Year 7: Modern Art vs Contemporary Art

Design Technology and Creative Arts

(Visual Arts)

Modern Art


Contemporary Art

The following design process must be followed during this project:

Research/Investigate => Designing/Planning => Production => Evaluation

Design Brief

You are to produce a piece of artwork which demonstrates your understanding of either Modern or Contemporary Art. You will explore the differences between Modern and Contemporary artworks, their aesthetic value, and the various art elements used to create them.

Design Specification

Constraints (you must):

  • Your artwork must be on A3 cartridge paper
  • It must be in the style of, and show your understanding of a Modern or Contemporary artist/art movement
  • It must show your understanding of art elements and aesthetic value
  • It must be created using one of the following mediums; Oil Pastel, Watercolour, Acrylic Paint

Considerations (you choose):

  • Choose one Modern or Contemporary artist/art movement which will influence your final piece of artwork
  • Choose a theme and consider the art elements you will use to create your final piece of artwork
  • Choose one of the following mediums to create your final piece; Oil Pastel, Watercolour or Acrylic Paint

Project Requirements:

At the end of the project you will be assessed and given an overall grade. You must be able to show evidence of the following:

  • Research/InvestigationTasks: glossary terms, artist/art movement research
  • Designing/Planning:design ideas for a final piece (images/sketches/drawings/annotations), experimenting with materials and techniques
  • Production: final piece of artwork on A3 paper
  • Evaluation:evaluating yourself and the work you have produced

Time limitations and rules:

  • Use class time wisely (research and planning tasks not completed in class must be completed as follow up learning)
  • Students must have their own EQUIPMENT (HB pencils, an eraser and a sharpener)
  • Follow teacher instructions at all times and work safely
  • Always tidy up after yourself and thoroughly clean equipment after painting
  • NO eating in the classroom

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Year 7: Modern Art vs Contemporary Art

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Year 7: Modern Art vs Contemporary Art


Task 1a: Glossary Terms(use the glossary template on student public)

Use the website below to help you find appropriate definitions for the following art movements:

Modern Art
(1860 – 1945) / Contemporary Art
(1946 – present)
Art Movements:
Post impressionism (1886-1905)
Abstract Expressionism (1940s -present)
Cubism (1907-1914)
Surrealism ( 1920-1950)
Fauvism (1904-1909) / Art Movements:
Pop Art (1950s – early 1970s)
Op Art (1964 – present)
Street Art ( 1960s – present)
Conceptual Art (1960s – 1969)
Psychedelic art (1960s - present)
***definitions must be complimented with example artwork ****


Tasks 1b: Researching Artists and Artworks(use the worksheet on student public to complete this task)

You are to choose ONE Modern and ONE Contemporary art movement from Task 1a (it is best that you choose the ones that you liked the most). You then need to research the artists from your chosen art movements, and find an example of their work. Once you have made your choices, you have what you need to complete this task.

***you MUST provide a list of the websites you use to complete thistask***


Task 2: Designing and Experimenting(use the worksheet on student public to complete this task)

You are to come up with four different design ideas for your final piece. In order to complete this task you will need to do the following:

  • Select 4 different photos/images of your choice and annotate them
  • Produce drawings and sketches
  • Experiment with materials and techniques used by your chosen artists
  • Choose a final design option and annotate it


Task 3a: Final Artwork

Choose your favourite design idea and reproduce it on A3 cartridge paper (this will be your final piece). Remember to use the materials and techniques you used during the designing and experimenting process. (PHOTOGRAPH your work step by step)

Task 3b: Step by step production process(use the worksheet on student public to complete this task)

Using the photographs you have taken, describe how you produced your final piece of artwork (step by step). Remember to discuss the equipment and materials you used.


Task 4: Evaluation Tasks1 and 2(use the evaluation document on student public to complete this task)

You are to reflect on and evaluate the work you have produced during this project. You also need to reflect on your overall performance during this unit of work.

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Modern Art vs Contemporary Art

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