PowerPoint Presentation Outline Notes

What Is An Earthquake?

·  A wave-like vibration

·  Travels away from a point of sudden energy release

·  Focus is the point of sudden energy release

·  Epicenter is located at the earth’s surface immediately above the focus

What Causes Earthquakes?

·  Most earthquakes are caused by faults

·  Volcanoes

·  Atomic explosions

Elastic Rebound Theory

·  1906 earthquake

·  Strain built up along strike-slip fault

·  Earthquakes - sudden release of energy

·  Called elastic rebound theory

·  Horizontal slippage

·  Some faults are locked

Where Do Earthquakes Occur?

·  Most earthquakes occur in linear belts

·  80% occur around the Pacific Ocean Basin

·  Plate boundaries

Bay Area Faults

·  San Andreas transform fault

·  Two plates grind past each other

·  Many branches off this fault system

o  Hayward

o  Rodgers Creek

o  Calaveras

o  Green Valley

Potential For Bay Area Earthquakes

·  Are we overdue for an earthquake?

·  67-70% risk in 30 years

Which Parts Of The United States Are Vulnerable To Earthquakes?

·  Southwest including California

·  Pacific Northwest

·  Yellowstone Area

How Are Seismic Waves Recorded?

·  Seismographs record seismic waves

·  Pen stays relatively still due to inertia of heavy mass

·  Rotating drum moves with the ground vibration

Seismic Waves
Body waves move through the earth’s interior

·  P (primary) waves move fastest

o  Compressional

·  S (shear) waves move more slowly

o  Shake up and down

Seismograms Record Vibrations

·  P Waves

·  S Waves

·  L or Surface Waves travel slowly

o  Most dangerous

Seismograms Locate Epicenters

·  Difference in arrival time between P and S waves can determine distance from epicenter

·  Three or more stations are needed to determine the epicenter

How Are Earthquakes Measured?

·  Richter scale measures the magnitude of energy released at the focus

o  Open-ended scale - logarithmic increase

o  Richter 3 to Richter 4 is 30 X

·  Modified Mercalli scale measures the intensity of an earthquake according to damage observed

o  Scale I-XII

What Determines the Amount of Damage in an Earthquake?

·  Magnitude and duration of the earthquake

·  Underlying geology

·  Building construction

Effects of Earthquakes

·  Ground Shaking

·  Fault Rupture and Uplift

·  Liquefaction

·  Dam Breaks

·  Landslides

·  Tsunami

·  Aftershocks

·  Fire

Where is the Safest Place to Live?


·  Loose sand and mud turns into quicksand as groundwater rises

·  Heavy objects sink in and light objects pop out

·  Bayfill such as Emeryville and Alameda South Shore is vulnerable

What Causes a Tsunami?

·  Movement of the ocean floor

Why Is a Tsunami Dangerous?

·  A tsunami travels at over 800 kmh in open water

·  Slows down and piles higher and higher in shallow water

·  30 meter high waves swamp the coast