Admin Task Force Conference Call
Tuesday, April 28th, 2015
1:30 – 3:00 PM
In attendance: Steve Pepin (co-chair), Michael Bufalino, Cynthia Gerst, Chris Hedges,Skip Paul, Dale Peabody, Amy Schutzbach.
Decision and action items are underscored.
- Additions to Agenda – Allison/Steve
- Meeting Notes from Admin TF meeting on March 24, 2014 – Allison
A MOTION (GERST/SCHUTZBACH) to accept the meeting notes was APPROVED.
- Existing Business
a)“Ahead of the Curve” Updates – Cynthia
The pilot course will be offered at the national meeting in Portland; regional chairs are soliciting nominations for attendees. The AOTC steering group is putting the course materials together. They are seeking subject experts to develop and help review pilot course material, particularly in the areas of 1) Transportation Research Life Cycle, 2) Partners in Transportation Research and 3) The Legal Foundation for SP&R/Federal-aid Funded Transportation Research. The Ahead of the Curve pilot course will be listed in the RAC Portland agenda as “by invitation only”, since numbers are limited.
Jason Bittner et al are under contract to develop the remaining course outlines.
Website Subcommittee – Michael
During the most recent conference call the group wrapped up a lot of old business (contacts, meetings page, publications page, general cleanup) and will be now begin working on new pages and overall structure. A breakfast is planned meeting for Portland; task force chairs will be invited to join the website subcommittee.
b)Your role in RAC
- Volunteer needed to coordinate and moderate the session
About 3-4 weeks before the meeting, participants will be encouraged to watch the prerecorded RAC 101 session from last year.
- Task Force needs to identify four discussion topics (last year’s topics were relationship of RAC to other organizations; resources for program and project management; conducting a successful peer exchange; and initiating and coordinating transportation pooled fund studies.
- Topics for consideration with suggested coordinators:
a)Successful Implementation of State Transportation Innovation Councils (Mike Bonini)
b)Best Practices for Obtaining Quality Research Reports (Cynthia Gerst)
c)RPPM - Opportunity to promote use of the tool and educate RAC on the how to use it/benefits of it (Sue Sillick)
d)Best Practices for implementing NCHRP products (Chris Hedges will contact Mike Bonini and David Jared)
c)National RAC Meeting Planning Guidelines (attached w/comments) - All
Please send additional comments to Allison and Steve.
- New Business – All
a)Task Force Membership Spreadsheet Update –Steve
Updates are requested twice yearly. Allison will follow up in May with regions and members. Should TRB STRAP membership be included? Is there a link on the TRB website? Is there a recommendation on revision of the Task Force membership categories? Chris Hedges will follow up with Mark Norman.
- Items for RAC Leadership (next call May 11th)– All
- Email from Bud Wright concerning review of SCOR and RAC in light of new AASHTO Strategic Plan. Skip will follow up with Jim McDonnell then reach out to RAC officers and task force chairs.
- Seeking volunteers for “Your role in RAC” session in Portland.
- Next Admin TF Meeting – May 26, 2015 at 1:30PM EST
Chris Hedges and Skip Paul have conflicts and will be unlikely to attend.
RAC Leadership Conference Call –April 28, 20151