English 10 Syllabus


Mr. Cecala & Miss V.

Emails: ,

Extra Help: Before and after school in room 503

Class Website:

Course Description:

  • The English 10 course is designed for sophomore students and consists primarily of the study of American literature and its corresponding historical time periods with a focus on non-fiction works and supplements. This course includes a selection of authors who have used their writing to comment on American culture. A variety of skills will be emphasized supporting the Common Core Standards including: essay construction, literary analysis, research writing, reflective writing, persuasive writing, refining syntax/diction and public speaking.

Assessments will include:

  • Teacher designed quizzes and tests
  • Student-written essays
  • Oral presentations
  • Projects

Make Up Work Policy:

  • Students who are absent for valid reasons, are responsible for making up work missed during absences. The student is allowed one school day for each day absent to make up any work missed. If a student is present in school, but is absent without authorization from a class where a test is given, the right to make up the test is forfeited, and a grade of "0" (Zero) will be assigned for the test. “Students have the responsibility to take the initiative to see their teacher to schedule make-up assignments.” Under normal circumstances, work must be made up within one week.

Cheating/Plagiarism Policy:

  • It is of the utmost importance to maintain our academic integrity. Any work (homework, test, or paper) that is completed by dishonest means is unethical. Among the most serious academic offenses are copying and plagiarism. Both are forms of cheating. In copying, a student is taking the work of another, either from homework or from a test or a quiz, and claiming it as his/her own. During testing, this includes the use of, or possession of, information taken from previously prepared material with answers and/or information related to the test or quiz. It also includes the use of electronic devices to communicate information in inappropriate circumstances. The term plagiarism usually refers to a higher level of copying in which a person, often in preparing a research paper, copies from sources without indicating what sources were used. In effect, by not naming the source, the student is claiming the work as his/her own. The term also applies if a student copies a research paper of another and claims that he/she is the author. Whether the student is the person who gives or receives the information, he/she is guilty of a dishonest act.
  • Consequences
  • First Offense: Parent notification; Assignment to ISS; Receive a 0 (zero) on the assignment which will be averaged into the student’s grade.
  • Second Offense: Will result in an F in that course for the marking period in which the second violation occurs; Out-of-School Suspension for one day.
  • Third Offense: Will result in an F in the course and the reason will be noted on the student’s transcript. Also, three days out-of-school suspension and referral to the Child Study Team.

Technology to be used:


•Google Docs


•Remind App


•Teacher Websites

Texts to be studied [subject to change]:

•Adventures in Appreciation text book



•The Crucible

•Short Story Unit

•The Pearl

•Lord of the Flies



•A Raisin in the Sun

•The Secret Life of Bees


•Be on time

•Be prepared

•Be respectful

•Ask questions