CSE2102 Introduction to Software Engineering

Project 1: Installing and Testing Software Packages for the Semester

Due: Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The first assignment for the semester involves you correctly setting up, initialing, testing, and compiling all of the different software packages for the semester, including:a instance of Eclipse (new or existing) that will be utilized to install UML Designer; the Android SDK environment based on Eclipse; the creation of a new Android Project with the Personal Health Assistant (PHA) Source Code; the compilation of the PHA code with the appropriate version of Android 2.3.3 (Version 10); exploring the Android framework with the Hello World application; the creation of an account for yourself in Microsoft HealthVault; the download and installation of OpenEMR; and, the creation of a patient instance for you on the OpenEMR platform.Note that you will be installing two versions of Eclipse: one the standard release (4.3) that will be augmented with UML Designer, and the second and Android SDK. The various steps are outlined below. Contact Dr. Solomon if you have any questions or see him at office hours. There are a number of steps involved in this process:

  1. Download/Install Eclipse/UML Designer: (choose Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, 32 or 64 bit). This is the standard Eclipse that will be augmented The suggestion is that the directory C:\ be utilized on a Windows platform which upon the extraction from the downloaded Eclipse will result in the creation of a C:\eclipse directory. This newly installed version will have a workspace defined in: C:\Documents and Settings\Steve\workspace. After Eclipse has been successfully installed, select HelpEclipse Marketplace and search for and install UML Designer 3.8: see:
  1. Download/Install Android SDK: (choose Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, 32 or 64 bit). or see for an approach that installs Eclipse with Android in multiple steps. We recommend that do a new installation even if you currently have Eclipse installed. This will allow all of the correct versions of the various applications and plug ins to be installed. Remember, the Eclipse installation is not like typical programs on a Windows platform; the install is simply an unzip to a directory, so you are allowed to install multiple versions of Eclipse on the same CPU as long as they use different directories.If you are doing an installation that augments one for Eclipse, please make sure that you define a different workspace. Your existing version of Eclipse will have a workspace defined such as: C:\Documents and Settings\Steve\workspace. Make sure that you define a new directory for the Android SDK install; the two Eclipse installs cannot share the same workspace. If you use the default in Extract the downloaded file into the C:\ directory. The extraction is essentially the install. Once extracted, you will have a directoryC:\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20130729 defined. In the directory, run the SDK Manager.exe application which displays the screen below.Select the three boxes: Install Android SDK Build Tools 17, Install Documentation for Android SDK, Install Samples for SDK, and Install Android 2.3.3 to complete the installation process of the Android SDK. Note that SDK Manager.exe is in the directory: C:\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20130729while ecpilse.exe is in C:\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20130729\eclipse. We suggest you make shortcuts to each of them on your desktop.Finally, note that in order to allow the Personal Health Assistant (PHA) mobile app to be executable within the Android SDK (Run Run as  Android Application) you will need to make sure that there is an Android virtual device installed (see figure after the SDK at bottom of the next page). Make sure that you create a device for Android 2.2.3 that has less than 750Meg or the simulator may have difficulty running.

  1. Loading PHA into Android SDK: The PHA archive is in filelocker( UConn and has been shared to all of you via your NetID. Download PHA4.zip and extract to a specific directory. Startup the Andriod SDK. Once running, click on File  Import  Android  Existing Android Code into Workspace and select the directory that you downloaded and extracted PHA4. Point the root directory at this directory, and the PHA application will be loaded into eclipse and display in the Package Explorer. Right-click on the PHA4 project,Select Properties,Click Android, and Select Android 2.3.3, as shown in the screen shot below.

The importing of the PHA4also includes the correctAndroidManifest.xmlfile which is one of the most important files in any Android project. AndroidManifest.xml specifies application wide information such as: identify the SDK version to use; define the permissions on the phone or mobile device; identify the first activity (home page) that should be started when the app starts; and,services for tasks that are done on a regular basis (e.g., rest request every 10 minutes).

Finally, you are almost ready to run the PHA application. Before doing so, you need to create a virtual Android device –select Window  Android Virtual Device Manger (see below) and then the New button. This will allow you to name and choose a device. Make sure you chose a device with less than 700 Megs of memory, or else you may have difficulty in running the device and Android app in the virtual machine (simulator). You are now read the run the Android application using: Right-click on the PHA4 project and then select Run As  Android Application. You can then swipe the virtual device and click on Main Menu and select PHA application. Please be patient – it may take a few minutes for all of this to start up. Note that if you are not running on the SoE network, you may not be able to access MS HealthVault; we are working to open a port to allow you to access our HealthVault server.

Upon a successful execution of PHA, the screen shown below will appear. Notice that Nexus_S is the virtual Android device.

  1. Resetting the Android Version: It may be necessary to reset the Android version to 10 so that the PHA software will compile with the correct version of Android (2.2.3). The PHAminimum version is 10 and must be specified in the AndroidManifest.xml filethat is part of the project definition under “.settings” by adding this line <uses-sdkandroid:minSdkVersion="10" />. In the screen shot below, you can see the box for doing this activity. You need to use an earlier version of Android since some of the PHA APIs has been deprecated.

You will run PHA in the Android simulator by clicking at the “Android Virtual Device Manager” button. Then you are able to create a new virtual device using the “New” button at the top right corner. You only need to perform this action once (unless you want to test the code on different virtual devices). This opens a new window which contains a list of devices from which you can select. Once created, Eclipse allows you to select it from the drop down menu for the next time as illustrated below.

  1. Hello World Application:Develop a Hello World Android application to familiarize yourself with Android and its compilation and execution environment. To do so, first create an Android Application Project (File -> New -> Android Application Project) and other project creation steps. This generates documentation that you must understand in order to work with the important aspects for all android projects (AndroidManifest.xml, gen folder, res folder and the res/layout/activity_main.xml --> home page). There is a significant amount of code automatically generated, and you need to understand the skeleton of an Android application. Make sure you select Android 2.3.3 by clicking Project -> Properties -> Android -> click Android 2.3.3. Note that a more comprehensive documentation for the Hello World is at:
  1. Microsoft HealthVault Account Creation (MSHV):Create an MSHV ( – enter information on yourself (you can use a fake address and will have to create an email). In addition fill out information on weight, height, and other basic demographics, and put in a few medications (over the counter or fake prescription medications.
  1. Download/Install OpenEMR: OpenEMR ( ) will be utilized as part of the project this semester. Download can be found at:

Note that I have successfully downloaded and installed:

Windows: Pre-installed OpenEMR with the XAMPP Package

  • xampp-openemr-4.1.1.zip(MD5 sum: 455bf1eeed1cf73de3933dd8a608a9f3)
  • Installation Instructions

- See more at:

The installation instructions are at:

I used Option 2 as below:

Option 2: Installationnotas service

  • Download package here:xampp-openemr-4.1.1.zip(MD5 sum: 455bf1eeed1cf73de3933dd8a608a9f3)
  • Right click downloaded file and select 'Extract All...'
  • Choose to extract to 'C:'(extracting to C: is required)
  • Double-click C:\xampp\xampp-control, then click 'start' for mysql and apache
  • Login at user:adminpass:pass

- See:

After your install of OpenEMR has been completed, the Double Click will onC:\xampp\xampp-controlwill open the window below where I have already clicked on the Start buttons for Apache and MySQL (see green highlight).

In the final step, go to and logon with user admin and password pass. Now you can create yourself as a new patient under Patients - New/Search which brings up the Add Patient screens. Click on the Contact Box to add contact info, and then Create New Patient.

Once you have used the button Create New Patient, the screen below appears. You can provide additional information when the creation completes and the patient screen comes up.

Hand in Requirements for Project 1: Please generate an MS Word file titled LastNameSectionNumber.docx (such as Smith02.docx) that contains the following:

  • If Items 1 and 2above are successful, when you do Item 3, then if your compile and run is complete, please generate screen capture shots of the PHA execution that shows that it is running.
  • For Item 5, once you have successfully compiled hello world, please generate screen capture shots of that shows that it is running.
  • For Item 6, after you create the MSHV account, just provide a screen shot that shows success.
  • For Item7, once you have successfully completed the OpenEMR install and have inserted yourself as a patient, capture the screen of the creation of yourself into OpenEMR.

Please place all of the screenshots with comments into the Word document.

Email to Dr. Berhe by 12 midnight on September 4


  • The reason that we have used two different copies of Eclipse (Eclipse 4.3 and Android SDK) is since the Android SDK does not have the Eclipse marketplace so that it is more difficult to install the UML Designer Plugin for Android SDK/Eclipse. If you do want to try this, you can get a download of UML Designer at: download and unzip into a folder. You are supposed to be able to copy from the plugins and features directories of UML Designer into the corresponding directories in Android. Specifically, you can copy from c:\UMLDesigner\plugins toC:\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20130729\eclipse\pluginsand from \UMLDesigner\features toC:\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20130729\eclipse\features. In the process this copy, for all conflicts on replacing files in UMLDesigner that are already in Android, say “No” for each one so that the Android Versions are not overwritten. Note that Solomon Berhe had success in doing this; I did not – it corrupted my Android SDK.
  • Note that it is also possible to install Android into the Eclipse 4.3 augmented with UML Designer. Simply go to Help  Eclipse Marketplace and type “Android” into the search window. Install the Android Development Tools for Eclipse, and when completed, install the Android ADT extensions. You will also need to bring up the SDK and do installs of the missing Android portions following a similar process to the discussion in Item 2.