COE Installation Quality Bulletin

Installation Quality Bulletin Number: 09-03

To: QTI / Design Engineering Representatives / Quality Managers / Field Engineering Representatives / AMC Representatives / All Contracted Installation Service Suppliers

Date: Friday, April 10, 2009

From: QWEST Installation Quality Assurance

Subject: Procedural Change for the Routing of 72-Fiber Optic EQP Cables within the NG3 Frame.

Action Required:

YES: /  / NO:

Description of Bulletin:The purpose of this Quality Bulletin is to instruct all field forces in the revised procedure for the routing of 72-count fiber optic cables inside the EQP NG3 Frame.

Previously, per AMC Configuration C-FIBER-NG3 guide releases, all 72-count Equipment fiber optic cables were routed in through the right side of the FOTSP EQP bay when viewed from the rear. This procedure also included all Equipment fiber optic singles, duals, quads, 12-packs and 72-count cables.

Effective immediately all 72-count Equipment and OSP fiber optic cables shall be now be routed into the left side of the EQP NG3 Frame (when viewed from the rear) unless fiber optic cable slack management is required (see Note below). This cable routing change is specific only to the 72-count fiber optic cables (which measure from clamp point-to-clamp point – Refer to Figure 1) and terminate in the rear of the NG3 panel.

Vertical strain relief of the 72-count fiber optic cables is provided by securing each cable (with a wrap of sheet fiber paper) with No. 9 lacing cord to the cable securing brackets provided by the manufacturer (see figure 1).

Figure 1

For all other fiber optic cables (this includes all singles, duals, quads and 12-packs); those cables will still continue to be routed down the right side of the EQP NG3 frame (as viewed from the rear) and will be secured with sheet fiber paper and No. 9 lacing cord to the pre-drilled cable slots fabricated in the rear of each NG3 jumper trough (see figure 2).

Figure 2

Note: Only if there are more than 2.0 meters of cable slack would a cable need to be routed through the FOTSP (see figure 3). This does apply to all fiber optic cables (72-count, 12-pack, quads, duals and singles).

Figure 3

Acknowledgments to Erica Stockford of the AMC group for her contribution to the content of this Bulletin. Questions may be directed to Erica at (303) 707-7567.

Qwest Installation Quality Assurance
Jeff Bostow 612-798-2460
