Chapter Bibliography

Davis, K. (2007). Slowing the growth of U.S. health care expenditures. What are the options? Prepared for the Commonwealth Fund/Alliance for Health Reform 2007 Bipartisan Congressional Health Policy Conference. New York, NY: Commonwealth Fund.

Hilzenrath, D. S. (2009, July 22). Insurer-owned consulting firm often cited in health debate. Washington Post, p. A4.

Jost, T. S. (2008). Global health care financing law: A useful concept. Georgetown Law Journal, 96, 413-422.

___. (2006). Rethinking health law: Our broken health care system and how to fix it: An essay on health law and policy. Wake Forest Law Review, 41, 537-618.

Kant, I. (2009). Critique of pure reason. (P. Guyer & A. Wood, Trans.). Chicago, IL: General Books, LLC. (Original work published 1881).

Nelson, III, L. J. (2007). A tale of three systems: A comparative overview of health care reform in England, Canada, and the United States. Cumberland Law Review, 37, 513-542.

Rich, R. F., & Merrick. K. R. (2006). Cross border health care in the European Union: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy, 23, 64-105.

Skegg, P., & Paterson, R. (2006). Medical law in New Zealand. Wellington, New Zealand: Thomson / Brookers.

Solar, O., & Irwin, A. (2007). Towards a conceptual framework for analysis and action on the social determinants of health. Geneva: Switzerland: World Health Organization, Commission on Social Determinants of Health.


Chapter Bibliography

Barak, A. (2008). The judge in a democracy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Marcoux, M. M. (2008). Why healthcare fraud and abuse laws should allow appropriate hospital gainsharing. Alabama Law Review,59, 539-559.

OIG (Office Inspector General). (2009, June 23). Advisory Opinion 09-06. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, OIG (concerning an arrangement where a hospital would share with its physicians performance-based compensation available to the hospital under a quality and efficiency agreement with a private insurer).

___. (2008, November 25). Advisory Opinion 08-21. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, OIG (cost-savings by group of cardiologists and radiologists using specific supplies during cardiac cauterization procedures).

___. (2008, October 6). Advisory Opinion 08-15. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, OIG (cost-savings by groups of cardiologists using specific supplies during cardiac cauterization procedures).

___. (2008, July 31). Advisory Opinion 08-09. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, OIG (cost-savings from using specific medical devices and supplies in spine fusion surgery procedures).

___. (2007, December 28). Advisory Opinion 07-21. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, OIG (cost-savings by a group of anesthesiologists using measures related to anesthesiology services provided during cardiac surgical procedures).

___. (2006, November 9). Advisory Opinion 06-22. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, OIG (Office Inspector General) (cost-savings by cardiac surgeons using specific supplies during cardiac surgical procedures).

___. (2005, February 18). Advisory Opinion 05-05. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, OIG (cost-savings by a group of cardiologists using specific supplies during cardiac cauterization procedures).

___. (2001, January 11). Advisory Opinion 01-01. Washington, DC: Department of Health & Human Services.

___. (1999). Special advisory bulletin: Gainsharing arrangements and CMPS for hospital payments to physicians to reduce or limit services to beneficiaries. Washington, DC: Department of Health & Human Services, OIG.

Orwell, G. (2008). Animal farm. Santa Cruz, CA: CreateSpace. (original work published in 1945) (allegory reflecting on events leading up to and during the Stalin era before World War II).

Stephanopoulo, N. (2005). The case for the legislative override. UCLA Journal of International Law & Foreign Affairs, 10, 250-295.

Sweet, A. S., & Mathews, J. (2008). Proportionality balancing and global constitutionalism. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, 47, 72-164.


Chapter Bibliography

Blank, S. M., et al. (2009). Health care fraud. American Criminal Law Review,46, 701-759.

Pratt, S. H. (2007). Symposium: Hospital-physician joint ventures: A promising partnership? February 21, 2007: Hospital-physician joint venture relationships: A useful tool to improve hospital services. Indiana Health Law Review, 4, 239-261 (discussing hospital-physician joint venture relationships).


Chapter Bibliography

Ghosh, S. (2009). Intellectual property rights: The view from competition policy. Northwestern University Law Review Colloquy, 103, 344-351.


Chapter Bibliography

Caroline, D. S. (2009). Employer health-care mandates: The wrong answer to the wrong question. University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law, 11, 427 (discussing potential preemption challenges that ERISA may pose to “pay or play” mandates).


Chapter Bibliography

Lunsford, J. (2008). Private rights of action under § 1983 to enforce the equal access provision of the Medicaid Act: Equal Access for El Paso v. Hawkins. American Journal of Law & Medicine, 34, 85-87.


Chapter Bibliography

Borer, E. C. (2008, April). Modernizing Medicare: Protecting America’s most vulnerable patients from predatory health care marketing through accessible legal remedies. Minnesota Law Review, 92, 1165-1205.

Channick, S. A. (2006).The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003: Will it be good medicine for U.S. health policy? Elder Law Journal, 14, 237-281 (critiquing privatization).

Schlesinger, M. & Hacker, J. S. (2007). Secret weapon: The “new” Medicare as a route to health security. Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law, 32 (2), 247-291 (arguing that Medicare’s public/private hybrid gives the program flexibility).


Chapter Bibliography

Anand, G. (2008, June 28). Opting out, ‘Old Order’ Mennonites and Amish who shun insurance face rising bills. Should hospitals cut them a break? Wall Street Journal, p. A1.


Chapter Bibliography

Lavoie, D. (2008, February 26). Sex-change inmate says treatment stopped. San Francisco Chronicle.

Tarzwell, S. (2006). The gender lines are marked with razor wire: Addressing state prison policies and practices for the management of transgender prisoners. Columbia Human Rights Law Review, 38, 167-219.


Chapter Bibliography

Scroggins, F. (2007). Differentiating medical malpractice and personal injury claims in the context of statutory protections: LaCoste v. Pendleton Methodist Hosp., L.L.C. Journal of Health & Biomedical Law, 3, 367-377 (summarizing the constitutional challenges to medical review panels).


Chapter Bibliography

Dau-Schmidt, K. G. & Haley, T. A. (2007). Governance of the workplace: The contemporary regime of individual contract. Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, 28 (2), 313-349.

Kochan, T. (2006). Updating American labor law: Taking advantage of a window of opportunity. Boston, Mass: MIT School of Sloan Management, Institute for Work and Employment Resources.

Taras, D. (2007, Winter). Reconciling differences differently: Employee voice in public policymaking and workplace governance. Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 28, 167-191.


Chapter Bibliography

Jesson, L. (2008). Weighing the wellness programs: The legal implications of imposing personal responsibility obligations. Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law, 15, 217-298.

Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report. (2008, January 22). Administration news: Bush administration 2008 health care agenda will work to limit government role in health care system, Menlo Park, CA: Kaiser Family Foundation.

Knight, V. E. (2008, January 16). Wellness programs may face legal tests. Wall Street Journal, p. D9.

UnitedHealthcare. (2006, July 11). News release: Vital Measures helps reduce health care expenses. Minnetonka, MN: UnitedHealthcare.


Chapter Bibliography

Hensley, J. & Burke, D. D. (2009). The changing nature of supervision: Implications for labor-management relations in the twenty-first century. Seton Hall Legislative Journal, 33, 397-430.


Chapter Bibliography

Cortez, N. (2008). Patients without borders: The emerging global market for patients and the evolution of modern health care. Indiana Law Journal, 83, 71-132.

Mattoo, A. & Rathindran, R. (2005). Policy research, working paper # 3667: Does health insurance impede trade in health care services? Washington, DC: World Bank.


Chapter Bibliography

Sulentic, A. M. (2007). Secrets, lies & ERISA: The social ethics of misrepresentations and omissions in summary plan descriptions. John Marshall Law Review, 40, 731-766 (examining the effectiveness of mandated disclosures and reporting required by ERISA).


Chapter Bibliography

Bronshtein, D. M. (2008). Counterfeit pharmaceuticals in China: Could changes bring stronger protection for intellectual property rights and human health? Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal, 17, 439-466 (discussing the issues revolving around China’s counterfeit drug industry and noting that Chinese companies continue to produce more than 30 percent of the counterfeit drugs circulating in the world today).

Fairclough, G. & Burton, T. M. (2008, February 21). The heparin trail: China’s role in supply of drug is under fire. Wall Street Journal, p. A1.

Liang, B. A. (2008). A dose of reality: Promoting access to pharmaceuticals. Wake Forest Intellectual Property Law Journal. 8, 301-386.


Chapter Bibliography

Seamon. M. J. (2006). The legal status of medical marijuana. Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 40 (12), 2211-2215.


Chapter Bibliography

Drahos, P. (2008). Trust me: Patent offices in developing countries. American Journal of Law & Medicine, 34, 151-173.


Chapter Bibliography

Lindemann, D. J. (2006). Pathology full circle: A history of anti-vibrator legislation in the United States. Columbia Journal of Gender & Law, 15, 326-346.

Vandall, F. J. (2008). The criminalization of products liability: An invitation to political abuse, pre-emption, and non-enforcement. Catholic University Law Review, 57, 341-375.


Chapter Bibliography

Bailey, M. E. C. (2006). The alpha subpoena controversy: Kansas fires first shot in nationwide battle over child rape, abortion and prosecutorial access to medical records. University of Missouri-Kansas City Law Review, 74, 1021-1041.

Bodger, J. A. (2006). Taking the sting out of reporting requirements: Reproductive health clinics and the constitutional right to informational privacy. Duke Law Journal, 56, 583-609.

Gilbert, H. L. (2007). Minors’ constitutional right to informational privacy. University of Chicago Law Review, 74, 1375-1409.

McLaughlin, S. T. (2007). Pandora’s box: Can HIPAA still protect patient privacy under a national health care information network? Gonzaga Law Review, 42, 29-60.

Scardina, T. (2007). Aid for Women v. Foulston: The creation of a minor’s right to privacy and a new preliminary injunction standard. Denver University Law Review, 84, 977-1000.


Chapter Bibliography

DeVol, R. et al. (2007). An unhealthy America, the economic burden of chronic disease: Charting a new course to save lives and increase productivity and economic growth. Santa Monica, CA: Milken Institute (estimating the costs that could be avoided through efforts to reduce the prevalence and burden of chronic disease).

Luu, A. & Liang, B. A. (2005). Case management: Lessons from integrated delivery to promote quality care to the elderly. Michigan State Journal of Medicine & Law, 9, 257-277.

Pendo, E. (2009). Working sick: Lessons of chronic illness for health care reform. Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, & Ethics, 9, 453-490 (explaining how current cost-control methods simply shift rather than lower health care costs).


Chapter Bibliography

Bernstein, D. E. (2008). Getting to causation in toxic tort cases. Brooklyn Law Review, 74, 51-74.

Hume, D. (2006). An enquiry concerning human understanding. Lawrence, KS: (original work published in 1748).

Mehlman, M. J. (2009). Regulation and reimbursement. Western New England Law Review, 31, 293-303.


Chapter Bibliography

FDA (Food & Drug Administration). (2006). Guidance for industry, reports on the status of post-marketing studies-implementation of section 130 of the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997.

IOM (Institute of Medicine). (2007). The future of drug safety: promoting and protecting the health of the public. Washington, Washington, DC: IOM (FDA’s statutory authority to require phase IV post-marketing studies has been a subject of debate for decades).

Marty, A. M. (2007). Hurricane Katrina: A deadly warning mandating improvement to the national response to disasters. Nova Law Review, 31, 423-451.

Steinbuch, R. (2007). Preventing under-equipped medical facilities from killing heart attack patients: Correcting inefficiencies in the current regulatory paradigm for providing critical health care services to patients with acute coronary syndrome. Journal of Law & Medicine, 17, 17-62.


Chapter Bibliography

Bonnie, R. J. et al. (2008). Organ donation and death from unexpected circulatory arrest: Engaging the recommendations of the Institute of Medicine: Legal authority to preserve organs in cases of uncontrolled cardiac death: Preserving family choice. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 36, 741-749.

Childress, J. F. & Liverman, C. T. (Eds.) (2006), Organ donation: opportunities for action. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine Committee on Increasing Rates of Organ Donation.

HHS (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services) Advisory Committee on Organ Transplantation. (2009). Summary recommendations. Washington, DC: HHS.


Chapter Bibliography

BOP (U.S. Bureau of Prisons). (1998). Statement of the Federal Bureau of Prisons (general policy against providing organ transplants, unless the Medical Director makes an exception).

Elliott, S. (2007). Staying within the lines: The question of post-stabilization treatment for illegal immigrants under emergency Medicaid. Journal of Contemporary Health Law & Policy,24, 149-180.

Frank, C. S. (2005). Must inmates be provided free organ transplants?: Revisiting the deliberate indifference standard. George Mason University Civil Rights Law Journal, 15, 341-368.

Knutson, R. (2008). Deprivation of care: Are federal laws restricting the provision of medical care to immigrants working as planned? Boston College Third World Law Journal,28, 401-435.

Meckler, L. (2007, December 13). For religious group, true charity begins on operating table; Sect’s kidney donations pose dilemma for doctors; A member’s mom objects. Wall Street Journal, p. A1.

___ (2007, November 13). Kidney shortages inspire a radical idea: Organ sales: As waiting lists grow, some seek to lift ban; Exploiting the poor? Wall Street Journal, p. A1.

___ (2007, October 15). Kidney swaps seen as way to ease donor shortage. Wall Street Journal, p. A1.

___ (2007, March 10). Picking winners, more kidneys for transplants may go to young: Policy to stress benefit to patient over length of time on wait list. Wall Street Journal, p. A1.

___ (2007, January 30). What living organ donors need to know: Even as transplants surge, data on long-term impact on givers remain scant. Wall Street Journal, p. A1.