General Membership Meeting Minutes

June 2, 2014

Board Members Present: Rick Rebadow, Steve Holl, Lisa Mastriano, Brenda Reppa, Jeannie Angel, Steve Schmidt, Sandy Montgomery, Eric Muzi

Guests: Stacy Messner

See attached attendance sheet.


Meeting called to order at 7:03 pm by Rick Rebadow.

New Business

A.  Consent Ballot for GASBC Board Nominations

Rick Rebadow presented the list of GASBC board nominees to be voted upon during this evening’s meeting. A motion was made by Steve Holl to accept a consent ballot and seconded by Susan Popovich. New board nominees include: Noelle Arbuthnot, Chrissy Norris, and Joe Colant.

Treasurers Report (Steve Schmidt):

·  GASBC checking account balance and total assets are approximately $136,649.59.

·  YTD expenses exceed revenue by $30,257.68.

·  Discretionary funds $222.00 carry over in account. The Athletic Director will determine the allocation for each team.

·  Motion to approve Treasurer’s report: Brenda Reppa, 2nd Jeanne Angel.

·  Motion was unanimously approved.

AD Report: (Eric Muzi)

·  Welcoming of Eric Muzi as the new Athletic Director.

·  Eric is ready to start this new position and excited about the program and making decisions in the best interest of our student athletes. He served as Baseball Coach this past spring season.

Middle School AD Report (Karen McCarthy):

·  8th graders are moving up and receiving forms for Fall Sports at GHS.

·  Cheerleading tryouts were held.

·  Spring track uniform turn-in expected this week with completion of track events.

Coaches/Liaisons Report: (no Coaches in attendance)

Girls Volleyball – Mark Rossiter

·  Schedule for summer camp in the off-season.

Girls Soccer – Maria Carson

·  Soccer camps in June.

·  Kick for the Cure scheduled for Sept. 13th.

Boys Cross Country – Noelle Arbuthnot

·  Coach Tober held a Cross Country team meeting discussing summer conditioning and camp.

·  New CC course at Southgate Park due to Twisted Olive business buying a portion of land formerly used by CC events.

·  CC team seeking funding for new CC course signs, possibly a stone with a course map.

·  Rick Rebadow mentioned contacting Ted Swaldo (owner of Twisted Olive) for assistance with potential funding for a new course.

Baseball – Karen Clark

·  Freshman team finished 23-4 overall; 7-2 in the Suburban league.

·  JV team is 16-5 overall; 9-2 in the league.

·  Varsity team is 11-13 overall; 7-7 in the league.

Boys High School Track – Jeannie Angel provided info relayed by Paul Haines

·  Appreciate the equipment high jump, long jump, pole vault mats.

·  Needed more uniforms.

Boys Basketball – Brenda Reppa

·  June Summer Basketball leagues in progress. GHS is hosting a Varsity league on Tues. nights, JV league on Wed. nights. Varsity league at Canton McKinley Fieldhouse on Thurs. nights.

·  GHS will be providing a Youth Basketball Camp June 16th-19th and a Middle School Team Camp June 23rd-26th.

·  GHS Basketball Team Camp will be held June 20th-22nd at West Virginia University.

Girls Basketball – Lisa Mastriano

·  Open gyms Varsity and JV. Summer games planned at Kent State, Akron U. and Malone University

Boys Golf – Rick Rebadow

·  Many of the boys participating in tournaments now preparing for next season.

·  Missed States by 3 strokes.

·  Team is practicing at Raintree Country Club on Mondays.

·  Lisa Mastriano and Susan Popovich inquired whether there was any type of practice for Girls Golf and 8th Grade Middle School Golf. Rick suggested contacting John Ranieri at Raintree to coordinate with golf coaches.

Football – Jeannie Angel

·  Parent meeting scheduled Thursday June 5th.

·  Mattress sale June 21st.

·  Daily conditioning sessions 9-11:30 a.m.. Jon Wallace is the new GHS Football Coach.

·  Need support for the June 10th Toledo Columbine concessions.

Committee Reports:

A.  Senior Banners (Steve Holl)

·  We appreciate Steve’s support for several years but he will be leaving the GASBC board. Looking for a replacement for Steve to solicit advertising banners and providing sports programs. Steve is still willing to provide technical support through his business, Vision Graphics.

B.  Bulldog discount cards (Lisa Mastriano)

·  Looking for new businesses to provide discounts to partner with GASBC. Will finalize and send to Printer in July to be ready for Tag Day.

C.  Car Raffle ( Rick Rebadow)

·  $50 a ticket with a maximum of 2000 tickets to be sold.

·  Winner will be drawn in fall at a football game (Sept. 12th)

·  196 tickets have been sold. (On-line website sales $1,650; Cash sales $3,100; Check $1,800; Credit Card $3,250) Total of $9,800 profit to date.

·  Using GASBC Website/Paypal, via Twitter, Car Publications, etc…

·  Taking car to various advertising sites/event locations. We will post this on the website.

·  Winner needs to pay taxes at time of delivery

·  We have a charge terminal to take credit cards

·  Posters were created. Flyers were disseminated April 27th by the Winter and Spring sports athletes in conjunction with the Mulch Mania advertising.

·  Plan several show events with the car – Dan Stitz on Mondays, Memorial Day parade, car shows, Farmers Market, Boettler Park Fun Fest, etc…

·  Meeting will be held June 16th at Cambria Suites at 7 p.m. to support the car raffle.

Concessions – (Jeannie Angel)

·  Spring sports earned $5000 in concessions.

·  Noelle Arbuthnot requested assistance with concessions during Home Cross Country meets. We could have parents volunteer coolers.

·  Accountability Procedures - Need to ensure someone is named as the Concession Liaison in charge to manage the activity with sign-in forms and checklist to ensure burners are turned off and food properly stored in refrigerator. This applies to the high school stadium as well as in-school concession stand.

Fifty-Fifty – (Jeannie Angel)

·  Tickets have been printed. Working with Middle School for volunteer support.

·  Need 12 volunteers for 50/50 at football games with someone to coordinate the 50/50 during the Home games.

Golf Outing – (Rick Rebadow)

·  This event is cancelled due to the timing and focus on the Car Raffle fundraising event.

Market Day – (Chrissy Norris)

·  This event has been very successful over the years. The meals are prepackaged upon delivery so just unloading the truck and ensuring orders are delivered.

Membership – (John Ciocca not available; Rick Rebadow provided report)

·  The new 2014-2015 Membership Form has been posted on the GASBC website and is also available in the Athletic Office. Three memberships received.

·  Members will be able to choose their preferred seats Tues-Thurs. 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the Athletic Office. This will be opened to the general public next week 8 a.m.-2 p.m..

Mulch Mania – (Susan Popovich)

·  3500 Flyers were disseminated on Sun. Apr. 27th by our Winter and Spring sports athletes along with a Car Raffle flyer.

·  Purchases will be tax exempt and a $3/yd. kickback to GASBC. This could become $5/yd. if sales exceed $12,000.

·  Exploring ideas to make this more profitable.

Scholarship Committee (Ed Pearce and Joe Conjerti – not in attendance; Rick Rebadow provided report)

·  Over 30 applications received. Deadline was April 10th

·  Two boys and two girls were presented with $1000 each in scholarships. Winners were Michael “Blake” Suponcic, Zachary Schreckenberger, Catherine Racco, Jocelyn Claytor.

GASBC Web Site (Brenda Reppa/Rick Rebadow)

·  Website sales of the car raffle tickets have been received.

·  Keeping the website updated with current events, meeting information, awards, etc…

·  Liaisons may contact Coaches and Stacy Messner regarding how to post pictures on the GHS Athletic website.

Unfinished Business:

·  GASBC entered into an agreement with Vision Graphics to provide maintenance support for the banners at the Stadium. Requesting a Sports Booster liaison to provide coordination with Vision Graphics on sports programs and companies considering banner advertisements.

New Business

See notes above regarding nominations for new GASBC Board Members. The GASBC Executive Board will reconvene after the General membership meeting to elect officers for 2014/2015 school year.

Motion to Approve Meeting Minutes

·  Jeannie Angel provided the initial motion and Noelle Arbuthnot seconded

Motion to Adjourn Meeting

·  Steve Schmidt initiated the motion to adjourn, which was seconded by Jeannie Angel seconded. Motion was unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned: 7:55 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Reppa