Press release

John Kerry awards fight against child trafficking in South Sudan

US Secretary of State John Kerry rewards Cathy Groenendijk, Cortaid’s partner in South Sudan, with the US Department of State Award for her fight against modern slavery and poverty.

Every year since 2004, the US Department of State honors individuals around the world who dedicate their lives to the fight against trafficking of human beings and poverty by attributing the TIP (Trafficking in Persons) Hero Awards. These heroes are recognized for their tireless efforts to protect victims and educate the world about trafficking practices.One of this year’s hero’s is:

Cathy Groenendijk

founder of ‘Confident Children out of Conflict’ and Cordaid’s partner in South Sudan

Cathy Groenendijk works with abandoned children.They are forced by the circumstances to make a living by shining shoes, collecting waste or even prostituting themselves. A new form of slavery.Groenendijk: “I was fortunate enough to have had an education. Now I have to use it to help children who haven’t had this chance to get out of the misery they are in. It is a personal challenge".

By receiving the Award from US Secretary of State John Kerry this 27th of July 2015 in Washington DC, Cathy remains lucid: "I could never have done anything by myself. It is this collective work that is being awarded today. I'm proud though how I started this. It was a time in which I had no resources. I didn’t give up because I knew that we could change the situation of these street children.

The health of children is not a priority for the State of South Sudan. The country ranks 186th (out of 191 countries) regarding the share of the national GDP on health expenditures.

Cordaidis a Dutch based NGO that creates opportunities for the world’s poorest, most vulnerable and excludes people. Regardless of race or religion, Cordaid provides world citizens with an opportunity to make their voices heard. Since 2014 Cordaid supports Confident Children out of Conflict via the Conditional Cash Transfer program This program aims to support households in charge of vulnerable children through monthly cash transfers. The assurance of a regular income helps to break their cycle of poverty and allows them to start planning for a future again instead of just trying to survive day by day

Cathy Groenendijkis born in Uganda. She is a trained nurse and is married to the Dutch WimGroenendijk. In 2002 she attended the Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam were she studied tropical healthcare. She lives in Juba, South Sudan.

Note for the editor.
For more info please call press officer Arjanne van der Bijl 0031- (0)642771378 or email