Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief & Rescue, Inc.

Home Visit Report

Name: ______Veterinary Reference: ______

Home Visit Date: ______

Address: ______

City:______State: ______Zip:______Phone: ______

Dwelling is: House Apartment Townhouse Mobile Home


Is dwelling on an upper level? Yes No

Approximately how many stairs required for access? ______

Briefly describe applicant’s property: ______




Is the street: Busy Suburban Urban

The fenced area should be at least 5’ tall, secure, safe, with no chance for escape. (If the fence is 4’ tall, discuss the situation.) Inspect and describe fenced area: ______

Height_____ Length_____ Width_____ Type______

How would the fenced area be used? ______

Tell us about why you are considering a (another) dog? ______



What breed have you considered? ______

(discuss other breeds vs. CBRs; pros and cons of CBRs, etc.) Why do you think you might want a Chesapeake Bay Retriever versus these other breeds? ______

Previous dog experience: ______


At what age(s) and under what circumstances did previous dog(s) die or otherwise leave your home? ______

Presently own other dogs? Yes No If yes, how many?_____

Are all the dogs altered? If not, how many: unspayed females ______unneutered males _____

Does the dog appear well cared-for? Yes No Is it well behaved? Yes No

Does it get along with other dogs? Yes No

Do you own any other animals, or do your neighbors have animals that you would like to consider in this adoption process, such as cats that may wander into the yard? Yes No If yes, please describe: ______


Are there regular visitors, including children or animals, to your home, with whom your new dog must get along? Yes No If yes, please describe:______


Is your lifestyle such that friends, relatives and children gain admittance to your home, property, and car without your supervision? Yes No If yes, please describe:______


Work schedules of adults in the home: ______


How many hours a day (on average) will the dog spend alone? ______

Where will the dog spend days (check all that apply)? Indoors-loose_____ Indoors-crated_____

Indoors-in a room Basement Garage Fenced yard-loose Loose-unfenced

Tied out Kennel run Other______

Where will the dog be kept during vacations? ______

How, by whom, and how often will the dog be exercised? ______


Who would be the primary care-giver for this Chesapeake Bay Retriever? ______

What kind of training have you completed with previous dogs (check all that apply)? None_____

Basic/pet obedience Competitive obedience Tracking Search & Rescue

Hunting Guard dog Therapy dog Agility Conformation showing

Police K9 work Other______

List all plans for this dog (check all that apply). )? None Basic/pet obedience Competitive obedience Tracking Search & Rescue Hunting Guard dog Therapy dog Agility

Conformation showing Police K9 work Other______

(Discuss that to maintain or improve a dog’s obedience level, it will take time, effort, and some money for obedience classes, etc. Look for commitment level of applicants and support form family members.)

Would you be willing to take your dog to an obedience class? Yes No

If not, why not?______

Do you have a leash law in your city/town? Yes No If yes, describe:______

______. Will applicant have equipment necessary to meet the demands of this law? Yes No

Have you ever housebroken a dog before? Yes No

Are you willing to housebreak an adopted CBR? Yes No (Discuss how it is often easy to housebreak an adult dog.)

Are you familiar with how to use a crate in a dog’s training (discuss)? Yes No

Will use one Refuses Will consider

Discuss the following – check any areas where reservations are express:

CBRs shed, ears need occasional cleaning, toenails need clipping regularly, teeth need regular brushing

CBRs (& dogs in general) should get yearly DHLPP/Bordetella booster vaccinations and they must have annual heartworm tests and take preventative for at least 9 months of the year. They also need a rabies shot every 3 years.

CBRs and other breeds can develop hip dysplasia without noticeable symptoms. The only sure way anyone can tell a dog is affected is by having x-rays read by a hip certification group like OFA. At their own expense, adopters can request that a dog be x-rayed by a vet chosen by CBRR&R and have the x-rays sent to OFA before adoption.

CBRs need daily exercise and mental stimulation to help avoid behavioral problems. (Discuss how the dog having a “job” makes for a better behaved, happier dog.)

Any preferences/stipulations by applicant in a Rescue CBR (age, color, sex), or issues that they are sensitive about?



Interviewer to complete this Section at home:

Attitude of applicant(s) (overall commitment): ______



Describe behavior of adults amongst themselves, and to any other pets (respectful, hectic, loud, quiet, commanding, laid back, etc.) ______


Describe behavior of children in relation to adults, to other children, and to pets: ______


Do applicant’s preferences/stipulations in a CBR seem realistic to you? Explain. ______

Any special needs or unusual circumstances of applicant (calm dog due to applicant’s age or disability, perhaps only a dog with some training as this will be applicant’s first dog ever, etc.)? This is your opinion and is vital information. Older people should consider knee/hip problems, etc. – What will they do on snowy days, etc.? Same with children – who will make sure to enforce that the dog is not allowed to dash out the door? Do you trust the parents to enforce this properly with the children, and do you think the children will listen? ______





Would you feel comfortable leaving your dog with the applicant? Explain. ______







REASONS: ______


Interviewer’s Name (print): ______

Phone: ______Best time to call you to discuss this visit:______

Email address: ______

Please return completed form to:

______your Regional Director

Interviewer’s Signature

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Date: 9/21/06