Prepared by:Bruce A. Kurtz






ET271 Telecommunications Systems 2 (Verizon) C-3, P-2, CR-4

This course covers the basics of Voice over Internet Protodcol (VoIP). Topics include

An overview of TCP/IP networks with a focus on VoIP, an introduction to VoIP, Quality

Of Service (QoS), VoIP system components, VoIP protocol analysis, VoIP architecture,

And VoIP codecs. A hands-on approach is taken, with team projects throughout. This

Course is restricted to Verizon NextStep students.

Prerequisite:ET261 Telecommunications Systems 1 (Verizon)

Co-requisite: ET283 Microprocessor Fundamentals



1. Network+ Guide to Networks, 4th Edition,ISBN: 0-619-21743-X © 2006, by Dean, Course


2. "Guide to TCP/IP",ISBN: 0-619-21242-X ,(April 2004), Laura A. Chappell, Ed Tittel ,Course


Faculty Reference: ,CCNA 1 and 2 Companion Guide, Revised

Third Edition, Prentice Hall ,ISBN 1-58713-1501

Other reference and periodical material, on-line resources, media and computer access networks, bibliographic instruction, interlibrary loan, and related resources

Hardware:5 – Broadband wireless router + internal switch

(802.11g or latest)- Access to Network Lab

− Wireless NICs

− 1000 feet Category 5 Network Cable

− 200 RJ-45 connectors

− 2- RJ-45 connector crimpers

− Cat 5 cable tester

- Laptop Computer

Software:Packet Tracer 3.2 Interactive Router Simulator

Standard Edition Software

Supplemental Resources:Blackboard and the web are to be incorporated as an

integral part of the course delivery process.


Instructors shall make every effort to incorporate the following umbrella competencies:

• Problem solving.

• Teamwork.

• Project leadership.

• Quality.

• Contextual learning.

• Technology and service delivery.

• Consumer focus

Upon completion students shall be able to:

  1. Describe LAN organization and operation.
  2. Describe the purpose and function of various LAN protocols.
  3. Describe the purpose and function of LAN interconnection technologies.
  4. Use LANs for data communications.
  5. Use network analysis software to view, verify, and troubleshoot network traffic conditions.
  6. Work productively as a team, practicing project leadership, interpersonal skills and conflict resolution in a networked environment.
  7. Practice problem solving via the planning, organization and delivery of projects in a networked environment.

Program Objectives:

  1. Continue development of umbrella competencies.
  2. Integrate umbrella competencies and technical competencies in the work place.
  3. Form foundation for more advanced telecommunications courses.

Student learning outcomes:

The student will be familiar with the operating principles and applications of local area networks (LANs).

The student will use basic mathematical, scientific and technical concepts to the solutions of LAN related problems.

The student will gain facility at constructing and trouble shooting LANs in the laboratory with proper use of test equipment.

The student will focus on appropriate communication skills, particularly technical reports through the laboratory.

The student will work as part of a technical team, particularly in the laboratory.

The student will pursue a telecommunications project that will include a formal oral and written report to demonstrate knowledge of their topic


Topical Outline

I) Media and Topologies – 3 weeks

Logical or physical network topologies:

  • Star
  • Bus
  • Mesh
  • Ring

802.2 (Logical Link Control), 802.3 (Ethernet), 802.5 (token ring), 802.11 (wireless), and FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) networking technologies,

Cable characteristics (speed, length, topology, and cable type)

Media types, connectors and uses

Purposes, features and functions of network components:

General characteristics (carrier speed, frequency, transmission type and topology) of wireless technologies:

Range and speed of wireless service (interference, antenna type and environmental factors).

II) Protocols and Standards – 7 weeks

MAC (Media Access Control) address and its parts.

OSI (Open Systems Interconnect) model layers and their functions.

OSI (Open Systems Interconnect) layers and network components

Routing and addressing schemes of network protocols

Components and structure of IP (Internet Protocol) addresses (IPv4, IPv6) and

required settings for connections across the Internet.

Classful IP (Internet Protocol) ranges and their subnet masks (For example: Class A, B and C).

Subnetting and implemention of subnetting schemes.

Differences between private and public network addressing schemes.

IP (Internet Protocol) addressing methods

Common protocols used in the TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) suite

Function of TCP / UDP (Transmission Control Protocol / User Datagram Protocol) ports

Well-known ports associated with commonly used services and protocols

Purpose of network services and protocols

Basic characteristics (speed, capacity and media) of common WAN (Wide Area Networks) technologies

III) Network Support – 3 weeks

Given a troubleshooting scenario, select the appropriate network utility

Given various network scenarios, determine the nature of a stated problem.

Exams – 1 week

Project – 1 week


I would appreciate hearing from anyone in the class who has any type of disability (e.g., physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) which may require some special accommodation. Please see me during my office hours so that we can discuss your needs. Before services can begin, you must also contact the Disability Services Office, 792-5644, AB153 in the Academic Building on the Utica campus. For classes on the Rome campus, students should be referred to the Student Services Office, PC A30, 334-7709. Staff members will review your documentation, determine your eligibility for accommodations, and decide what those accommodations will be.


COURSENAME:____ET 271 Telecommunication Systems 2 (Verizon)______