Concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete
University of Petrosani
Faculty: Faculty of Mines
Program Level: Undergraduate
Specialization(s): Mining Constructions
Year of study: 2nd
Semester: IV (spring semester)
Number of ETCS credits awarded: 5
Class Objectives:
· Understanding the laws that underlie of the complex phenomena encountered in the exploitation of the reinforced and pre-stressed concrete construction
· Practical implementation of the theoretical knowledge acquired during the classes
· Circumvention of different phenomenological issues that can be encountered in construction engineering
· Phenomena that govern the response of reinforced and pre-stressed concrete structures
· Ability to provide solutions for constructing or rational and efficient technological solutions
Lectures content:
Content / Number of lecturesConcepts relating to the application of reinforced concrete in constructions. Definitions and scope of application. Principles for constructing of reinforced concrete elements. The principle of function the reinforced concrete. Fields of calculation models. Actions in construction. Bases for calculation / 1
Material characteristics. The properties of concrete. Concrete classes. Strength of concrete at mono and poliaxiale loadings. Concrete failure by torsion. Concrete failure by fatigue. Diagrams stress - deformation. Deformations of concrete: deformation under static loads of short time; concrete deformations under long time load – creep concrete, contraction and swelling of the concrete. Characteristic resistance: compression and tensile strength, longitudinal strain moduli, Model calculation of limit state; Model for calculating of the ultimate limit state. Armatures characteristics and their role in reinforced and pre-stressed concrete. Armatures classification. Liability: experimental and theoretical aspect. Distribution of adhesion stresses / 3
Unitary stress state of reinforced concrete elements. Definition of states limit of reinforced concrete elements. Initial efforts in the reinforced concrete elements. Initial efforts of the reinforced concrete due to contraction, variations of the temperature, creep influence on initial efforts. Working stages of reinforced concrete elements under external loads / 2
Calculation of simple concrete elements
Linear elements under bending load: Elements with symmetrical section of some form; Elements of rectangular cross-section, Beams under eccentric compression. Massive elements of concrete. Local compression / 2
Calculus of reinforced concrete elements
Calculus at the strength state limit of the reinforced concrete elements
Stress state in the oblique section and its behavior under load: unitary tangential efforts: unitary main efforts. Calculus at the strength state limit in the oblique section with respect to the axis. Stiffness of reinforced concrete elements; the arrow of bent elements. Pre-stressed concrete. Calculus of stresses in the concrete and armatures / 4
Beams and continuous ceilings. Ceilings classification. Choosing the right solution. Ceilings types and existing solutions. Calculus of plates and beams ceilings. Peculiarities of calculus of the reinforced concrete ceilings in post elastic field (strip method and limit equilibrium method);
Calculus of the reinforced plates in one direction in elastic and plastic field; Calculation of the coffered ceiling. Deformations of reinforced concrete beams: Deformation of the bent elements; Calculus of the arrows; dangerous arrow / 2
Practical class content:
Content / Number of classesRecapitulative: Elements of material strength. Applications / 1
Materials characteristics: strength, deformations, stress – deformation diagram. Mechanical characteristics of armatures. Applications. / 2
Dimensioning of the elements subjected to simple bending.
Simple bending at the ultimate limit state. Simple bending at the limit state of service. Calculation of the armature section. Dimensioning and verifying. Applications / 2
Calculus of the concrete elements. Linear elements under bent load. Applications / 1
Calculus of the reinforced concrete elements. Calculus at the strength state limit of the reinforced concrete elements with rectangular section and T section. Applications / 2
Calculus of the double reinforced concrete elements. Calculus at the strength state limit of the double reinforced concrete elements with rectangular section and T section. Applications / 2
Calculus at the strength state limit in the oblique section with respect to the axis: Calculus of the shear force taken by concrete; Calculus of stresses taken over by the transverse armatures. Calculation of the transverse armatures. Applications. / 2
Calculus of the ceilings and the dangerous arrow. Moments and loads distribution. Applications / 1
Final evaluation and testing for practical classes. / 1
Grading Policy:
To pass the exam, the student must obtain at least half of the points established to this.
Classroom Rules of Conduct:
· Turn off (or place on vibrate) cell phones and pagers during class
· Food and beverages are not permitted in classroom
· During exams, the use of cell phones, pagers, PDAs, or any other electronic devices is strictly prohibited
Assoc. Prof. Ph.D: Mihaela TODERAŞ