
Versión en Español en la otra página.


For the last 26 years, I have a passion for studying the Bible,

Sometimes I have calculated the times for the beginning of the great tribulation, or the second coming of Christ, or the millennium

On my calculations I had some errors related to the beginning or the end of the year of born or death from the people from the Bible.

Among the calculations I made, before, I found the following dates for the beginning of the Great tribulation ( don't lough I have reasons for these calculations)

October 1994

After July 1998

April 2021

October 2029

April 2940

Now get ready for the last one.

My calculations have been based on counting the years of the people of the Bible, keeping in mind the time of born and the time of death of everyone of them, and thinking that, for God one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day. On the same way I checked the pacts, and the time of renovation of everyone of them, the flood, Israel as a nation the weeks of Daniel, keeping in mind the realizing of the prophecies.

The lord let me have on my hands a Palm pilot, on which I installed the Spanish version of the Bible RV1909 (equivalent to KJ) that I found it on the NET. Yesterday on the train I decided to read the beginning of Matthew, and I found something very interesting, I don't want on any way for anybody to take it as a prophecy or revelation, even do I believe they are real and I received few.

To the point. (I am using RV19109 as KJ)

Matthew 1:17 So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; from David to the exile to Babylon fourteen generations; and from the carrying away to Babylon to the Christ, fourteen generations.

Now think that our Lord Jesus Christ was born around the year 3 or 4 of our year count, because the census was done at the time when He was born, but the king of Rome did not started counting the years until the census was done. some say on the year 3 others say the year 4, lets avoid a fight and say 3 and a half.

On this Bible text counts 42 generations, that if you multiply times 40 years that Israel was on the desert we get 1680 years.

Now look that the bible verse counts from the time every person was born, and talks from Abraham until Christ, and do not forget that He has been the father of Faith for around half of world's population if we count every religion that uses the Bible, the Tora, and the Muslim Koran as starting point.

Now keeping all this in mind lets read Genesis chapter 11

10 This is the history of the generations of Shem. Shem was one hundred years old, and became the father of Arpachshad two years after the flood.

11 Shem lived after he became the father of Arpachshad five hundred years, and became the father of sons and daughters.

12 Arpachshad lived thirty-five years, and became the father of Shelah.

13 Arpachshad lived after he became the father of Shelah four hundred three years, and became the father of sons and daughters.

14 Shelah lived thirty years, and became the father of Eber:

15 and Shelah lived after he became the father of Eber four hundred three years, and became the father of sons and daughters.

16 Eber lived thirty-four years, and became the father of Peleg.

17 Eber lived after he became the father of Peleg four hundred thirty years, and became the father of sons and daughters.

18 Peleg lived thirty years, and became the father of Reu.

19 Peleg lived after he became the father of Reu two hundred nine years, and became the father of sons and daughters.

20 Reu lived thirty-two years, and became the father of Serug.

21 Reu lived after he became the father of Serug two hundred seven years, and became the father of sons and daughters.

22 Serug lived thirty years, and became the father of Nahor.

23 Serug lived after he became the father of Nahor two hundred years, and became the father of sons and daughters.

24 Nahor lived twenty-nine years, and became the father of Terah.

25 Nahor lived after he became the father of Terah one hundred nineteen years, and became the father of sons and daughters.

26 Terah lived seventy years, and became the father of Abram, Nahor, and Haran.

Now count. (2 + 35 + 30 + 34 + 30 + 32 + 30 + 29 + 70) = 292

Add the 1680 years from the 42 generations from Abraham until Jesus =1972

This means that Jesus was born 1972 years after the flood, looking at the 2 bible sections.

Jesus died and resurrected when He was 33 around April (the pass over for the Israelites) = 2005

When Jesus died, God closed the pact with Israel, and only the remaining got in, on the following years after Jesus died.

Around (2-4) months after Jesus's dead, God uses Peter to start the gentile Church on Acts 10 ( Peter and Cornelius)

The gentile church (pact for all nations) starts around the year 29 of our year count. (Roman years)

Now remember that Jesus lived 33 years not 40 which is one generation, this give us 7 years less ( The lost week of the prophet of Daniel which is used to finalize the pact with Israel)

Now, Jesus was born 3 1/2 years on our year count

The Lords mercy given to Abraham until Jesus as of what we read are 1972 years (beginning of the last Israeli generation)

Add 1972 + 3 1/2 = 1975 1/2

After Jesus was born, Israel receives another 33 extra years for their pact, until the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Add 1972 + 33 = 2005

The first pact with all nations from the flood until Jesus are 2005

Now, remember that Arpachshad son of Sem, was born 2 years after the flood where the new generation really starts. If you want you can subtract the 2 years 2005-2=2003.

Than God makes a new pact with all nations on the year 29 of our year count, you can add 1972 years ( the last gentile generation) and we have 1972+29=2001 years.

Remember that the pacts were counted at the time of born. going back to our year count from Arpachshad until Jesus was born are 1970 years.

Jesus was born on the year 3 1/2 of our year count plus 1970 which is the duration of the pact 1973 1/2 time when starts the last generation.

Now remember that one generation lasts 40 years.

Remember as well that Jesus ( the last generation of the old pact) lived only 33 years and not 40.

Think that the last week of the prophet Daniel are the 7 years of tribulation. 3 1/2 tribulation for Israel 3 1/2 years gentile tribulation (Great tribulation).

Jesus was the representative from God on the old pact, in the way that the gentiles could not be saved until after He resurrected, (except the very few that God saved because of His sovereignty)

The beast is the representative from the devil that will be born on the last generation of the new pact.

Now this from my own head.

the last generation started on 1973 or 1974 of our year count, which means that the Beast now is around 29 or 30 years old.

This one will live a complete generation including the lost week of the prophet Daniel. this means that he will die around the years 2013 or 2014.

If the number of years of the generation gets repeated, the beginning of the great tribulation will be around 2006 and 2007.

Do not forget the words of Jesus Christ on Matthew 24 "This generation will not pass until everything happens"

Once more, the beginning of the Great Tribulation could be anytime between now and 2007. One thing I am now very clear yet is that if it will be on April or on October or in between, because of the 3 1/2 years.

One thing I tell you, Do not put an exact date to any of the things that will happen on the end of times, God wants it to be like that, is better if you are not found fighting against Him, just be prepared.

I accept any comments, and I am used to people mistreating me, so you can answer me any way you like.

Feel free to froward it to anybody, maybe someone will be saved because of this.

for the ones who want to write me:

Matthew 25:10 "But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.

Matthew 25:13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh


Spanish version.


Durante los ultimos 26 años ha sido mi passion el estudio de la Biblia.

Algunas veces se me ha ocurrido calcular el tiempo del principio de la gran tribulacion, o de la venida de Cristo o el milenio.

En mis calculos he encontrado algunos errores devidos al principio o el final del año del nacimiento o de la muerte de algunos de los personajes biblicos.

Entre los calculos realizados anteriormente he encontrado las siguientes fechas para el principio de la gran tribulacion, (no se ría, tengo mis razones para estos calculos)

Octubre 1994

Despues de Julio de 1998

Abril 2021

Octubre 2029

Abril 2944

Preparese para este último.

Mis calculos fueron basados en el conteo de los años de los personages biblicos, tomando en cuenta la el tiempo del nacimiento de cada uno de ellos, y basados en el hecho de que para Dios un día es como mil años y mil años es como un día. De la misma manera he tomado en cuenta las diferentes dispensaciones, el tiempo y la renovacion de cada Pacto, el dilubio, Israel como nacion, las semanas de Daniel, sin olvidarme de el tempo del cumplimiento de ciertas profesias.

Dios me ha regalado que tenga en mi poder un Palm pilot en el cual tengo la Biblia version 1909 que encontré en el internet. Ayer en el tren, se me ocurrió leer el principio de Mateo y encontré algo interesante. No quiero de ninguna manera que alguien lo tome como una revelación, o una profecia. que sin lugar a dudas yo creo en ellas y por su misericordia las he recivido algunas veces.

Al grano. ( si encuentra alguna palabra que no concuerda con su Biblia, acuerdese que estoy usando Reina Valera 1909 )

Mateo 1:16 De manera que todas las generaciones desde Abraham hasta David son catorce generaciones: y desde David hasta la transmigración de Babilonia, catorce generaciones: y desde la transmigración de Babilonia hasta Cristo, catorce generaciones.

Ahora piense que Nuestro Señor Jesucristo nació alrededor de los años 3 o 4 después de Cristo, por causa de que el senso se realizó en el tiempo de su nacimiento, pero el rey de Roma no comenzó a contar los años sino hasta que terminó el senso, algunos creen que fué el año 3, otros el 4, para no pelear digamos 3 y medio.

En el pasaje antes citado, cuenta 42 generaciones que si lo multiplicas por 40 años que paso Israél en el decierto nos da 1680 años.

Ahora tome en cuenta que el versiculo se refiere de nacimento a nacimiento, y habla desde Habraham hasta Cristo, no se olvide que Abraham ha sido el padre de la Fe de mas de la mitad de la población mundial tomando en cuenta que lo es para las religiones que toman en cuenta a la Biblia, la Tora, o el Coran como punto de partida.

Con esto en mente vamos a Génesis capitulo 11

10 Estas son las generaciones de Sem: Sem, de edad de cien años, engendró á Arphaxad, dos años después del diluvio.

11 Y vivió Sem, después que engendró á Arphaxad quinientos años, y engendró hijos é hijas.

12 Y Arphaxad vivió treinta y cinco años, y engendró á Sala.

13 Y vivió Arphaxad, después que engendró á Sala, cuatrocientos y tres años, y engendró hijos é hijas.

14 Y vivió Sala treinta años, y engendró á Heber.

15 Y vivió Sala, después que engendró á Heber, cuatrocientos y tres años, y engendró hijos é hijas.

16 Y vivió Heber treinta y cuatro años, y engendró á Peleg.

17 Y vivió Heber, después que engendró á Peleg, cuatrocientos y treinta años, y engendró hijos é hijas.

18 Y vivió Peleg, treinta años, y engendró á Reu.

19 Y vivió Peleg, después que engendró á Reu, doscientos y nueve años, y engendró hijos é hijas.

20 Y Reu vivió treinta y dos años, y engendró á Serug.

21 Y vivió Reu, después que engendró á Serug, doscientos y siete años, y engendró hijos é hijas.

22 Y vivió Serug treinta años, y engendró á Nachôr.

23 Y vivió Serug, después que engendró á Nachôr, doscientos años, y engendró hijos é hijas.

24 Y vivió Nachôr veintinueve años, y engendró á Thare.

25 Y vivió Nachôr, después que engendró á Thare, ciento diecinueve años, y engendró hijos é hijas.

26 Y vivió Thare setenta años, y engendró á Abram, y á Nachôr, y á Harán.

Ahora cuente. (2 + 35 + 30 + 34 + 30 + 32 + 30 + 29 + 70) = 292

Añada los 1680 años de las 42 generaciones desde Abraham hasta Jesús = 1972

Esto significa que Jesús nació 1972 años despues del dilubio. por las citas antes mencionadas.

Jesús murió y resucitó a la edad de 33 años alrededor de Abril (la pascua judía) = 2005

Cuando Jesús murio se cerro el Pacto con Israél y solo el remanente de los judios entro en los siguentes años despues de su muerte.

Unos (2-4) meses despues de la muerte deCristo, Dios usa a Pedro para iniciar la iglesia gentil en Hechos capitulo 10 (Pedro y Cornelio)