Budget Project
Part I: Use the “Budget-Blank” file in our folder to create "Your Future" Budget.Chose a job from the “Careers for Budget Project” file.
Use the slide information below for your required income, expenses, and savings.
Feel free to include more items if necessary. It is your budget.
Balance your budget so your income is less than or equal to your savings + expenses.
Part II:
Use PowerPoint to illustrate each section of "your future" budget. Use the slide outline below to create your slides, and the Powerpoint Template file “Budget Template” to complete your Powerpoint.
Slide: Title slide
- Your name
- The text "My Personal Budget"
Slide: Salary
Type the job title for the career that you picked out of the careers file.
Determine the monthly salary for that career – show the yearly salary as well.
We will assume that you have great benefits that will cover doctor and dental bills.
Give a brief description of the job in a few sentences (research the job)
Slide: My Home/ Apartment
- Where will your residence be located?
- Monthly payment for rent (has to be $1,500 or less)
- Living Arrangements (roommates, alone)
- What is included in the rent (utilities such as: electric, heat, cable)
- Sources of information (where did you find the information
- A picture of the apartment to illustrate your slide (on a separate slide)
Slide: Utilities
Monthly payment for electric, gas and water
Sources of information (your parent’s bill, research utility companies)
Slide: Student Loans
- Cost per month
- Cost per year
Slide: Cable/Internet
Monthly payment for cable/internet TV/FIOS access
Sources of information
Slide: Cell Phone
The type of cell phone you will have
Monthly payment and what that payment includes
Slide: Groceries
Ask parents approximately, how much they spend a month
- Small list of 4-5 items you love to eat, that you will always buy when you get older.
Slide: Entertainment
Frequency of how many times you will eat out and for which meals
Frequency of how many times you will go out for movies, concerts, games, etc.
Monthly amount for dining and entertainment
Slide: Clothing
List of clothing items you are likely to buy in one month (new career)
- Monthly amount spent on clothing
Slide: Transportation
Make, model, year, cost of car
Picture of your car (on a separate slide)
- Monthly payment amount (assume you have to pay full amount)
Car insurance amount of $2,000 a year
Amount you determine for gas,
- Amount you determine for repairs, upkeep (per year, then calculate monthly – dived total by12)
- Be sure to include $100 for inspection and registration
Slide: Savings
Determine the amount you are able to put in savings each month. (Start at least 5% on income)
Slide: Health and Personal (hair, glasses, contacts, nail, tanning, gym membership, etc.)
List of items likely to be included in this category
Amounts likely to be spent for each of these items
Monthly amount allocated for this category
Slide: Gifts
List the people you need to buy gifts for
List what type of gifts you will buy for these people (birthday, Christmas, etc)
- Include the monthly amount allocated for this category (add and divide by 12)
Slide: Monthly Summary
Slide: Write up
Are you able to do everything you want, and still save money? Write a paragraph describing what you had to change and what you sacrificed to make your budget balance; include some areas where you maybe able to cut back on and save money.
Include slides for any other line items in your Budget Blank file (do you want the daily paper or magazines, etc.) These are other expenses not found on other slides.
- Include what is in these categories
- Monthly amounts and a list of what makes up this amount
*****When finished: Email your PowerPoint presentation and the budget.
*****Make sure you are using the rubric sheet, I will be looking for all the items asked for on each slide. Include all that is asked for and correct spelling errors. They count against you!
Timeline & Grading
You will only have five class days to work on this assignment. If you wish to work on it at home; bring in a flash drive, to bring it home with you. Project is due Friday, May, 19th…NO EXCEPTIONS…..