Dr. Ida Dickie
Licence with the College of Psychologists of the Province of Ontario, Canada to practice Forensic Psychology.
Licence # 4173
Licence with the Board of Kentucky State Examiners to practice General Psychology
Licence # 1511
2003Ph.D. Psychology. CarletonUniversity, Ottawa, ON
Dissertation: An investigation of factors that influence treatment responsivity in incarcerated high-risk rapists. Supervisors: Ralph Serin and Adelle Forth
Comprehensive: A comprehensive community management strategy for mentally disordered offenders.
1998M.A. Psychology, CarletonUniversity, Ottawa, ON
Thesis: An information processing approach to understanding sympathy deficits in sexual offenders. Supervisor: Karl Hanson
1996B.A. (Honours) Psychology, CarletonUniversity, Ottawa, ON
Thesis: The relationship between psychopathy and sexual offending.
1990B.A. (Minor, Psychology), Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
Professional Experience
Teaching Experience
Emphasis AreaDirector of Correctional/Forensic Psychology, SpaldingUniversity Louisville, KY
Responsible for the development and implementation of the forensic/correctional graduate program. Teach group psychotherapy, Introduction to Forensic psychology, Criminal justice and adult forensic assessment and treatment and juvenile assessment and treatment courses.
1999- present
Online Instructor at LoyalistCollege, BellevilleOntario
Developed and taught Course: Introduction to Forensic Psychology.
Teaches students how the fields of psychology and law intersect and the applied applications of the intersection with a focus on correctional issues such as treatment of various types of offenders. Delivery format included classroom and on-line delivery
Private Practice
2008-present ForensicPrivate Practice, Louisville, Kentucky
Sex Offender treatment, Expert testimony, risk assessment, consultation with community agencies
2005-2007Street Health Centre, Kingston, ON
- Provide staff consultation regarding intervention strategies with clients who are difficult to engage in the change process and who are at risk of becoming involved with the Criminal Justice System.
- Counsel clients who require psychological intervention for criminogenic issues.
Correctional Experience
2000-2006 Regional Treatment Centre, Correctional Service of Canada
- Co-chair of hospital ethics committee
- Delivers High Intensity Sex Offender treatment: Group and Individual therapy delivered within a milieu setting with a multi-disciplinary team.
- Conducting Sexual Behaviour risk assessments. Experience using the PCL-R, VRAG, SORAG, VRS:SO, Static 99, SVR-20, HCR-20, LSI, Stable
- Provided psychological intervention dealing with a variety of psychological disorders: depression, anxiety, substance abuse, schizophrenia
- Develop after care plans for clients who complete treatment and are being released. Work closely with restorative justice initiatives such as the Circles of Support and Accountability
- Develop program material and participate in the program accreditation process
- Act as program director when Program Director is on leave.
- Supervised student placements.
1999-2000Warkworth Institution, Correctional Service of Canada
- Provided crisis intervention and psychological intervention dealing with a wide variety of psychological disorders
- Critical stress management and debriefing
- Complete risk assessments: suicide, family violence, recidivism
1998-1999Millbrook Correctional Centre, Provincial Ministry of Corrections
- Prepared risk assessment reports for the National Parole Board
- Facilitated Anger Management treatment in a group setting
- Individual counselling sessions targeting areas related to sexual behaviour problems, substance abuse treatment and life skills
- Psychometric testing:
- Discharge planning
1997-1998Solicitor General of Canada, Corrections Directorate
Research Project Manager
- Responsible for the development, implementation and completion of research project included in the work plan of the Corrections Directorate.
- Developed and tested a sexual self-regulation assessment instrument.
- Experience administering and coding questionnaire packages.
- Statistical analysis and comprehensive report writing.
1996-1997Women Offender Sector, National Headquarters, Correctional Service of Canada
Project Officer
- Prepared an interview assessment tool for contractors to interview federal maximum-security offenders.
- Preparing an evaluation framework for the “Creating Choices” Initiative, a method of delivering Corrections to women offenders.
- Conducted research examining the maximum-security women offender population.
- Responsible for the National quarterly census of female offenders.
- Provide advice and analysis on policy matters as needed
- Organization of a National Stakeholders meeting
- Statistical and trend analysis of correctional issues.
1996-1997Sex Offender Programs, Correctional Service of Canada
Project Coordinator
- Responsible for the National Summary of Sexual Offender Programs
- Preparation of National Summary reports for all types of sex offender treatment programs delivered across Canada.
Counseling Experience
1996-1997Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre
- Provided crisis intervention to women who are survivors of recent and past sexual assault.
- Dealt with suicide, flashbacks, and multiple personality disorder.
1996-1997Ontario Advocacy Commission, Toronto, Ontario
- Provided crisis intervention to individuals with a psychiatric disorder and other groups considered being vulnerable such as the physically and mentally challenged.
1992-1996Ottawa Carleton Lifeskills Inc.
- Provided crisis intervention, vocational training, life skills training and applied behaviour management principles to dually diagnosed (psychiatric and developmentally delayed) adults.
1991-1992The Children’s Aid Society, Ottawa, Ontario
- Counselled sexually and physically abused children and young offenders.
- Dealt with issues of suicide, substance abuse, neglect and Conduct Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder
Board and Contract Experience
2002-2003Kingston Sexual Assault Centre
Chair of Board
Participate in a collective to oversee the direction of the centre
1997-1998Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre
Vice Chair
- Participate in the development of policy
- Responsible for the development of the Centre Coordinators evaluation tool as well as the Board Self-Evaluation tool.
- Responsible for the Centre coordinator evaluation
1998Testing, Assessment and Counselling Directorate, Public Service Commission
Contract Psychologist
- Responsible for quality Control on a set of interviews conducted for the Accelerated Executive Development Program
- Scored the Leadership Questionnaire for the Management Training Program
Dickie, I., Malcolm, B., & Forth, A. (1997). Correlates of the Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version in Incarcerated Offenders. Canadian Psychology, 38(2a), 14.
Dickie, I. & Hanson, K. (1998). An information processing approach to understanding sympathy deficits in sexual offenders. Canadian Psychology, 39(2a), 103.
Dickie, I. (2007) .Effective and Competent Forensic Psychologists:Reconciling Therapeutic and Forensic Roles with the Therapeutic Jurisprudence Model. International Congress on Law and Mental Health Proceedings June 25-30Padua, Italy.
The Relationship Between Pornography, Sexual Behavior Practices, and Sexual Violencein College Students. Kristen McCrary, Ida Dickie, Kellie Fish, Jon Novotney, Andrea Ballesteros, Haley O’Connell Spalding University
Dimensions of the Static-99 and Static-2002: A five factor analysis
Katina L. Boughner, MA, Ida Dickie, PhD, & James Van Nort, PsyD
Looman, J., Dickie, I., & Maillet, G. (2008).Sexual Arousal among rapist subtypes. Journal of Sexual Aggression, Volume 14 (3), 267-279.
Dickie, I. (2008). Ethical Dilemmas, Forensic Psychology and Therapeutic Jurisprudence. Thomas Jefferson Law Review, Vol 30 (2), 455-462.
Dickie, I. (2008).Forensic Psychology and Therapeutic Jurisprudence. Proceedings of the North American Corrections and Criminal Justice Psychology Conference.
Reynolds, B, Reinhardt, A. & Dickie, I (2008) Training Needs for Graduate Students in Forensic Psychology. Proceedings of the North American Corrections and Criminal Justice Psychology Conference.
Looman, J., Dickie, I., & Abracen, J. ( 2005). Responsivity issues in the treatment of sexual offenders. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, Vol 6 (4), 1-23.
Dickie, I. & Ward, Leanne. (1997). Women offenders convicted of robbery and assault. Forum, 9(2), 29-33.
Lavigne, B., Hoffman, L. & Dickie, I. (1997). Women who have committed homicide. Forum, 9(2), 25-29.
Articles in Preparation for Publication
Dickie, I, Looman, J, & Maillet, G. Further Validation of the MTC:R3 rapist typology. (To be submitted.)
Dickie, I. & Looman, J. An investigation of responsivity factors in a sample of high-risk rapists. Manuscript in preparation.
Dickie, I. Sexual self-regulation in sex offenders. Manuscript in preparation.
How to Practice Forensic Psychology- Discussing a contract with Springer Publications currently
Radio Shows
NPR – State of Affairs – 1 hour talk show. Topics included: 1) School Place Violence with Shelia Shuster and Nancy Gray and 2)Therapeutic Jurisprudence with David Wexler
Conference Presentations
International Congress of Law and Mental Health. New York City, USA (June 2009)
Paper Presentation: The Risk Need Model of Offender Rehabilitation
Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Treatment, Orlando, Florida (November, 2008). The Importance of Using Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Approach within the Criminal justice System.
John Jay Criminal Justice Conference Puerto Rico (June 2008). The Law and Effective Forensic Clinical Practice.
International Congress of Law and Mental Health. Padua, Italy(June 2007)
Paper Presentation: Importance of Teaching Psychology Graduate Students the Therapeutic Jurisprudence Model.
North American Correctional and Justice Conference. Ottawa, Canada(June 2007)
Symposium: Professional Issues in Practicing Forensic Psychology
Mental Health in Corrections Conference, Kansas City (April 2007), Circles of Support and Accountability.
Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (Nov, 2005)
Paper Presentation: An investigation of responsivity factors in a sample of high-risk rapists.
Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (Oct, 2002)
Poster Presentation: Replication of the MTC: R3 typology at RTC (O).
Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (Oct, 1998)
Organized and participated in a symposium discussing empathy deficits in sexual offenders.
Canadian Psychological Association Conference, 1998
Student Symposium: Topic- An information processing approach to understanding sympathy deficits in sexual offenders.
Canadian Psychological Association Conference, 1997
Poster Session Topic- The utility of the Psychopathy Checklist- Screening Version with Incarcerated Sexual Offenders.
Workshops and Trainings
Kentucky Council on Crime and Delinquency (KCCD), Louisville, KY (September, 2008). Deconstructing sexual Violence.
Kentucky Sex Offender Assessment Training Board, Louisville, KY (May 2008). The Good Live Model, RNR and Therapeutic Jurisprudence: Implications for Sexual Offender Assessment and Treatment.
Ending Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Conference, Lexington, KY (Dec 2007). Presentation: Circles of Support and Accountability: A novel approach to the management of high Risk Sex Offenders.
Department of Corrections Annual Training ( Oct, 2007). Presentation: The Importance of risk Assessment in Correctional Work.
CEU Workshop Lousiville, KY (Aug, 2007):Teleconference hosted The Kentucky Psychological Association titled "School and Workplace Violence: Preparing for the Unthinkable" in 18 cities state wide. The workshop was designed primarily for mental health, medical and education professionals. Continuing education credits for physicians, nurses, psychologists and other mental health professionals are available.
Kentucky Council on Crime and Delinquency (KCCD) /Southern States Correctional Association (SSCA) Conference. Louisville, KY(July, 2007).
Presentation: Circles of Support and Accountability: A novel approach to the management of high Risk Sex Offenders.
Sex Offender Treatment Training Board: Franklin, Tennessee (August 2003)
Full Day Workshop- 4 Presentations of factors that influence treatment responsivity in the treatment of sex offenders.
1) Treatment responsivity
2) Incorporating the responsivity principle into the treatment of sex offenders.
3) Psychopathy and treatment responsivity
4) The treatment of psychopathic sex offenders.
Human Services: Justice Co-ordination Network Conference. Kingston, Ontario (Nov, 2004) Presentation about Comprehensive Community Management Strategy for Mentally disordered Offenders
Ontario Regional Psychological Group. Kingston, Ontario. (Oct, 2004)
Presentation about the Responsivity Principle and Sexual Offender Treatment.
Louisville Metro Grant April 2007–Human Services External Agency Fund(Grant Writer) to provide Forensic Assessment and Treatment Resources to Dismas Charities, a local halfway house. It was not approved. However, Dismas Charities did receive a Louisville metro grant and asked me to supervise Spalding Students in the delivery of mental health services.
The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA),-Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program grants (March 2009). (Community Partner and Service Provider). The program was authorized by the Mentally Ill Offender Treatment and Crime Reduction Act of 2004 (MIOTCRA) and promotes coordination among criminal justice, juvenile justice, mental health, and substance abuse agencies.
Task Forces and Advisory Boards
Peace Works- Working with the Louisville Bar Association to provide trainings for Restorative Justice and Therapeutic Jurisprudence
OffenderRe-entry Task Force, State of Kentucky, November 2006.
State Prevention Team Task Force- Empower- June 2007
American Association for Treatment of Sexual Abusers- Policy representative 2007-present
Professional Affiliations
Association for Cognitive and Behavioural Treatment- 2008- present. Chair of the Criminal Justice Special Interest group
American Psychological Association
Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers- 2007-present. Kentucky State Policy Representative
American Association of Forensic and Correctional Psychology- Ethics Hotline Member
International Network of Therapeutic Jurisprudence
Kentucky Psychological Association-
Kentucky Mental Health Coalition
International Congress of Mental Health and Law
References available upon request