student is absent.

• Late work will be except for 24 hours after due date for 50% credit

Extra Credit: Students may earn extra credit two ways

•  Choral/ Musical Performance- Students may attend any classical or musical concert either school-based or professional. The student will need to turn in the concert program and a 2 paragraph review of the performance within 7 days of attending. Limit 2 per 9 weeks (20 extra credit points toward participation)

•  Turn in classroom supplies (tissues, hand sanitizer, blank recordable cd’s, copy paper)

Rehearsals, Concerts, Field Trips

Chorus is a performance ensemble class. Performances are an important experience for the students and an important part of the curriculum. Therefore, attendance at rehearsals after the school day and concerts is required a few times a year. This portion of the grade is pass/ fail. Failure to attend a performance or turn in a make-up assignment will result in a zero. Mark your calendars now for the concerts, rehearsals and MPA dates. There are no excuses for missing these events. In an event that a student misses a concert for an excused absence, then an alternative assignment (i.e. a research report) may be assigned on a case-by-case basis. If a student misses a performance, parents must contact Mrs. Boles within 24 hours of the event by e-mail or phone call. Please speak with Mrs. Boles ahead of time if you know there is a conflict with any scheduled rehearsals or concerts.

Dress Rehearsals

Please know that participating in Chorus is a privilege and not a right. Students must maintain a good discipline status and grades in ALL classes in order to participate in Chorus activities.

Orange County Policy states students are not allowed to miss class for an elective unless they have a 2.0 GPA the previous semester. Students who do not have a 2.0 GPA may not be able to attend assemblies, field trips, or MPA festival. Please see the OCPS Extracurricular Activity Agreement Form attached for more information.

Fundraising & Donations

We will be having at least two fundraisers this year. We ask students to help fundraise for the chorus program to purchase supplies, uniforms, accompanists, field trips, registration fees, awards, etc. Students are not required to fundraise but any effort will be to help the student’s experience in the new chorus program.

All County

The Freedom Chorus Philosophy is to provide its students with musical growth opportunities to further excellence, artistry, diversity and enrich their choral experiences. Twelve students are chosen from 6th -8th grade from each middle school in the county as representatives to participate in a county wide Honor Choir. Students are chosen through an audition process by Mrs. Boles. More information will be provided to those students who wish to participate. The All-County dates are already listed on the Chorus Calendar.