Long Lake Fire Department

Business Meeting Agenda

January 9 2012

1.  Call to Order

2.  Pledge of Allegiance

3.  Approval of last months minutes

4.  Committee’s Reports

A.  Truck Committee

Brandon Spot light fixed - DO

B.  5K


C.  Kids Day


D.  Pancake Breakfast


E.  Relief Association meeting after this meeting on the bylaws.

Start 2017, End 2023 see Relief Secretary for notes

5.  Officer Reports

A.  Chief 1

a)  Percents: Only one FF did not make Call percents.

b)  Officer Development: Jan 24 & 31, Feb 28, March 13 for all members; other depts. Indicating interest are Loretto and Plymouth

c)  Minnesota State FD Assoc. Conference June 14 – 16 “Alexandria”

d)  Calls 2011 = 423, 2010 = 446.

e)  Weekly update to be issued by Chief along lines of past update from Lee. Please feel free to submit idea and articles

f)  TEK Fire incident – Thank you letter, also TEK donated towels.

g)  Probationary FFS two classes: First are the one who have completed all training and are on line to become full FFs, and the other Class as being those who have not completed any training. Present group of Class One have Badges and Helmets ordered and will become full time Feb. Class One can get on Trucks for LLFD call area but can be pulled off truck by senior FFs. Class Two FFs can only get on trucks if asked and can not go to confirmed Fires, Ice Rescue on first truck. Class Twos can not go to mutual aids

h)  Sarah Deville requesting LOA on 12- 26- 2011

i)  DO Truck should not be taken to work by those working outside of territory? If Officers need to use Truck for Emergency or whatever, let Chief 1 or 2 know.

j)  DO truck: when driving not to calls, obey all rules of the road. The public sees us.

k)  DO Truck: AED beeping needs to be warm.

l)  2012 “Save The Lake”, got call from Lili we are on line to receive requests

m)  Reappointment of Officer and Coordinators: Lt. Spring, Lt. Gardner and SCBA Cord. Cotton was reappointed. New Lt 12 is Shaughnessy, Chappell was not reappointed

n)  Old Gumby’s to Loretto

o)  2012 Goals to be posted

p)  Quartermaster, Secretary and Assistant Building Cord interviews will be later this

B.  Chief 2

a) Tag stuff taken off trucks and notify DJ or Randy

b) Orono Schools Critique: To be done later at Officer meeting.

c) Bring Wedges for Panic doors at Schools

d) Pie Chart to be update

e) Please limit FFs in Comm. Room during calls

C.  Chief 3

6.  a) We need to research Class D extinguisher

b) Next Business Meeting Feb 6, then 1st Responder and EMT rest of February

c) Officer Class this Tuesday and next

d) Company Training next week, new FFs go to Sta. 1

c) Image Trend, please start reports at Station during Calls

d) No narrative on Call sheet, just on Image Trend

e) Medical Call at stand by Stations, fill out own report for our records

f) Bring Copy of Report of call when doing Mutual Aid stand-bys

g) Sarah on Leave, Lee and Cody to fill-in.

h) Agility Test this year.

i) Look for extra training.

Barb: EMT training and Variance Training the same? No

James: FFs do not have to fill out Outside Training form for (c)

A.  Captain 11

a)  FFs did good job at Tonka Bay incident

b)  Feb 22 “Pot Luck”

B.  Captain 21

a)  We will be getting Binoculars

C.  Lieutenant 11

No Report

D.  Lieutenant 12

a)  Thank you all for wishing me well filling in as Lt.

b)  Try to pay attention to what you need before leaving Truck, especially Ice Rescues

E.  Lieutenant 13

No Report

F.  Lieutenant 21

a)  Food was good

b)  Company 21 to wash Gear

c)  Safety glass’s in Lockers for Company 21

d)  Lottery For free “Fight for Air T-Shirts” of the first five people who sign up

e)  EMTs needed for Hockey Tournament

G.  Lieutenant 22

a)  Chili Cook off during March Business Meeting

H.  Coordinators

i.  Communications:

a)  Six Pagers being fixed

b)  Battery inventory being done

c)  Pouches on order

ii. SCBA

a)  Indicate Bottle number during Pack Checks

b)  Station 2 Spares need checking

c)  4000psi or below, “fill or swap”

d)  Print doing sheets

e)  No fake sheets

f)  Station Two compressor, switch ordered

iii.  Training Assistant

a)  Need help with Medical training

b)  Need car for extrication training for FF1 class in March

iv.  EMS

On Leave

v. Building and Apparatus

a)  Use Soap when washing Trucks

b)  Fill out real Truck Reports

c)  During monthly checks, try to fill shortages and remove overages, there will be a table for stuff from overages

d)  Reminder: U-11, U-23, U-14 have no water.

Chief 2 reminds FFs driver is responsible Truck leaving: Seat belts, doors shut, Cords unplugged

vi.  Building and Apparatus Assistant

Position open, no report

vii.  Events

a)  28th of January is Snowball Open

viii.  Quartermaster

Position open, no report

7.  Old Business


8.  New Business


9.  Membership

2 Applications filled out, no opening at present

10.  Other Departmental Meetings

Long Lake Chamber January 11th 1130 hours Station 1

Hennepin Chiefs January 19th 0730 hours Hopkins

Officer Meeting January 23rd 1800 hours Station 1

Metro Fire Meeting January 30th 1000 hours Jax Café

11.  Miscellaneous from Department Members

A.  Meal for next month:

Head Cook: Woychick,

Crew: Spring, Gardener, Bass, Amanda

Roll Call